Blue Sword

Chapter 610 Think carefully

After handing over the team affairs, Aske's work rhythm quickly relaxed.

Still using the professional circle as an analogy, if we say that Asker used to be the team captain, club owner, technical department, planning department, data department, etc., then after handing over the miscellaneous things, he can finally only work on the team. Captain is the most promising career.

Level 13, which has been stuck for a long time, can finally move up.

"Rebellion", or "riot", is the law skill Asik is scheduled to learn next. Its effect is to make the opponent's extraordinary ability backfire on him. Theoretically, no matter what the other party's laws are, first "plunder" and then "rebel", and then you can use the other party's laws to beat the opponent to your heart's content.

Players who do not follow the rules of war despise it as the "husband's ex-offender" tactic. Although it is not a good word, it is enough to show how troublesome and fearful other players are about this tactic.

In fact, as a fantasy game that transforms into e-sports, the balance between different professions, bloodlines and laws has been carefully designed. If your character happens to be restraining someone, then there must be a character who is restraining you. Nothing is absolutely invincible.

For example, Asker's law of war would be more troublesome if faced with extraordinary beings who have laws such as natural disasters and destruction. Because as long as the opponent flies flexibly in the air and continuously projects AOE attacks from a distance, it will give Asker a headache.

The Nine Swords of the Stars are too far away to hit, so they can only use plunder + rebellion to counterattack with the same AOE, or use conceptual weapons to bring out sniper rifles to assassinate spellcasters in the air from a long distance.

Of course, in the final analysis, it still depends on professional standards. At Sheila's current level, even if she had condensed the laws of natural disasters, she would still be beaten violently by Asker - after all, she had no professional training, and her aerial positioning and tactical awareness were not good.

Just when he was comprehending his skills and trying to upgrade, someone from the team approached him.

"Sheila?" Asik closed the book, "Are you looking for me?"

"Yeah." Silla's eyes fell on the cover of the book, which was a book about military history.

"Sit down," Ask said.

So Sheila sat down opposite Aske and tidied her hair elegantly.

"Asker." She suddenly felt a little shy, but quickly calmed down and asked, "What type of woman do you like?"

"Huh?" Ask was confused.

"I'm asking, what kind of woman do you prefer." Silla emphasized again.

Since Mi'er said that she will have a daughter with Aske in the future, our Theodora tentatively believes that she is destined to marry Aske.

So whether it is a political marriage or true love is what Sheila needs to figure out now. If it's the former, then just keep calm and let nature take its course; if it's the latter, then she has to take a closer look to see what there is in this leader who is as dull as a crock pot that she likes. place.

"Yeah." Seeing that the other party didn't look like he wanted to confess to him, Asik also calmed down and said, "I think he is a more charming type."

"Charm?" Silla was startled for a moment, then said, "Is it just based on appearance?"

As for appearance, isn’t it perfect for me? No wonder...

"Ahem." Being pointedly pointed out by the other party about Yan Gou's nature, Asik was a little embarrassed and said insincerely, "Appearance is of course important, but personality is also one of the key factors. Of course I can't just look at appearance."

"Tell me more specifically, what kind of personality do you prefer?" Silla put her hands on the table, with a mysterious smile of expectation on her perfect and delicate face.

"Uh..." Ask hesitated for a long time, "Gentle?"

"Gentle?" Silla thought thoughtfully, "In other words, you don't like tough ones?"

That's a bit troublesome. I will restore my country and become emperor in the future, so I can't cling to you like a little girl every day.

"That's not to say." Asik shook his head, "I don't have any bias against girls who have strong personalities and like to take the initiative. Well, as long as we are comfortable getting along with them."

"I see." Silla held her chin in one hand and asked leisurely, "Where's your identity?"

"Are there any requirements for family background?"

"Alas." Asik was at a loss for words by her question, and after a while he said, "I won't consider my family background for the time being."

"Really?" Sheila looked at him in surprise, "Then if the other party is a prostitute, a drug addict or even a criminal..."

"That's definitely not possible!" Ask said quickly, "I'm actually a relatively traditional person, and my identity is innocent as the bottom line I can accept."

"What is the definition of innocence?" Sheila asked relentlessly, "Does it only refer to the above-mentioned objects who are criticized and cast aside by mainstream society?"

