Blue Sword

Chapter 719 Backhand

"Friend?" Ask said, "I thought it was my sister."

"She can be considered a sister." Maya smiled.

What does "counted" mean...Asker was completely puzzled and decided not to delve into it further: "Let's talk about the employment contract."

"Well, about the reward." Maya said, "If my guess is correct, your teammates have already entered the law level, right?"

"Yes." Asik did not deny it.

"If your bloodline is strong, your need for material things will be much less." Maya looked embarrassed, "How about our friendship between half-elves?"


The so-called friendship is of course also commonly known as "owing a favor". However, does the Cang Qing Sword Mercenary Group lack such a thing as human kindness?

The city of Olympia, the Weisbach family, the Holy See and the Licinius family, the Succubus Queen's Limbo City, the Hauteville family in Sicily, and Mier's address book are known as the six pillars of support for the Blue Sword. Any time a phone call comes, it is enough to make any mercenary group jealous.

As for the large organizations that have had past relationships and have good relationships with each other, there are more large organizations, such as the Night Watch, Sparta City, the Life Cult, the Pure Blood Priory (after Peggy’s master Agrippina seized power), Richard The Turner Swordsmen Group, the Iron Cross Mercenary Group, etc., there is almost a long list.

Favor? Sorry, we don't lack this kind of thing at all.

However, Ask quickly realized that the friendship Queen Maya talked about was not simply "I owe you a favor."

Instead, "For Mi'er's sake, please do me a favor, little brother, okay?"

Considering this factor, there is no doubt that he should agree. Even if Ask doesn't agree, Maya can turn around to find Mi'er, and then the half-elf girl will run to the leader with tears in her eyes and plead softly.

At this point, if Asik is still hard-hearted, Mier's favorability value will drop.

If Eleanor begs you, you agree to come to save the Iberian Peninsula; I just beg you to help Maya, why don't you agree? Am I, Honey, inferior to Eleanor in your heart?

So there are two reasons for this kind of thing. Fortunately, everyone doesn't lack anything at this time. They only lack time and experience to upgrade... Thinking of this, Asker decided to agree.

However, seeing that he was silent for a long time, Maya said with some anxiety:

"By the way, speaking of rewards, what's the news about 'Paradise Mountain'?"

"Paradise Mountain?" Asik immediately started expression management and asked with "doubt".

"Mi'er said that you are looking for the whereabouts of the fragments of Paradise Mountain, right?" Maya said with a smile on her face and clasped her hands, "I know one of them. If you help me, I will tell you the news afterwards."

"Okay, deal!" Aske said immediately.


After reaching an agreement with the leader of the Blue Sword, Maya quietly exited Asik's dream.

By the way, he adjusted it so that he could have a good dream in the middle of the night. As for the plot of Nora using the sword to kill the entire group, it was entirely due to Shirley's request, not Maya's original intention - Shirley felt pity for these girls, and was also dissatisfied with Asker, although it was a challenge. There's nothing wrong with him.

Then, Maya wandered into the subconscious ocean and watched other people's dreams again.

It has to be said that Aske, the leader of the group, has a high degree of favorability in the hearts of the group members. He appears in almost every group member's dream, but he plays a different role.

Considering personal privacy issues, Maya did not peep too much, but quickly entered Mier's dream.

Mier's dreamland is located in a small forest, and in the middle of the forest is a simple but warmly decorated wooden house. The one who was busy in the kitchen wearing an apron was Mi'er who was preparing dinner for Ask.

At this time, her image is that of a twenty-year-old adult girl, and her appearance and temperament are somewhat similar to Maya herself. Obviously, the two are not only similar in appearance, but Mi'er also subconsciously feels that she will probably look like Maya when she grows up.

Shirley even joked that you two half-elves might be long-lost sisters. Maya later actually went for a test, and it was confirmed that she and Mi'er were not actually related by blood (nonsense).

Just a pure coincidence.

Maya knocked on the door from outside and heard Ask's drunken voice inside:

"Who is it?"

"I'll open the door, you go back to sleep." Mi'er's scolding voice sounded immediately. After a while, the door was opened from the inside.

The moment she saw Maya, Mi'er's eyes immediately became clear - she realized that she was dreaming.

"Come in." Mi'er said.

After welcoming Maya into the room, the two of them saw Ask lying on the sofa, seemingly drinking too much. Mi'er snapped her fingers, and the "Asker" disappeared immediately.

"Can't you see that you still want to be a housewife?" Maya joked.

"A housewife is pretty good," Mi'er said. "Actually, I didn't really have any pursuits."

"I actually don't know why Rasul chose you as his heir in the first place." Seeing what Mi'er said, Maya could only sigh with regret, "Actually, you didn't have to accept it."

"It makes no sense to say this now." Mi'er said.

"Yes." Maya nodded, "By the way, I went to talk to your group leader."


"Don't you ask what we talked about?" Maya was helpless. How come Mi'er is exactly the same as her leader in this regard?

"Okay." Mi'er looked like "I really can't do anything to you" and asked perfunctorily, "What did you talk about?"

"The Cangqing Sword will accept my employment next." Maya said.

"That's good, so our contact can be made public." Mi'er said.

"But you have to know that making it public means that you will be more fearful in the hearts of your love rivals." Maya said, "For example, that succubus is called Medea, right? I am in the subconscious ocean. No one dares to get too close to her, her perception is very keen."

"You must have accidentally shown your malice. There is a conspiracy sequence in the blood of the Purgatory Succubus." Mi'er said, "But she probably didn't know it was you."

"Maybe." Maya frowned and said, "And I heard that the Succubus Queen has planned to pass the throne to her?"

"That's what her mother meant," Mi'er replied.

"Maybe he will become your biggest love rival in the future." Maya said with a smile, "But Rasul should have given you a backup plan, right?"

"Forget it, there are a lot of pitfalls." Mi'er shook her head helplessly.

Rasul did leave a backup plan for Mier, and there was more than one backup plan, a lot of backup plans.

The Fruit of Eden can bury a backdoor in the mental body, thereby secretly influencing or even manipulating the other party's mind. The effect is similar to a weakened version of the law of manipulation. After so many years of accumulation, the key figures left behind by Rasul have been scattered among the major forces in the world.

For example, to deal with Medea, Rasul had arrangements in the prison guards and in the city of Limbo. As long as necessary, a trigger-type devil invasion can be designed at any time, and then the prison guards can retaliate and cross-border attack on Limbo City to directly eliminate Medea's power.

For another example, when dealing with Eleanor, Rasul also made a hidden move in the Principality of Upper Lorraine in the HRE Empire. Although most of the hidden piles in the Grand Palace of Aachen have been removed by Bruno, the dragon of fantasy, it does not affect the operation of the entire bureau. Once activated, Emperor Shinra immediately dies, leaving the Iron Throne hanging in the air, stirring up undercurrents throughout the empire, making it impossible for Eleanor to return and successfully take over power.

However, it is the Holy See that has the most traps. Relying on Raphael, the largest internal agent of the Holy See, there are countless traps buried in Solomon City, all of which are aimed at Nora. As long as she goes back to accept the Holy See's canonization, and then Mi'er activates this series of killing moves, Nora will immediately fall into the storm like a bird, and there is an immediate risk of falling and crashing.

The reason why these back-ups were not used at all was entirely because Mi'er didn't want to do that - just as Nora thought, Mi'er was indeed a kind girl.

"So?" Maya smiled, "What are you going to do next?"

"My goal has never changed." Mi'er was silent for a long time and whispered, "I think..."

"...Let everyone be happy forever and be together happily forever."

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