Blue Sword

Chapter 846 Little Lilith’s anger

Eastern Mediterranean.

Mia suddenly jumped into the air and teleported away a large number of drone swarms in the distance.

Then she fell back onto the deck and threw herself into the captain's arms.

"Asker! Hehe, Asker." Mia hehehehehehehehewei,Asker hugged her and scratched her nose. It felt a little strange - such a big girl still has the same thoughts. Like a child.

Mi'er sat quietly beside her, peeling the washed grapes in the basket and feeding them to Ask and little Lilith one by one.

Since the last conversation in the cabin, Mi'er didn't know what she had said to Mia. In short, the two of them had reached an agreement that they could accompany the leader together.

Asker is naturally happy here. With the company and care of the two of them, he is happy every day and night. Although little Lilith has two more aunts, she doesn't seem to be very happy. Instead, she feels a little bit depressed.

My father is poisonous, right? Is this okay? She thought secretly in her heart.

During this period of time, it was not like she had not tried to continue to fight against the fire. However, the pink-haired aunt... According to her mother, she should be a half-elf, as if she had the ability to see into people's hearts, and she easily understood her. The intention was to make little Lilith dare not speak any more.

She could only angrily compete with Mia, such as snatching her father's arms or something. Relying on the advantages of age and daughter, little Lilith won more than she lost, which made Mia very angry.

So Mia hugged Aske and kissed him in various ways, and then looked at little Lilith provocatively.

"You kissed the wrong one!" Little Lilith shouted proudly, "You should have kissed her forehead."

Mia:? ? ?

"It turns out you don't understand anything." Mia hugged her chest and looked at little Lilith with pity.

"What?!" Little Lilith seemed to have been humiliated. She is the biological daughter of the Succubus Queen, a transcendent who reached Level 2 at the age of only 5 years old. She has inherited the wisdom of the Scarlet Witch. She...well, she really doesn't understand anything.

So she secretly vowed to sneak into the cabin where her father lived tonight to see what he and his two aunts Mi'er and Mia were cooking up.

That night.

After arranging the night watch, the sailors went to the lower cabin to rest.

As the leader of the group, Mia and Mier's cabin is located in the upper part. Since it is above the waterline, the cabin windows can be opened to let in the cool sea breeze.

Little Lilith used the ability of the blind spot of the mind to sneak in quietly when the door was ajar, hiding in the corner of the cabin without saying a word.

She saw Ask sitting on the desk by the cabin window, immersed in writing something seriously.

It has to be said that even judging by the succubus' somewhat picky aesthetics, his father is considered a very attractive handsome guy...a handsome adult guy.

However, the looks, strength, and status of the aunts are not bad, so why are they all staring at their father? Unless there is something about the father that goes beyond personal charisma.

Little Lilith, who was thinking like this, saw Aunt Mia walking out of the bathroom, as if she had just finished taking a bath.

On a ship, fresh water is a very precious resource - that's how it is originally, but for Mi'er, as long as there is a bucket of fresh water, it means there are countless buckets of fresh water in the parallel world.

Therefore, a bathroom is built next to the captain's cabin so that everyone can take a bath at any time.

Mia came back from the bath, wrapped in a bath towel, and then climbed onto Asik's lap, making little Lilith tremble with anger.

That's my place!

However, Mia was destined to be unaware of her inner voice. She just put her arms around Ask's neck and acted coquettishly, asking the leader to tell her a story - making little Lilith feel as if she was about to be replaced.

I didn’t even ask my father to tell me a story! ! !

"What are you doing?" A voice suddenly rang out from beside her, almost shocking little Lilith out of her wits.

She quickly turned her head and saw Aunt Mier looking at her strangely.

Ask quickly stood up and lifted Mia who was sitting on top of him.

Mia quickly landed with a flicker, followed by another Ripple Sword - Little Lilith was teleported to the deck.

When little Lilith rushed below the deck again in frustration, she realized that the cabin had been locked from the inside.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! She was so angry that she kicked and smashed the hatch, but the other party silently took all the damage and remained unmoved.

The three of them are doing bad things inside again! Don't let me know!

"Drone swarm signal silenced."

Over the ocean, Nora, who was flying with her huge wings, suddenly said to her two companions.

"As expected." Medea commented, "Where were the bees teleported to?"

"Under the sea," Nora answered. "Destroyed by water pressure."

"Soon their ships will suffer the same fate." Hidrifa said coldly.

"Hydrifa, we are here to recapture Asik, not to kill them." Nora gently persuaded, "Their activities in the Mediterranean will not threaten your position in the north."

"It's up to you." Medea shook her head, "They have always been your enemies anyway."

Nora didn't answer, but her mind was wandering again.

Although the two sides now appear to be cooperating, both she and Eleanor are at an extreme disadvantage.

Eleanor was pregnant, but something went wrong with her fetus, so she had to be hospitalized for recuperation. Nora's physical condition is the same, and she is not the type who is good at attacking difficulties head-on. There is no chance of winning alone.

In other words, the dilemma she is currently facing is that if she successfully recaptures the leader, it will be equivalent to making a wedding dress for Medea and Sidrifa.

There is no doubt that with Medea's ability, she will be able to hide Ask in a place where no one can find him, such as a corner of the purgatory plane.

On the other hand, if this trip fails, the leader will be taken to the distant Ilania Plateau by Mier and the others, and it will be extremely difficult to recapture him.

So in essence, both of these results are unacceptable. The key is that Nora is the weakest party in the triangle. Not only can she not take advantage of the Holy See's advantages, but her own combat power has also been affected by her pregnancy.

Therefore, external forces must be introduced to break the current balance of the situation.

Theodora and Peggy, who are on an expedition in the Eastern Mediterranean, are undoubtedly the best choices. In other words, if Asik returns to Constantinople, Nora and Eleanor can at least see him, and there will be a chance to take him back later.

If it fell into the hands of Medea or Mier, it would be almost impossible to get her husband back - because he would not be found at all.

Therefore, Nora has used secret communication channels to secretly notify Theodora in Jerusalem, asking her to quickly send Peggy over to compete for the leader.

I just don’t know if Paige will catch up in time.

Hang in there, Ask! Nora prayed silently in her heart.

I'll come to your rescue!

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