Blue Sword

Chapter 693 Deep Sea Rescue

On the sea surface, Nora was the first to surface, spitting out the seawater in her mouth, and the gill-like organs on both sides of her neck slowly faded away.

Peggy poked her head out from under the sea to her right, shook the water off her face, and asked:

"Where's Ask? Have you seen him?"

"He dived down to save Eleanor," Nora replied.

Peggy pouted her lips calmly, as if to say, "That female knight also needs saving?"

Nora saw that she was slightly jealous, so she explained:

"Eleanor couldn't breathe in the water, and was knocked directly into the depths of the sea by the dragon, so Ask had to pull her up."

"Don't she have...that thing, the Unyielding Holy Sword?" Paige asked angrily.

"The Unyielding Holy Sword can't last that long," Nora said worriedly.

Deep under the sea.

Eleanor was still sinking rapidly. The force of the dragon's tail blow on her body was so great that although the Indomitable Holy Sword blocked all the damage for her, it could not completely eliminate the huge downward acceleration and the strong dizziness this acceleration brought to her.

This dizziness only lasted for a few seconds. When she came back to her senses, she found that the surrounding area was already a bleak seabed, and there was terrible pressure coming from all directions.

How deep am I... at the bottom of the ocean?

However, she couldn't think too much, because she had to continue to concentrate on maintaining the state of the holy sword to ensure that she would not suffocate or be crushed by the terrifying water pressure, leaving only the past that could not help but ring in her mind. What the leader once said:

"...Do you know? The Indomitable Holy Sword is not invincible. In other words, any extraordinary swordsmanship or law sequence cannot be invincible or unbreakable. They all have their own weaknesses."

"For relatively powerful high-level skills, weaknesses are relatively rare or difficult to capture, but this is not equivalent to invincibility. The weakness of the Indomitable Holy Sword lies in its duration."

Yes... I don't have much time...

"It is true that no one can kill you in the state of the Holy Sword, but the Holy Sword cannot prevent you from being displaced. In other words, as long as the other party pushes you into a fatal situation, such as inside a volcano, deep under the sea, or even outside the atmosphere space, then as long as you can't maintain the holy sword state, you will die. This thing is called 'map killing'."

"Map kill..." Eleanor pondered, "So, the way to prevent being map-killed is to avoid being hit by displacement skills as much as possible?"

"If you think so, you're stuck in the trap of sacrificing one thing for the least." Askew said with a smile, "Don't forget that your responsibility is to bear more damage for the team."

"If you have the mentality that you cannot be hit, the enemy can take advantage of this mentality to destroy the functions you contribute to the team. In this way, not only the team will be at risk of defeat, but also you and your teammates. Mutual support relationships will also be broken."

"I understand." Eleanor said seriously, "The correct method should be to wait for support from companions."

"That's right." Asker said, "In the final analysis, coping control skills are the function of the auxiliary system, not yours. If you try to solve all problems alone, it is unrealistic and you will be very tired."

"If you really encounter this situation, just wait for rescue..."

Waiting for...rescue...

However, in this lightless deep sea, it is impossible to tell which side is up and which is down. She turned her head with difficulty, trying to distinguish up, down, left and right through the light source, but in the end she could only see boundless darkness.

Suddenly, a faint light flashed in his gradually blurred vision.

Ask was swimming rapidly downwards, his skin shining like silver scales like a hairtail fish. Using the plundered evolutionary rules, he evolved the anti-stress organs unique to deep-sea fishes - it may be a bit difficult for ordinary players who don't understand, but it is not difficult for professional players at all. They are specialized in this aspect. Trained and knowledgeable.

After rushing to Eleanor's side, Asker realized that only a thin layer of light from the Holy Sword was left on her body, looming like a light bulb about to short-circuit.

Once the holy sword is interrupted, let alone suffocation, the water pressure at this depth alone can kill her immediately.

So Ask hugged her, then plundered and launched the Unyielding Holy Sword again, completely wrapping her up.

Of course, he himself does not have any special talent, and the holy sword only lasts for about ten seconds at most, so it is necessary to fight quickly and get out of the sea as soon as possible.

After holding the female knight and swimming upstream for a moment, he noticed again that Eleanor's mouth was wide open, as if she was trying to gasp for air, but she did not inhale any oxygen... Now the holy sword covering her body has been lifted, and she entered the sea with her. The small amount of air locked inside the former holy sword also turned into bubbles and escaped.

Asker covered her with his holy sword state, but there was no gas locked inside... After all, he had temporarily added gills and swam all the way down from the sea, without carrying or needing oxygen.

So soon Eleanor woke up in pain, so suffocated that her eyes almost popped out. Asker quickly took out the oxygen that had passed through the fish's gills into his lungs and took it out in his mouth, then prepared to kiss him hard...

...Of course it's impossible to do this. He's not the kind of person who would take advantage of the other party. Just use the will of the Holy Sword to create a small straw.

A small amount of will stretched into tissue at his shoulders, then quickly curled up into the shape of a straw. Of course, the straw is currently filled with high-pressure seawater, so we have to find a way to drain the seawater out...

Then his cheeks were suddenly held by the opponent's hands, and Eleanor had already blocked his lips first, as if she was trying to pry open the cap of a beer bottle.

………………never mind.

Ask slowly exhaled the air in his lungs. As oxygen entered Eleanor's lungs, her mind cleared a little.


Her thoughts were a little shy, but more of them were filled with some kind of weird happiness and sweetness that even she couldn't explain herself. She wrapped her arms around Aske's neck and waist, and then stayed motionless with the leader. Gas exchange is taking place.

What came out of her mouth was moist and warm gas. After entering Asker's lungs, it quickly passed through the gill organs and discharged the carbon dioxide inside into the sea water.

Then, the oxygen filtered in from the seawater was filled into Asik's lungs again, and then passed into Eleanor's chest through the position where the mouth and tongue were connected.

The two of them just maintained the posture of hugging and kissing, and quickly floated to the sea. As he was about to reach the sea surface, Asker was released from the holy sword state, and the scales all over his body, as smooth as those of deep-sea fish, slowly degraded and turned into healthy human skin.

Eleanor blinked slowly, her blue pupils a little dazed, and then her heart skipped a beat.

She didn't know that going from the deep sea to the shallow sea required a process of decompression and adaptation. However, seeing Asike gradually degenerate the fish's organs and the water pressure that the whole body could easily withstand, she guessed that the two of them were already there. Very close to the sea.

Although she was very reluctant in her heart, even though she hoped that this posture could last longer, in the end it was just her unreasonable extravagant wish.

After all, this was not a sincere and loving kiss, it was just the leader trying to save her from suffocation...

Having said that, even if they kissed like this, the leader didn't feel anything for him at all? Or is it wishful thinking that you are just saving people?

Thinking of this, Eleanor closed her eyes fiercely, [According to relevant laws and regulations, this is not shown here].

Immediately afterwards, she pushed Asik away with force, and then surfaced upwards.

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