Blue Sword

Chapter 671 Abyss Demigod BOSS

The Black Hole Law and the Ripple Sword seem to be similar, but in fact they are very different.

In addition to the black hole law, many law skills can also achieve the "teleportation" effect. However, these skills without exception consume spirituality, have long forward and backward swing times (that is, long activation time and long cooling time), and Need to calculate etc.

On the other hand, the Ripple Sword has achieved the ultimate in teleportation: it has zero consumption, is instantaneous, and requires no calculation. It can fly around in a swishing motion, and it undoubtedly has a strong deterrent effect on the ever-changing battlefield.

Of course, the black hole law also has its advantages, such as when certain places need to be explored.

Facing the wall, Mia silently unfolded her spirituality and began to observe the space behind the wall.

Cappe was right, there was indeed some mysterious force inside the wall that sealed it and prevented the penetration of external forces.

Mia tried to increase her space perception, and she successfully bypassed the restrictions of walls and mysterious power from a higher dimension and landed in the reaction room.

Then, she sensed two figures standing in the reaction room, seemingly talking to each other, and fluctuations of specific frequencies shuttled back and forth between the two.

"dahjsdghaifgiaugf..." said the figure on the left.

"sadhiuagufgaiugbqivrq..." the figure on the right replied.

"What nonsense are they talking about?" Mia thought inexplicably.

As if aware of it, the figure on the left suddenly raised his head and looked around.

It detected some kind of peeping, but since this peeping came from a higher dimension, it could not capture the specific source of the peeping, but this did not prevent it from making some interference and countermeasures.

Some kind of violent fluctuations spread quickly, and Aske, Mier, and Cappe outside the wall, as well as Mia who was peeking inside, suddenly fell into a state of dizziness.

Then a sword sound sounded, and everyone woke up immediately.

"What a danger!" Mi'er was the first to react. It was Ask's Nine Star Styles and Broken Spirit, which cut off the mysterious power that dragged everyone into dizziness. She was about to continue saying something when she heard Asik frown and whisper:

"Mi'er, pull out the four of us who were dizzy in the past few seconds!"

Mi'er immediately followed the instructions without hesitation and pulled out the four of them a few seconds ago - everyone was in dizziness and was not interrupted by the Nine Stars Style.

At the same time, Askela captured the remaining three people, and the Law of War. Ambush was launched, pulling everyone into a state of secrecy.

"Mia, what did you see?!" Ask asked quickly.

"Two figures, standing side by side, speaking words I couldn't understand!" Mia quickly answered truthfully.

"I know, it's the 'ghost' Gamora and the 'mysterious man' Mulafak." Ask frowned slightly and immediately realized who was inside.

"Ghost Shadow" Garmordo, who is the shadow demon demigod BOSS, is the great lord who commands the 130 million shadow demons in the great cave of the abyss. The ability to make everyone dizzy just now is his signature skill." Fear shocks”.

Next to it should be the "mysterious man" Mulafak, whose identity is unknown and is a neutral demigod BOSS in the wild. If players get lucky, they will randomly encounter it in the uninhabited area of ​​the abyss map and can interact with it. Take some tasks or something.

However, players prefer to push this BOSS. It will drop some rare space-based materials, which can be used to make equipment, or strengthen the understanding of space-based laws, or make the skills of the laws being understood tend to be space-based, etc. etc.

As for the mysterious power that sealed the entire reaction room, it should be Murafak's skill "Unknown Obstacle". The detailed mechanism is unknown. Its effect is to cut off the space and prevent any objects or extraordinary forces from passing through.

Of course, the most important thing is that these two are bosses above level 30. Even max-level players need to form a team of 5 people to defeat them. With the current strength of Asker and others, appearing in front of the opponent is simply a gift. .

Although I don’t know what conspiracy they are hatching in the reactor room (in fact, Asker probably guessed that they are interested in the stable energy output of the nuclear reactor), there is only one thing left as the top priority for everyone:

Run for your life.

Gamora's fear stunned the people outside, and its body was definitely spiritually sensitive. Although according to Asker's understanding of the BOSS's character, the two of them didn't bother to deal with the insects outside before finishing the conspiracy in the reaction room (otherwise, why would they have closed the reaction room), but who knows when they will deal with it Finished?

escape! Run away quickly! The characters from the parallel world that Mi'er pulled out were placed here as bait to confuse Gamora, and then everyone ran away as far as they could.

The mysterious man Murafaq has tracking skills, and the detection range seems to cover the entire abyss. Now Asik can only hope that the other party does not give them this skill.

As soon as he heard Asker saying that he wanted to abandon the research institute and evacuate immediately, Cappe immediately shouted:

"How is this possible? The research institute is my hard work! And even if I have to evacuate, I have not packed and backed up the precious data in the research institute. It will take at least ten hours to download them all..."

His voice stopped suddenly because Mi'er had pulled out a cape again.

"This is Cappe an hour later. He only had time to download part of the data." The half-elf girl said hurriedly, "Do you understand what I mean? I can pull out you in the parallel world who have already downloaded part of the data!"

"Ah, this..." Cappe was shocked, and then understood immediately.

Assuming that all the information of the scientific research institute is packaged into 17 files, from 001 to 017, then Mi'er can pull out the 17 capes from 001 to 017 in the parallel world, and then transfer the data to him respectively. , so he can easily get all the information anywhere, and there is no need to risk staying here to download.

"Then let's go quickly!" Cappe suddenly said immediately.

Mi'er breathed a sigh of relief, and then removed the status bonus.

Since it took too long to explain, Mier directly positioned himself in the future to Cappe who "already understood this principle" and attached his state of mind to the current Cappe, which resulted in Cappe understanding it almost instantly. Mier’s subsequent complicated operations.

Ask glanced at Mi'er approvingly, thinking that luckily I brought her here, so he quickly told Mia:

"Ripple Sword, teleport to the warehouse, now!"

"Okay!" Mia quickly activated the Ripple Sword. Everyone felt that the surrounding scene changed and they were already in the center of the food warehouse.

"Everyone, focus on getting water and food, and take as much as you can!" Asik said quickly, "Mia, find a closed space and throw all the food and water in through the black hole!"

"Okay!" Mia agreed quickly.

The so-called closed space refers to the independent closed space fragments scattered around the main plane. It is often positioned and used as a portable warehouse by the extraordinary people of the black hole law. Its mechanism is probably similar to the Kamui of Uchiha Obito in Naruto. It is very Extraordinary beings in the space system cannot open them.

So Mia pulled out a black hole and put everything in the warehouse into it.

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