Blue Sword

Chapter 666 Professional Terminology

Speaking of shadow demons, in Cappe's memory, the scientific research institute has been dealing with them for a long time since its establishment.

These guys are nearly invincible in the dark: you don't know when they're coming, when they're leaving, or who they've killed before leaving. It wasn't until the daily head count was made that one of the companions was missing, and everyone realized that another person had died in the Shadow Demon's sneak attack.

At first, experience showed that shadow demons were afraid of light: they seemed to be able to move only in the dark, so the scientific research institute set up 24-hour lighting equipment on the main road.

However, it was of no use, people were still missing every day.

According to closed-circuit surveillance cameras, these monsters will mysteriously "refresh" from the dark rooms inside the base, even if the surroundings of the room are completely "sealed" by light sources.

So the institute lit up all the rooms indoors 24 hours a day...for a while, everyone's sleep quality was extremely poor, and they could only take melatonin tablets every day.

Shadow Demon's mysterious sneak attacks are on the one hand, and his combat style that completely violates the laws of physics is on the other. They do not have a tangible body, and the firearms commonly used by humans cannot harm them. Instead, the lethality of light is particularly effective.

In turn, Shadow Demon is of course aware of his own weakness, so he will use various weird abilities to avoid being exposed to light, such as destroying light sources from a distance, using surrounding objects to block the light, etc.

Therefore, the security forces of scientific research institutes often make two preparations: use high-kinetic bullets to tear apart obstacles, and use tracer bullets or signal flares to kill.

The whole set of tactics must be based on the team's quick reaction and high-precision shooting, because the Shadow Demon moves very fast. If you miss a bullet, it may have already rushed in front of you. In order to increase the error tolerance rate of reaction and shooting, each team is equipped with about 7 people to ensure that at least 2-3 people can fire when encountering the enemy.

As for the cool operation of cutting through obstacles at close range and then throwing fireworks flares into it, it is not in the tactical manual for dealing with Shadow Demon at all, because it does not meet the military science requirements for fault tolerance. That is the category of science fiction... No, it is fantasy. , is a fantasy in a B-level movie where the protagonist, the Predator, kills an entire battalion by himself.

Therefore, Cappe today is trapped in such contradictory logic.

It knew that Mia threw the fireworks bomb directly into the Shadow Demon, causing the extraordinary creature to die quickly, but it had no idea how Mia did it.

Even among the most elite scientific research security forces, no one can do this easily.

Or think about it from another angle. The three people in front of them, with their understatement but precise and seamless cooperation, can actually do what only a seven-person security team can do - not to mention two of them are actually little girls. What kind of military is this? strength?

I don’t understand, I don’t understand at all.

Cappe silently went downstairs and called in two engineering robots to repair the holes in the wall.

Asker and the two men were stationed in the corridor on the top floor, and Mi'er pulled out the people and shadow demons from the parallel world and began to review the battle just now.

"There is a term in the professional circle called 'victory when the rabbit rises and the falcon falls'." Asik looked at the scene where people from the parallel world assassinated the Shadow Demon again with the same quick and neat movements, and said, " This means that you have the upper hand from the first moment you meet."

"Then use the first move to quickly expand the advantage, form a crushing situation, and win... The whole process will not take more than 30 seconds to 1 minute."

"Review it again, and you will find that this battle undoubtedly meets all the characteristics of 'the rabbit rises and the falcon falls'. From Mi'er's taking the initiative to Mia and I's coordinated attack, most of the links You all did your best - you played extremely well, no matter how harsh I am, I have to admit that."

"Hey, hehe." Mia immediately giggled happily, but Mi'er keenly caught some of Asker's words and asked, "'Most of them are done to the extreme,' which means it's not perfect. ?”

At this time, Kapei happened to bring the engineering robot up. Hearing Mi'er ask this, he couldn't help but stop and listen.

"Well, if you really want to say it." Asik pondered, "We rushed to the Shadow Demon at the same time. In fact, ideally, Mia's action should be 0.3 seconds later than mine, which would be more appropriate."

"Why?!" Mia immediately became unhappy. So it's not perfect or is it my mistake?

"It's very simple." Asik explained, "If we two rush in front of each other at the same time, then the other party needs to keep an eye on both of us at the same time."

"Actually, if I precede you, then the opponent will focus on me immediately, my offensive pressure will increase, and your corresponding pressure will decrease. And you are responsible for executing the decisive move of the tactics. , reduced pressure can increase tactical fault tolerance."

"For example, suppose we rush in front of the other party at the same time, and the other party has a certain law skill that can instantly knock the enemy back five or six meters away. At this time, he will have to choose whether to use the skill on you or on me."

"If he chooses you and you are repelled, then our tactic won't work - because the fireworks flare is in your hand."

"Well, but!" Mia tried to defend herself, "But even if the opponent chooses to attack me, I may not be hit! On the other hand, if it first chooses to repel you, and you are hit, you can't. If the opponent's defense is broken, then it's useless for me to rush over with a fireworks flare, right?"

"I understand." Mi'er suddenly said, "The leader hopes to bear more pressure on himself and reduce the pressure on us on the battlefield. This idea is based on the fact that he thinks he is stronger than us. Isn't it understandable to 'let the attack fall on the heaviest end of the sword'?"

"Uh..." Mia was suddenly speechless. Although this conclusion was very unpleasant, she did not dare to say that she was better than Asik. Faced with the same unknown rules and skills, she could handle it better than Asik.

"When I overtake Aske one day...I will definitely..." she thought dully in her heart.

Cappe listened to the whole process and felt that these three guys were simply freaks, saying all kinds of special terms that "he could understand every word, but it was difficult to understand them when they were connected".

However, he was no stranger to similar scenes.

Before he had the memory of scientists, those scientists would often sit together, staring at the experimental records or the data on the petri dish screen, and saying certain words that his logical processor could not parse at all.

It is a special language that can only be used effectively by certain humans after they have delved deeply into the professional field to a certain extent. It contains their ultimate understanding of this field.

That is their pride and glory.

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