Blue Sword

Chapter 676 Characteristics of the Abyss

The top of the abyss, Watchtown, the Watcher Organization.

"We have received instructions from the headquarters and will send two rescue teams to search and rescue your companions." Facing the requests of several demigods, the demigod knight commander Abel showed a troubled expression and replied, "I'm sorry, we There is no way to send more manpower.”

"Two rescue teams are too few, right?" Appilios frowned and said, "Looking for people in the abyss, if it is a rescue team of five people, it will at least be hundreds."

"The recent abyss is not stable. The war between cavemen and dark elves is still going on, and there are also changes in the populations of harpies and monster lizards. Just this morning, I heard that the shadow demon lord also attacked the lower part of the dark elf empire. As a result, all the demigods from the thirteen clans were dispatched."

Abel declined and said: "In this chaotic situation, we must maintain a large number of manpower to protect Watch Town. Behind us is the human world, and Watch Town must not fall. Please understand."

The other party's attitude was so polite and miserable that for a while the demigods couldn't say anything else. Seeing that everyone was hesitant, Abel said:

"It's better to do this. There are about a dozen exploration teams still operating outside. I will send them a message first. If they find relevant clues outside, they will come back to inform you immediately. Before that, please stay in the town for a while. How about taking a rest?"

"No need." The Succubus Queen said with a smile, "Since you are unwilling to send people, it is useless for us to stay here any longer, so we should go directly down to find people."

"Alas, the abyss environment is complex and there are many branches of roads. If you are not familiar with the environment, it is easy to get lost." Abel still wanted to try harder, "Actually, our people can find it faster..."

"Can the Knight Commander send more people?" The Succubus Queen smiled sweetly, "Dozens of exploration teams cannot meet our needs."


After leaving the watcher organization, Medea sneered:

"These knights are so shameless. They don't want anyone to help us find the captain, but they also want the senior demigods to stay here to help them defend Watchtown. Do you think we are all fools?"

"I know Abel, he is quite honest." The red-haired Otto said, "He said he couldn't spare the manpower, which means he really couldn't spare the manpower. It seems that the recent turmoil in the abyss is greater than we thought. Be serious."

"Is the turmoil... dangerous?" Nora asked in a low voice, her worry evident in her words.

"There are about 60 human demigods in Watch Town." Appirios said, "From the top to the bottom is the mushroom forest, where there are more than 80 demigods from the caveman united tribe. The depths further down In the sea, it is said that there are more than 120 demigods in the dark elf clan, not to mention the number of demigod-level extraordinary monsters entrenched in the large cave at the bottom, which is more than 10 times that of the intelligent races."

"In the final analysis, human beings are only the weakest force in the abyss. If it were not for occupying the safest top layer of the abyss and supplemented by resources from the main plane, it would be difficult to even gain a foothold."

"Then where will Askmier and the others end up?" Shirley asked in a deep voice.

"It should be a big cave." Red-haired Otto said.

"Well, indeed." Appirios agreed, "If we talk about the location with the lowest potential energy in space, it should be the large cave."

Everyone was silent.

From the top to the bottom of the abyss, there are more and more powerful demigod-level enemies. As a result, Mia, Mier and Ask fell to the most dangerous bottom as soon as they fell. What should we do?

"Even so, we probably have no other choice but to kill them directly." Agrippina sneered.

"That's right." The Succubus Queen said with a smile, "And I have to remind you all."

"Although it sounds like there are far more alien demigods in the abyss than humans, they are so discordant with each other that they cannot effectively unite. The most obvious evidence is that in history so far, no one has appeared in the abyss. State-level political organizations.”

"Because the demigods themselves are so powerful, they can easily form their own force without the need to formulate a strict and effective political order. This kind of force has the demigod himself as the core, and no one can replace it unless the demigod himself is replaced. Kill this demigod directly."

"Because of this, unless there is a Level 40 True God, it is simply impossible to integrate the abyss forces on a large scale. This has led to their political organization being very backward, and can even be said to be far behind the main plane. This is The price of their over-reliance on supernatural powers.”

"You mean to take advantage of the large number of demigods on our side to create a time difference with them?" red-haired Otto asked in surprise.

"That's right." The Succubus Queen said with a smile, "There are six demigods in our team. If we want to swallow our team, we must gather more demigods than us."

"However, as I said before, the abyssal forces lack an effective form of political organization. This makes it difficult for them to effectively organize themselves to besiege us even though they have many demigods. Who will lead the operation? How will the benefits be distributed? Is the intelligence reliable? The most important thing is, even if you believe that there is nothing wrong with this, how can you confirm that other demigods think the same way?"

"Chain of suspicion," Sheila said.

"That's right." The Succubus Queen snapped her fingers, "In our human world, we use laws, violent machines, and public order and good customs to eliminate the chain of suspicion between most people. This makes most human individuals Able to form a sophisticated state machine."

"However, in the abyss, there is no law, no public order and good customs, only violence with huge differences between individuals. This kind of violence destroys the soil for the development of all order. This is their characteristic and their weakness."

The girls of Cang Qing Sword were all thoughtful, while the other demigods nodded in admiration.

"As expected of the Succubus Queen, one strategy hits the mark accurately."

"Indeed, in fact, with so many alien demigods, even if one tenth of them unite, the human Watch Town will have been breached long ago."

Medea was speechless and asked Malkina quietly:

"So this is actually what the purgatory plane is like, right? Did she take the matter of the purgatory plane and apply it directly to the abyss plane?"

"Well, anyway, the three major planes are the same. They have never been unified and are very chaotic." Malkina also quietly replied, "Although Your Majesty is just judging, it is generally close to the facts. Besides, these demigods It’s not really a compliment to His Majesty.”

"You mean..." Medea rolled her eyes.

"We have a long-term operation in the purgatory plane, and sooner or later these demigods will have to choose one of the three planes to live in seclusion, do you understand?" Malkina said with a chuckle.

"I understand." Medea sneered slightly.

Isn't it just taking advantage of the relationship between us juniors to make friends and develop connections with each other? What don't you understand? If there is no such factor in it, how can we invite you family seniors?

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