"Or does it include those with bad habits such as promiscuity and group sex?"

"Or even further, would it be acceptable for a widow who has never broken the rules but has been divorced?"

"Do you even have to find a virgin who is physically and mentally pure? For you, at what point is it truly 'innocent'?"

Ask was a little confused by her barrage of questions, and after a while he said:

"Theodora, what exactly do you want to ask?"

"I want to know what kind of wife you will find in the future." Sheila finally revealed her true purpose, "I am very curious about this."

What's so curious about this... Asik was speechless and could only say perfunctorily:

"It depends on the situation. It's not about what kind of person it is. At least I'm not that picky about choosing a spouse. And I can't answer your question now because I'm still single. Don't you think Is marriage still a distant topic for me?"

"I cannot agree with this." Sheila immediately put on a serious and stubborn look and said seriously, "Asker, you are also from a noble family in Constantinople. Please note that in this world, it is not that simple for two people to get married. of."

"Marriage means that two people are connected as one from now on. One will be prosperous and one will suffer. So you have to think clearly about what kind of life you want to live in this world, and whether the person you are looking for can come true for you. Does life purpose really help?”

"Grasp this, and you will not randomly find a wife who is not worthy of you when you are young, and then spend the rest of your life sighing and regretting it."

"That's it." Asik nodded to show that he was taught, and thought to himself, do you have the nerve to educate me? Do you know that in the original game world, even in version 9, you are still an older leftover girl in a monastery?

Even your sister Zoe said that she would release you from the monastery as long as you were willing to get married. However, you were so arrogant that you openly declared that "there is no man worthy of you in the entire empire" and you just stayed in the monastery for ten years. as long as……

(Note: In fact, the game company implements the idol policy and is worried that Theodora's marriage will affect her popularity among players, so it does not give her CP at all)

Completely unaware of Asik's slander, Sheila concluded on her own:

"Therefore, even if you are still single, you should establish a correct view on mate selection as early as possible and focus on those outstanding women who are worthy of your pursuit."

At this point, her voice paused subtly, and she suddenly smiled:

"What do you think about me?"

Asker:? ? ?

He stared at Silla with eyes that seemed to be petrified, but the latter calmly held his hand on the table, pressed his chest with the other hand, and said with a sincere expression:

"I was born in the Purple Chamber of the Grand Palace of Constantinople. I have an orthodox direct lineage as the princess of the Solomon Empire. I even once ascended the throne and ruled. The glory of the ancient Solomon Empire flows in my blood, just like Mal Like the undercurrent rolling deep in the Mara Sea."

“Although Constantinople is temporarily in the hands of the pagans, I will one day take it back with my own hands. I will defeat the pagans under the pillars of Constantine the Great, and then drive them completely from Asia Minor, Expelled all the way beyond Ilania."

"When Solomon's empire is restored, the double-headed eagle's scepter and the golden ball cross will also be returned to my hands. As long as you marry me, I can make you my co-emperor, my Basileus, when the time comes As a couple, we will become the most powerful people in this continent, how about that?"

"This..." Asik was about to speak, but was interrupted again by Sheila:

"It doesn't matter, I know you want to go back now. I can understand your thoughts, just like I miss Constantinople all the time."

"So you can think about it slowly. If one day, you go and pick up your mother and come back! Of course I will also give her the corresponding status and glory. You can rest assured. After all, our husband and wife are natural As one, your mother is my mother."

"As for our daughter, I have already thought about naming her 'Anna'. What do you think of the name Anna? Think about it carefully, Asik. This opportunity is rare. I believe you will eventually make it." The right decision.”

She finally said encouragingly, patted the back of Asik's hand gently, then stood up, and left with a swaggering air of victory.

Ask stared at her back in stunned silence, and after a while he slowly squeezed out a word through his teeth:


Thank you to me Yuan Meng Meng Da for 1000 coins, thank you for knowing Chenxi for 100 coins, thank you for the 17th black cat for 100 coins, thank Feng Zhicheng for 300 coins, thank Xiao Moyuan for 2000 coins, thank Suppers for 700 coins, thank you from the beginning 200 coins to start the next life, thank Mr. Leng Feng for 100 coins, thank you for holding her, Shuiyue’s 1,000 coins~

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