Blue Sword

Chapter 746 Nemesis of Obsessive-compulsive Disorder

The next day, Ask woke up from the manor on Hearth Island.

Arriving at the lobby on the first floor, Nora had already prepared breakfast for everyone: milk, fried eggs, salad, and bread slices with schnitzel.

"How did the meat skewers taste yesterday?" Nora asked Asker at the dinner table, "I used three different seasonings to marinate the meat skewers, which one do you prefer?"

"The saltier kind." Ask replied.


Before Nora could figure out which one it was, Ask had teleported away from Hearth Island.

The person in charge of guarding the ancient books last night was Peggy. He appeared in the hotel room and patted Peggy on the shoulder.

"Let me do it next. You can go back to have breakfast."

"Yes." Peggy nodded and asked, "Asker, are you still going to learn the new rules today?"

"Yes." Ask said with a smile, "After I understand it, I will be promoted to Level 19, just like you."

"Then." Peggy's eyes blinked and she said hopefully, "Then I won't be promoted to demigod for now, okay?"

"Why?" Ask was surprised.

"Because I want to be promoted to demigod with you." Peggy said.

"So why do you want to be promoted to demigod with me?" Asker couldn't laugh or cry. "You are not graduating with a degree, but you can also participate in the same graduation ceremony. There is no difference at all whether you are promoted early or late?"

Peggy curled her lips in disappointment and went back, while Ask took the ancient books and walked towards the "Diamond Tip House" where the Plantagenet Mercenary Group was stationed.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the Highland Swordsmen and Lobster Gunners were getting ready to leave, and they saw Ask coming out of the alley next to them.


For some reason, after being madly enraged by this guy yesterday, when the Plantagenet mercenaries saw this guy again today, they were surprisingly unfazed.

Just ignore it.

Walking along the eastward slope, close to yesterday's battlefield, everyone saw black smoke rising from the top of the fortress.

The Plantagenet mercenary group quickly accelerated their advance and finally arrived under the city wall in time, just in time to repel a wave of undead attacks.

"They came to attack last night!" When the mercenaries asked to enter the fortress to rest, the guards on the city wall shouted, "Our general was shot in the shoulder with a bone spear and is recovering from his injuries! He ordered that the fortress is not allowed to attack Open to anyone! Even the Plantagenet Mercenary Group!"

The mercenaries seemed fine at first, but when they heard the last sentence, they couldn't help but start making noises loudly.

It's just a complaint. After all, the Plantagenet Mercenary Group is a regular team. They can't turn around and attack this fortress - even if they do, there is a high probability that they will be stabbed in the back by the undead.

Therefore, everyone could only continue to move to the southeast in despair, preparing to fight the undead coming over there, thinking that today would be another hard battle.

Although everyone learned the lesson from yesterday and brought portable dry food and water bottles with them, if the undead continued to attack and fought fiercely, they might not even have time to replenish their diet and water.

If the guards in the fortress are willing to come out to support, then the Plantagenet mercenaries can take the time to sit down, eat dry food, drink some water, and their combat endurance will be greatly enhanced. It's a pity that the fortress is closed now, and they can't do anything about the guards.

Anyway, if you really can't handle it, just break the contract and evacuate directly. After all, we Plantagenet mercenaries are here to fight and make money, not to be angered and die.

So a few minutes later, the Plantagenet mercenaries ran into the first wave of the undead army.

A torrent of bones composed of massive skeleton armored soldiers and ghouls.

The lobster gunmen quickly ran towards the nearby high ground under the command of the lookout; the highland swordsmen drew their swords from behind and began to charge towards the undead army to intercept their attack.

While the torrent of undead was being intercepted, Eric had already led his men to the high ground. Then he stood in line, raised his gun, and the highland swordsmen quickly retreated.

The volley of guns exploded, carrion flew everywhere, and the bullets threw up large pieces of broken limbs among the undead, as if they had been shot by an aircraft machine gun.

The lobster gunners reloaded their guns again and let their tired arms rest for a while.

Eric looked at the Highland Swordsman who turned and rushed forward, and suddenly realized that he did not see Ask's figure.

What about that guy?

He looked left and right, scanning all the highland swordsmen, but surprisingly he couldn't find any guy without a skirt.

Could it be that he died in the first wave of charges? Although he is an extraordinary person, if he has no war experience, it is normal for him to be caught off guard and killed by the torrent of undead.

Thinking this way, Eric felt a little relieved and also a little inexplicably melancholy.

The mercenary industry is like this. Today you can drink heavily, but tomorrow you might even get your head chopped off. Although that guy was a stupid young man, he was arranged by himself to join the team of Highland Swordsmen. He died in a foreign land after a single encounter. Such an ending... Couldn't it be everyone's next fate?

Alas, after the war is over, if there is still time, let's go find his bones and bury him.

Eric shook his head slowly and continued to look at the war situation ahead.

Hey, the undead army seems a bit tough this time. The highland swordsmen didn't break up after a wave of sword charges? It looks like it will be difficult to fight next...

"It seems that the next fight will be difficult." Ask's voice sounded next to him, "Did you notice? These skeleton soldiers are all wearing iron armor."

"You..." Eric was stunned for a moment, and then jumped up, "Why are you here?! Aren't you supposed to be in the team of Highland Swordsmen?"

"Oh, yes before." Asik took out his breakfast - slices of bread and schnitzel, and said vaguely while chewing, "But the man named McGree didn't give me an order."

Eric:? ? ?

Then he finally realized: the tacit cooperation between the Lobster Lancers and the Highland Swordsmen was based on countless actual battles in the past.

Whether it is a shooting-retreating wave or a reloading-charging wave, both sides are extremely skilled in controlling the rhythm. Therefore, Eric and McGree do not need to give orders at all, and the men on both sides will consciously interact with each other. Together, they operate efficiently like a war machine with gears meshing together.

However, this guy was completely different. He was like a special type of screw that was not precisely embedded into this war machine. Naturally, he could not keep up with the sudden charge launched by the highland swordsmen.

"Like this." Eric held down Asker's shoulders and pointed at the team of Highland swordsmen in front. "Did you see the one named McGree yesterday... yes, he was the tallest one with heavy paint on his face. The one."

"You are responsible for following his rhythm. If he rushes forward, you also rush forward to kill the undead; if he retreats, you retreat with the team. Understand? Just follow that person's rhythm of advancement and retreat. .”

"Yeah, yeah, I understand!" Ask said with a smile.

"Do you really understand?" Eric stared at him suspiciously.

Judging from Eric's many years of leadership experience, recruits like this who "get it" as soon as they open their mouths and don't even bother to ask for details will most likely make mistakes in the end.

But this guy is not a soldier under his command, or even a member of the Plantagenet Mercenary Group. Anyway, he has made it clear that if he really can't integrate into the rhythm of the Highland Swordsmen, then it would be no shame to die.

There was another round of volley fire, and once again the torrent of undead was pushed back as if it was bombarded by a giant hammer. The highland swordsmen turned around quickly, their little skirts spinning and flying in the air.

Asker jumped down from the high ground like an arrow from a string, and a spear was already pulled out of the air.

This guy is quite reckless... Eric saw that he was still beside him just now, and the next second he jumped off the high ground without hesitation and rushed into the team of highland swordsmen. He couldn't help but be a little surprised at his courage and reaction speed.

But why is this guy holding a long gun? A man with a spear suddenly appeared in the team of giant sword warriors. Don't destroy the neat charge line later!

Eric felt a little annoyed again. Is this person the killer of obsessive-compulsive disorder? Why do I hate it the more I watch it?

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