Blue Sword

Chapter 622 Wanting to make money but not getting it

"what happened?"

When Ask hurried over, he saw Eleanor lying on the bed with her eyes closed, Nora and Sheila guarding her.

"Eleanor passed out in the meditation room," Sheila said bluntly.

"Huh?" Ask was confused. Even Eleanor's body could faint? Could it be that it's out of control?

He walked to the bed, glanced at Eleanor, and then at Nora.

"Her vital body is very stable, but her spiritual body seems to be changing, and her mental body is in a boiling state." Nora frowned and said, obviously at a loss as to how to treat her, "I tried to use my psychic ability to comfort her... "

"Then you got burned?" Asked.

"Yeah." Nora nodded.

"That's normal." Asker said, "If the mind sequence is condensed into laws and embodied, you will know that the mind is presented in this dimension in the form of tentacles. Applying mind comfort to her is equivalent to the mind. If the tentacles directly touch her boiling mental body, of course it will get burned."

"Oh." Nora responded with a vague understanding, thinking how could the leader understand my abilities better than me?

"The way she is now, I guess she should be in meditation." Ask said.

"Enter samadhi?" Nora muttered this word from the Kingdom of Dragons blankly.

The so-called trance is what players call "falling into deep thoughts." When a level 10-20 transcendent comprehends the law, there is a certain chance that he will fall into a state of "deep thoughts". The dormancy time ranges from 1 to 5 days. After waking up, he can learn a relatively powerful law skill.

Of course, if the player is an extraordinary player, there will be a countdown in the upper right corner after entering the meditation, showing how many minutes are left before the meditation ends. During this period, nothing can be done. The character's body is completely out of control, and most of them can only log off and wait for the time to run out.

Of course, if some players have withdrawal reactions after not playing games for a few days, they can also spend 12 yuan to buy a "Thinking Acceleration Coupon" in the game mall, which will immediately end the state of trance and obtain law skills.

Seeing this, everyone should understand that the so-called entering the samadhi is just a money-scamming method introduced by the game company.

Similarly, if you lose control after taking magic potion at level 0-10, you can buy a "stabilizing potion" to eliminate the loss of control; after level 20-30, your sanity will decrease with the advancement of the level, and you will have intermittent visual and auditory hallucinations, which you can buy "Sanity Potion" replenishes sanity; and after level 30-40, these hallucinations will turn into monsters, and you can purchase "Evil Suppression Seal" to expel monsters, etc.

These disgusting settings throughout the entire game were specially designed by early game companies to defraud people, targeting the huge group of free players.

If you want to play comfortably, the official recommendation is to buy a 30-yuan sanity gift package every month, which includes 2 out-of-control saves, 5 thinking accelerations, 60 points of sanity potion, and 1 evil-suppressing seal.

Of course, this approach also caused dissatisfaction among many free players. After all, free prostitution makes people happy, isn't it delicious for server bugs? So after the commotion, the game company discovered that the cheating method would cause many players to quit playing, and they began to consider making money more easily, such as introducing the rice circle culture...

This is how he finally transformed into e-sports.

Regardless of these chores, Asker looked at Eleanor who had fallen into a coma and thought, what can I do? Where can I buy you a thinking acceleration coupon? There is no game mall in this world!

Well, I'd better ask just to be on the safe side. So he asked Nora:

"Nora, do you know about the 'Thinking Acceleration Ticket'?"

"Thinking acceleration coupon?" Nora was confused.

"It's a piece of red paper about the size of an A4 paper. When you put it on Eleanor's head, it's some kind of magical coupon that will wake her up immediately," Aske described.

"I understand." Nora said calmly, "Do you need me to remind you again about the nature of this world?"

"No need, I'm just asking." Asik sighed, "Then there's nothing we can do, just wait until she wakes up on her own."

"Yeah." Nora was helpless.

"What's wrong with Eleanor?" Medea poked her head out and asked.

"A little thing." Asik waved his hand and said, "How's your plan going?"

"It's our plan." Medea corrected him uncharacteristically, and then said, "Robert provided information that the fleet of the Kingdom of the Dead is attacking the waters around Sicily, and the Hauteville family plans to send members of the family Young men went to fight.”

"The Kingdom of the Undead?" Ask was stunned for a moment, "Naval battle? You can't beat it!"

Medea:? ? ?

"Can't beat it?" she asked strangely.

"It's obvious." Asik said, "You see, the cost of creating undead is very low, which leads to an overwhelming number of undead armies every time they are dispatched. In addition, the battlefield is located on the sea, and the movement speed of the army does not depend on a single unit. It depends on the individual strength of the soldiers, but on the maneuverability of the ship itself... I don’t think the level of the Norman ships will be very high.”

"In other words, even if the average combat power of the Normans is higher than that of the undead, limited by the movement ability of the ships, they cannot effectively encircle, cut and annihilate the undead army that is far larger than our own, right?" Medea said thoughtfully.

"That's right." Asker nodded and said, "If the Normans want to take advantage of their own advantages, they will definitely approach as close as possible and launch a boarding battle. In turn, the undead will definitely not let them board the boarding, but will use guerrilla tactics and long-range Spell shooting."

"The power of the spell barrage is directly proportional to the number of spellcasters, and the number is the advantage of the undead. In an environment like the sea, the Otterwell family is in trouble this time."

Asker's prediction is theoretically very reliable, because the history of navigation on the real earth has proved that brave and capable sailors will eventually be replaced by strong ships and powerful guns.

However, Medea smiled mysteriously and said:

"You are wrong, Captain. I heard that the Kingdom of the Undead will not send a large fleet this time."

"Really?" Ask asked in surprise.

After Medea analyzed the conclusion in this way, everyone suddenly realized. The next strategic focus of the Kingdom of the Undead is on the Strait of Gibraltar on the west side. After all, the Iberian Peninsula across the strait is far away from the Holy See and the Holy Ra Empire, and has the best chance of winning by attacking and occupying it.

As for the troops that came to the waters near Sicily, they were only a small number of troops responsible for guerrilla containment. Most of them are small and flexible boats, and their members are mainly ghost and corpse witch types, neither of which are good at attacking on the ground.

"That's it." Asik readily admitted that his prediction was wrong. After all, he is just a professional e-sports player, not an RPG hardcore intelligence master. "Then Sidri should have no problem dealing with these undead."

"Not only that, this annihilation of the undead fleet will be part of the subsequent Viking trials." Medea said with a smile, "So she has to perform as much as possible."

Thanks to Lu Roe Deer for the 1,000 coins~

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