Blue Sword

Chapter 721 Team A

In the evening, Elora Luna Manor.

The owner of the manor, Councilor Glendale, was entertaining everyone, and those coming and going were all the upper echelons of half-elf society.

Of course, if any human noble were here, they would probably laugh out loud at the standard of this banquet. The half-elves are indeed not inferior to humans in terms of art and conversation, but their taste in material comfort is simply terrible.

After all, the upper echelons of this race also have a mysterious tradition of vegetarianism. A banquet that contains no meat or greasy food and is made only of vegetables and fruits is far from being exquisite and sumptuous.

"However, this is indeed the style of elves." Nora, who was mixed in the crowd, sighed.

Through the cell proliferation of the law of evolution, she cleverly created a "half-elf" face for herself. Although it was not as convenient as Peggy's flesh and blood deformation, it was still lifelike and impeccable in appearance.

Eleanor and Hidliefa, who had also been disguised and transformed by the law of evolution, were currently mixed in with the manor's guard team. Once the assassination is exposed, they must quickly seal off the manor to prevent any witnesses who try to call for help from escaping.

Of course, the former Eleanor would never have been able to commit such an act of killing innocent people. However, at this time, she knew that it was more important to resolve the internal differences among the half-elves as soon as possible and let them help prevent the Iberian War.

As the banquet continued, Nora in the venue quickly noticed that the target, Congressman Glendale, had finished talking to the guests and was pouring wine for herself at the table.

Golden symbols suddenly flashed in her eyes.

As soon as Member Glendale took a sip of wine, he suddenly felt some abdominal pain. He could only talk to the secretary next to him, and then hurriedly walked to the toilet outside the venue.

When he came to the bathroom, he had just locked the door, and Mia, who had stepped on it beforehand, suddenly appeared behind Glendale.

The short knife pierced Glendale's back. The Level 16 councilor immediately collapsed his back muscles. While clamping the short knife, he activated his ability. The invisible spirit emerged from the void and rushed toward Mia's body.

However, Mia and Nora had fought against each other many times. The moment they noticed a cold feeling coming from behind, they abandoned their swords and activated the Ripple Sword to disappear, and at the same time, they appeared in front of Glendale.

Two more short knives appeared and stabbed into the opponent's abdomen the moment they appeared, so deep that the handles of the knives were completely submerged. Glendale's eyes were so wide that he didn't even realize that the young assassin in front of him who stabbed him was the same assassin who stabbed him in the back just now.

Because he couldn't even think of going to the Ripple Sword.

While such doubtful thoughts flashed through his mind, severe pain quickly hit him from different locations on his body. Mia flashed four times in one second, swish, swish, swish, as eight short knives stabbed into his body.

With the dizziness caused by the huge amount of blood loss, Glendale could no longer concentrate his spirituality and control the surrounding spirits to pursue the assassin. His body fell in a pool of blood, and Mia stepped on his head. The shadows under the body surrounded his neck and strangled his neck.

Lifting Glendale's head, Mia flashed on the roof of Luna Manor again and threw the head in her hand from the air.

Nora, who was standing at the door, saw something falling from above. She turned around without hesitation and silently activated her telepathic communication ability.

The target is killed and Team A retreats.

The four girls quietly left the manor hall. Half a minute later, the patrolling guard found the owner's head on the roadside. Chaos and noise suddenly spread in the manor.

Soon, the guards found the bathroom where Glendale was assassinated, as well as the remaining half of the body. After on-site investigation, it was initially believed to be an undead assassin. Since the bathroom door was locked from the inside, it is certainly reasonable to suspect a wraith that can pass through walls.

On the other side, in the palace of the half-elf queen.

"I will consider your opinion." Queen Maya said calmly after sending Speaker Grean out of the palace gate. It seemed that she was not in a very happy mood.

"Your Majesty, please consider it as soon as possible. The public's call for severe punishment of the murderer is currently very strong, and the prestige of the palace is also rapidly weakening. There were even riots in three streets yesterday, which seemed to be related to those who vented their grievances." Speaker Grean said seriously, "If a response is not given as soon as possible, the situation may escalate further."

The other party even said "Your Majesty, please consider it as soon as possible", and Maya almost lost her expression. What the hell are you the queen or am I the queen?

Besides, who was responsible for those robberies? Do you think I don’t know?

After finally calming down her expression, Queen Maya said coldly:

"I will consider it. The security in the city is indeed unstable recently. I have asked the Royal City Guard to step up patrols. Your Excellency, Speaker, should be more careful on your way back."

Seeing that his beating had some effect, Speaker Grean nodded with satisfaction, turned around and left with his guards.

Normally, of course, he would not dare to directly challenge Her Majesty the Queen. After all, Maya is also a genuine demigod.

It's just that the political situation has developed to this point, and the conflicts and differences between Elder Dillard and Her Majesty the Queen have intensified. As the core elders of the conservative camp, today's Speaker Grean and Her Majesty the Queen only maintain a thin layer of face in official matters. That’s all.

As for privately, Her Majesty the Queen regards the conservatives as "an obstacle to the revival of the half-elves", and the conservatives scorn her majesty as "the traitor who leads the half-elves to hell". Both sides have long been eager to get rid of each other, and they have already been A semi-open secret.

In addition to creating unrest recently, the conservatives are also working hard to infiltrate power into the security guards and the army. However, these two are Her Majesty the Queen's iron plate. The current development effect is not very good, which makes Speaker Grean a little annoyed.

But after all, this kind of thing cannot be rushed. Your Majesty's biggest advantage is that she is Your Majesty, and her biggest weakness is that she is Your Majesty. There are some dirty tricks that the opposition parties can use with impunity, but she cannot use them as the queen who is the center of attention.

Before she is completely sure, let her Majesty continue to stay on her throne.

With such cold calculations, Speaker Grean passed through a block again and saw that the door of the store in front of him was already surrounded by angry half-elves.

"Smash those evil human creations! The ancestral handicraft industry of the half-elves cannot be lost!" Following the leader's inflammatory speech, the half-elves began to shout angrily.

Under such excitement, the shop owner couldn't resist. Seeing that the Royal Capital Guards had not arrived, he finally gave in and took the mirrors out of the store to be smashed by the crowd.

Every time a mirror was smashed, a burst of cheers erupted from the crowd, and everyone rushed to step on the mirror fragments with their thick boot soles until they made a crunching sound, as if they were stepping on human faces.

Seeing that people's hearts are so "available", Speaker Grean, who is watching from a distance, is also very satisfied.

To be fair, the mirrors hand-ground on glass by half-elf craftsmen are certainly not as bright and discerning as mirrors made by human industry. It is normal for competition in the market to be limited.

However, due to the recent Iberian War, the Kingdom of Aragon-Castilla's imports from Lusitania have shrunk significantly (after all, half-elves cannot produce military products), and the livelihoods of many half-elves have also been affected. Influence.

The public grievances about the economic recession need to be transferred, and conservatives have found an outlet for them, that is:

Humans rob us of our income.

After the crowd smashed all the imported human mirrors in the store and prepared to retreat with satisfaction, Speaker Grean withdrew his gaze from the crying store owner, slowly turned around, and began to think about the next way to incite public opinion.

Suddenly, a high-speed figure rushed out from behind the street, and almost in the blink of an eye, he rushed behind Speaker Gray!

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