Blue Sword

Chapter 738 Human Guidance

After some discussion, everyone agreed with Asker's proposal and decided on the next rule skill for little Mia to learn.

Eleanor suggested that little Mia use the meditation method she had used before, and patted her chest to ensure that it was effective.

Paige originally wanted to give some advice, but her eyes were quickly attracted by Eleanor's movements, and some inexplicable resentment gradually arose.

So little Mia silently muttered "I want to master the large-scale force control skills" and silently returned to the meditation room in the manor.

"Asker?" Medea happened to come back from the training ground and said hello to him.

"What's wrong?" Asked.

"I made some inquiries recently and found that there are no ships in Lusitania that can sail the deep ocean." Medea said, "So where are you going to get ships and sailors?"

"The Licinius family has helped us contact the Holy See and said that they are willing to provide a ship without electrical equipment." Asker was already prepared. "The only problem is that ships from the east have to sail in from the Mediterranean. The vast Atlanta Ocean needs to break through the blockade of Fortress Gibraltar.”

"Gibraltar?" Medea was stunned for a moment, "You mean Gibral Tariq Port Fortress?"

"I remember that this port fortress is located at the southernmost tip of Andalusia." Eleanor conjured up another plan from somewhere and unfolded the map of the Iberian Peninsula on page seven, "Here... It should be the most heavily guarded port in the Kingdom of the Undead. Because almost all material transportation lines from the Southern Continent to the Iberian Peninsula are under the control of this port."

"Once this port fell into enemy hands, the undead army in the Iberian Peninsula was cut off from its logistics and could not get replenishment of spellcasting materials from the southern continent. Therefore, the undead army stationed an extremely terrifying force here. It is expected that at least three demigods would guard it. ."

"Well." Asker said, "Because of this, defeating the Gibraltar Fortress is of extremely important significance to the Holy See camp. Wouldn't it be unreasonable if we were the only ones to fight alone?"

"You mean..." Eleanor seemed to realize something.

"In order to attack this most important port to the Kingdom of the Dead, the Holy See is willing to send a space-based hydrogen bomb as support." Asker said.


As expected of the Holy See, it actually dropped a hydrogen bomb without saying a word! But it is expected, because we don’t know when the next wave of demons will come. If we send troops directly to Iberia and stay halfway, it will be a big loss.

Rapid delivery with space-based weapons does not have this problem.

"As long as one hydrogen bomb is dropped, basically the entire fortress will be completely destroyed." Asik continued, "It is almost impossible for the undead who have not become demigods to survive the attack of the hydrogen bomb."

"But the question is, don't forget that when we are on the main plane, the sky is always gloomy? That is the dark canopy of the kingdom of the undead, which can shield any optical or electromagnetic wave guidance from space."

"So how are we going to solve it?" Silla suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Ah, simple." Ask said, "Just manual guidance."

Everyone:? ? ?

"The space-based hydrogen bomb has two sets of guidance systems. One is for receiving satellite signals, which is blocked due to the canopy of the undead; the other is a closed-circuit detection system that will continue to lock on specific signaling sources on the surface to guide the hydrogen bomb accurately. Hit the source of the message."

"So who will carry this transmission source?" Sheila thought, "Drones? Synths? Or we can sneak in secretly and install it?"

"Nothing works." Asker said, "The Kingdom of the Undead is no stranger to the Holy See's space-based weapon system, otherwise it would not have developed such extraordinary means as the 'Dark Canopy'. Whether it is a drone or a synthetic human, as long as Anyone who tries to enter the heavily monitored Gibraltar Fortress will be discovered and destroyed at the first opportunity... to be exact, all things except the undead will be like this."

"So we have to let an undead sneak in with the source of the message." Medea concluded.

Then the answer is obvious, Paige, Honey.

"So you want me to come?" Paige asked directly.

Because Mi'er is not here at this time...she is over there at the training ground, using the acceleration plan to help Nora and Sidri understand the rules.

"Immortal Phantom Sword." Ask reminded her.

"So that's it." Sheila said, "Carry the source of the message, and then use the Immortal Phantom Sword to create as many clones as possible, right? In this way, even if you are discovered and hunted by demigods, you can try to hold on until the hydrogen bomb falls. The point is narrowed to within the fortress.”

"Uh." Peggy looked embarrassed, obviously not understanding.

"This way." Medea hugged her shoulders, "When the time comes, we will give you the source of the message, and you can sneak in. If you are discovered, keep running away, and don't try to fight with the enemy. At the same time, keep using the immortal Use the phantom sword to create a clone and lure away the undead enemies who are chasing you."

"Oh oh oh oh." Paige nodded in understanding.

"The clone of the Immortal Fantasy Sword can copy the original body, and its generation principle comes from Peggy's imagination." Asker said, "In this way, the source of the message can also be copied by the clone, but it is just an empty shell, not It has the ability to guide.”

"The hydrogen bomb will only follow the real source of the signal, so you must bring it with you and use your clones to continue to divert attention."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Paige was half-understood this time, but because it was Ask who spoke, she tried her best to pretend to be very understanding.

“As the height of the hydrogen bomb decreases, its impact point range will also gradually decrease. As Sheila said, when the hydrogen bomb drops to a certain height, even if there is no subsequent guidance, it will basically only land inside the Fortress of Gibraltar. "Ask continued.

"That's right." Paige nodded and pretended to understand completely.

"The Holy See's space-based missile launch platform is located in an orbit more than 35,000 kilometers above the earth's surface." Sheila began to quickly calculate, "As far as I know, the speed of a space-based hydrogen bomb without resistance should be Mach 27, about That’s equal to 9 kilometers per second.”

"In other words, it takes about an hour from launch to hitting the surface target."

Everyone was speechless. One hour is too long, right? Even with the Immortal Phantom Sword, Peggy wouldn't be able to hold on for that long.

"Wait a minute, the undead don't have the means to detect flying objects in outer space, right?" Eleanor corrected, "What is the height of the dark sky?"

"I remember it was about 60-100 kilometers." Medea said, "It's unevenly dispersed."

"Okay, then even if the top of the dark sky is 100 kilometers high." Eleanor said, "It is more than 35,000 kilometers away, of which 34,900 kilometers are in outer space, and the undead will definitely not be able to detect it."

"Even according to the most rigorous and conservative estimates, the missile was immediately detected by the undead the moment it passed through the dark sky. At this time, there was only a distance of 100 kilometers. In other words, Paige only needed to carry the transmitting source for about 11 seconds. It can complete the guidance you mentioned."

"To be precise, it's about 8 seconds." Asker concluded, "Because there is no need to wait for the missile to hit the surface, Paige can throw away the source of the message, and then let Mia escape with the teleportation."

"But I'm surprised, Eleanor, haven't you ever received a formal scientific education? When did you start learning to analyze physical problems?"

"I am also learning and making progress!" Eleanor got angry on the spot, "This is something that anyone who can count can do, right?"

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