Blue Sword

Chapter 856 Tactical Restraint

The surrounding residents have been evacuated, and the church's demigods and law enforcement extraordinary people are also arriving one after another.

"Mountains connect the city!"

A huge earth wall broke through the building and suddenly blocked the girls.

"Let me do it!" Sidrifa rushed out bravely, swinging the North Wind Ax in a huge circle, "Break!"

The law of extinction. Annihilation, destroying the orderly structure from within. The demigod-level rock wall that was originally strong enough to withstand the bombardment of rockets disintegrated as quickly as a clay sculpture after destroying the extraordinary power spell inside in the moment of silence.

In the smoke and dust raised by the collapse of the earth wall, the huge life cage wall appeared again, trapping the girls inside.

"Can't be broken! This wall has no substance!" Sidrifa violently attacked several times with the North Wind Ax and found that the ax could pass through smoothly without any obstacles - but her body could not, as if the wall was refusing. Any living thing passes through it.

"I can get out!" Mia responded immediately, teleported away from the life cage, and came to the demigods in a few flashes.

The demigods immediately dispersed and evacuated, but the life cage did not waver at all.

"Mia, stop chasing them, find the caster first!" Medea reminded her quickly.

Ms. Succubus quickly opened her spiritual vision, and countless dense dots suddenly appeared on the map of Constantinople in her heart.

Each small dot represents a puppet that she planted a parasitic seed on. The red dots in the Grand Palace and Orthodox Church areas were relatively sparse and scattered, while the urban area where everyone was at this time was so dense that it almost covered the entire map.

"There!" Medea reminded, "Direction 11 o'clock, 400 meters, the top of the building!"

Mia's figure suddenly disappeared, and the next second she appeared in the sky above the building complex opposite, her eyes quickly scanning below.

found it!

She flashed to the top of a certain building and stopped in front of the mages who had no time to evacuate.

If I remember correctly, at least a few years ago, Life Cage still required demigods to use it. Now it has been simplified to the point that it can also be used by law-level extraordinary people?

Mia, who was thinking this way, disappeared and flashed again, and the mages roared in unison and threw the scrolls with golden light in their hands.

Mia quickly appeared under the scroll, and with a knife equipped with [distortion] power, she completely broke the golden light scroll.

As the scroll shattered, the life cage also collapsed. Countless Sidrifa, Medea, and Mier emerged from it and rushed in all directions quickly, leaving the church's extraordinary beings in a hurry. They could only choose a few directions where there were more people and chase them.

In the alleyway in the distance, the real Mi'er, Hilda Lifa and Medea were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief after confirming that they had broken out of the church's encirclement.

Then Mia hugged little Lilith and suddenly teleported to the wall.

"How did you do it?" She put down little Lilith and asked in shock.

"Peggy." Mier said concisely and concisely.

"Oh." Mia suddenly realized.

Pulling out Peggy from the parallel world, and then creating thousands of clones of the Immortal Phantom Sword, one-third of which transformed into the appearance of Medea, Sidrifa, and Mier, was enough to fool these church extraordinary people.

"Why can you pull out Peggy?" Medea suddenly asked, "And Robert from last time, I remember that you need to have an anchor when you pull someone out, right? Either a place or a person."

"It's very simple, just nest it and pull it." Mi'er replied calmly, "First, use myself as the anchor point to locate Mi'er in the past before the Cangqing Sword was disbanded."

"Then, use Mi'er's past as an anchor to locate the companions around her. In other words, as long as they are people and things I have come into contact with in the past or future, I can pull them out."

"This is too..." Medea was so shocked that she didn't know what to say. This guy must have too many hidden cards!

Fortunately, our forces have no bordering space and will not be enemies for a long time.

"Mom!" Little Lilith ran over, climbed up along her thighs skillfully, and took a seat in Medea's broad chest. She asked sweetly, "Can you go find daddy now?"

"Yes." Medea nodded, "Besides, I seem to have found a suspected target."

On the way to the Grand Palace, a car drove past quietly. The two people in the back window were kissing passionately, but the pedestrians around them invariably averted their eyes, as if subconsciously they didn't want to look at the car.

Only a pedestrian waiting for the traffic light at the zebra crossing suddenly raised his head stiffly and looked at the car passing quickly in front of him.

He didn't see the scene clearly in the car window, but he saw that the whole car was surrounded by a thick fog of soul.

Constantinople, Italian Embassy.

Nora and Eleanor came out and looked at the bustling crowd with embarrassed expressions.

In a metropolis like Constantinople, finding a specific person was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Let's find Theodora." Eleanor sighed. "If she doesn't know about Paige, she should help us find someone, right?"

"What if she knew?" Nora asked.

"That just makes her befriend someone." Eleanor narrowed her eyes, "Even if she is the emperor of the empire, can she still stop us from finding the father of the child?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a bat suddenly fell from the sky, landed in front of the two pregnant women, and then transformed into Peggy's appearance.

"Peggy?!" Both of them were overjoyed. We were planning to go find you, but you showed up at our door yourself.

"Where is Ask?" Peggy glared at them furiously and uttered words that shocked both of them, "You hid him and planned to take him away, didn't you?!"

"We..." Nora was about to explain, when she heard Paige laughing like crazy, "I heard it all? Is the child... Is it great to have a child? You can take the child away in the name of wanting to see his father. Leader?"

She shouted hysterically, and suddenly more than ten Paiges appeared, and then they all exploded into bloody blood and rushed toward the two of them.

"Nora, be careful!" Eleanor immediately deployed her willpower, and the flowing golden light turned into a large net, instantly adding the status of a holy sword, blocking the endless sea of ​​​​blood outside.

"How long can you stop me? Eleanor!" Misty shouts came from all directions, "I know your holy sword is completely powerless against a formless enemy!"

"Nora!" Eleanor, who was maintaining the holy sword, turned her head under the cover of solidified will and winked at Nora.

I'll block her later and create a gap. You run away!

"Ellie." Nora shook her head, her eyes suddenly turned golden.

A moment later, a large number of weeds and plants suddenly grew out of the flowerbeds on the roadside, tightly covering the dirty blood that had hit the barrier of will.

The dirty blood was still squirting left and right, but it was completely unable to break through the defense line of the flowers and plants. To be precise, every time a leaf that came into contact with the dirty blood was drained of its vitality and withered and died, four or five leaves grew again, so that the repair speed far exceeded the speed of Peggy's destruction.

"Ellie has weaknesses, don't you?" Nora sighed and said, "He once said that no bloodline or law is invincible, and there will always be skills to restrain you."

Several black lights exploded from the cage of grass blades, but only killed a few grasses. Apparently in order to prevent Peggy from being cursed to death, Nora deliberately divided these blades of grass into countless individuals with independent lives.

Thus forming a perfect strategy to restrain her.

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