Blue Sword

Chapter 618 Thousand Layer Cake Showdown

Fire Island Estate.

It has entered October, and the trees on the island have begun to shed their leaves. From the mountains, you can see a forest of yellow leaves.

"As long as you can hurt me within ten minutes, you will pass the test." Asik said while standing in the forest clearing.

This was said very arrogantly, but his tone was quite natural, as if this was some kind of difficult challenge.

What's even stranger is that the girls surrounding him also have solemn expressions.

"Okay." Asik pulled out the sword from the void, "Then let's get started."

As soon as he finished speaking, Medea took the lead.

Soul thread!

Ask's movements stagnated for an instant, and Sheila's storm followed suit and hit him.


The roaring hurricane swept towards Asker, but suddenly turned back halfway.

"Be careful, it's 'rebellion'!" Sheila reminded quickly, and everyone dispersed around in panic.

Since Aske never had any intention of hiding anything, the girls knew his skill system very well.

"Rebellion", this law skill allows the extraordinary person's attack to backfire on itself, but this backlash is direct and uncontrollable.

For example, if Medea throws fire to attack someone, and Asik hits a rebellion, the flame will turn around and attack Medea, but Asik cannot control it to attack other people, nor can he let it attack Medea. a specific location in Asia.

Just like riots in ancient armies, they were often chaotic, random and disorderly.

Considering this, it means that the storm after the rebellion will only attack Sheila, so everyone quickly dispersed to avoid being affected by the hurricane's attack range.

"Wait!" Medea's voice suddenly sounded, "My spiritual thread has been offset! He robbed my skills!"

Everyone was shocked again. Now that Asker has plundered the "Thread of the Soul", it is obvious what to do next:

Take control of one of them, and then make them switch sides and attack in a sneak attack.

We must find Aske quickly and contain him!

Such thoughts flashed through everyone's minds, and everyone immediately put on alert, and those with investigative capabilities began to investigate. Sheila had also dispersed the hurricane after the rebellion, and her figure quickly floated to the sky to monitor the surroundings.

In the field of vision, there is none.

Psychic horizon, no.

Shadow Realm, no.

I searched for the spirit body, but still couldn't find it.

"It's an ambush skill!" Medea reminded everyone again.

"Ambush" can be activated when not being observed, and it can continue to remain "unobservable", but this is a type of invisibility, and you will still be hurt by the AOE ultimate move.

As long as he tries to use his ability, he will interact with the outside world and the ambush state will be automatically released.

Therefore, as Sheila was floating in the air, all the mithril circuits around her body lit up, and she began to prepare a large-scale gravity field attack.

However, before she could complete her spiritual mobilization, a black light suddenly shot out from below. Sheila was so startled that she quickly interrupted her spellcasting and evaded.

It was Paige who made the move. After she interrupted Sheila in the air with a curse, she took out the melting knife she was wearing and slashed at the back of Eleanor next to her.

Eleanor quickly turned around to block, and the light of will turned into a shield in her hands, blocking Peggy's melt knife.

Unyielding Holy Sword status!

The light that formed the shield suddenly condensed into substance, resisting the attack of the melting knife.

"The one being controlled is Peggy!" Medea quickly reminded, "Nora!"

She also shot the thread of her soul towards Paige, trying to seize the initiative from Ask, who was controlling her. Nora also quickly activated her ability, first invading the spirit body to possess Paige, and then spawning vines to tie her up. , finally fully controlling her ability to move.

Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, Mia had already drawn out her two swords and slashed at Mi'er, while Mi'er seemed to have predicted her attack and quickly jumped back to dodge the slashing blow.

here we go again! Only then did the girls react in shock and fear. It was useless to simply control Paige, because Asker could switch the spiritual thread at any time to change the target to be controlled.

Medea thought of more in an instant: First of all, her psychic thread ability did not take 5-6 minutes to complete control as she and Asker said before.

Instead, it only takes about 6 seconds to load, and the controlled person will quickly feel sleepy, exhausted, and lose energy until he completely loses consciousness and is completely controlled by Medea.

In just 6 seconds, this is the horror of the "control" of the rare compound law.

Of course, Miss Succubus has always been shameless in front of Ask, so it doesn't matter if her lies are exposed in person (he can still eat me).

What really scares Medea is that even if she switches the control state of the Soul Thread, it still takes 6 seconds to load before she can control the next target.

So, when did Asik switch states and start controlling Mia?

The answer is when Medea shoots the spiritual thread at the same time, trying to compete with Ask for dominance.

If she had not used this skill, as soon as Asker ended his control over Paige, Paige's consciousness would quickly wake up, and others might not be able to see this strangeness, in front of the two psychics Nora and Medea. Just don't make it too obvious.

Just because Medea activated the psychic thread on Paige, Asker seized the opportunity to cut it out simultaneously, so that before Paige returned to normal, she began to be controlled by Medea and fell into a sleepy state again, causing the two of them to No one noticed Asik's skill switch.

If we can briefly summarize what happened just now, it is that the following layer of cake logic was embedded in the tactical confrontation between the rabbit and the falcon:

Everyone initially only saw the first layer: Ask was controlling Peggy.

After that, I saw the second level: Asker not only controlled Peggy, but could also switch to control others at any time, such as Mia.

As someone who possesses the Law of Manipulation, Medea was initially on the third level: not only did she understand the facts of the first two levels, but she also clearly understood that it would take time to switch control targets, so it was expected that Ask would not be able to switch easily.

However, in fact, what everyone did not expect was that the team leader had thought of the fourth level from the beginning, that is:

Through some means, he concealed his behavior of switching the soul thread, and at the same time deceived everyone, including Medea!

After understanding this fact, Medea felt deeply frightened. Even when it comes to the manipulation laws that I am majoring in, my understanding is actually not as good as that of the group leader, so do others need to tell me?

She immediately came to the conclusion: she could no longer fight seriously and had to give up! If he is not defeated in time, he might get beaten up by Aske!

Of course, even if you let go, you can't do it openly. How to "fight hard" and "lose the ability to fight first" is a very test of acting skills. Fortunately, Miss Succubus is a born drama queen and does not lack this talent.

Just as her eyes were rolling around, thinking about what to do next, she heard Silla suddenly warn:

"My storm ability has also been robbed!"

Thank you for your support so far. Welcome to join the group to discuss the plot (method: first join the ordinary group, and then privately chat with the management sister). Thanks to Lee2333 for the 100 coins, thanks to Sima Zhongchui for the 500 coins, and thanks to book friend 20190126231432451~

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