Blue Sword

Chapter 591 Salted fish also need to breathe occasionally

Outside the outpost.

Two Norman knights stood facing each other, talking about the "chief's daughter" who had suddenly appeared recently.

"What's your name? Brünnhilde?"

"She looks so similar to the leader. Even if she doesn't say it, I know she must be related to the leader."

"Speaking of which, the leader's appearance is so beautiful on a woman's body?"

"Do you want to die? Talking about this kind of thing...but that young lady is really feminine."

"How can you tell? The breasts are not particularly big, and the legs are not particularly long..."

"The breasts are not big, but not small either; the legs are not long, but not short either. There are no shortcomings in any aspect. She is already a quite qualified woman, enough to withstand my stick and fists. Not to mention she is also a Ha Ska…”

"Actually, what's really impressive is her eyes. They are as cold as looking at insects. Just by her looking at me, I feel like I'm going to turn into pieces."

"That's right, especially when I'm riding her and letting her look at me as if she wants to kill me, so I can cum until I bleed..."

"Yes, hahahaha!"

The Norman knight's wild laughter stopped suddenly, because blood really burst out from his throat.

Mia had already flashed behind him, slashed his neck with the short knife in her right hand, and pointed towards the ground with her left hand. The shadow under the Norman knight's feet immediately jumped up, engulfing the other knight whose face suddenly changed. .

Almost instantly, the two knights standing here disappeared together with the blood sprayed out, and Mia also disappeared immediately - going to the shadow world to hunt down her prey, leaving no trace.

However, someone not far away noticed something unusual. It was a senior Norman knight standing by the gas pump. He suddenly heard the laughter outside suddenly stop, and he couldn't help but become alert immediately.

"Victor? Magnus?" The senior knight pulled out his battle ax and walked cautiously toward the outside. The white air of frost spread slowly from around his body, ready to freeze any attacks from around him.

In the store, the Norman knights sitting by the bonfire also heard the shouts outside. Someone laughed and said:

"Those two brats probably quit their jobs again."

"I'll tie them to a tree later and whip them with a whip."

After a while, the shouting guy also lost his voice, leaving only the sound of the crackling bonfire.

"I'll go out and take a look." A certain white-haired Huska stood up.

Outside the gas station, the senior Norman knight stood where the two people had disappeared, silently.

The two of them were supposed to be standing guard here, so where did they go to fool around without permission?

Suddenly his spirit was shaken and he was attacked by some unknown spiritual attack. Relying on his spirituality to resist the control, the senior Norman knight was about to shout, but found that his body was no longer under control.

Possessed by a spirit!

Then, the trees next to it suddenly grew countless branches, which immediately entangled it tightly and then dragged it into the bushes next to it.

"What's going on?" Almost a moment later, the white-haired Huska rushed nearby.

nobody. Both the knight who was originally standing guard here and the knight who spoke just now seemed to have disappeared suddenly and inexplicably.

"Enemy attack!" The roar resounded throughout the entire camp.

As expected of a law-level powerhouse, he didn't even notice the enemy's shadow, so he shouted for help without hesitation... On the hill in the distance, Mi'er thought almost speechlessly, silently aiming the eyepiece of the sniper rifle. .

Medea's mark appeared in Mier's consciousness through a secret manipulation connection.

According to the mark, the white-haired guy in the distance is the Huskar who is hostile to Sidrifa and needs to be eliminated during this raid.

In Mi'er's eyes, countless world lines spread out, forming an almost endless interlaced trajectory.

Each world line represents the trajectory of the bullet after she shoots it in a specific direction, whether it is the flight path of the bullet that escapes from the bullet, or the trajectory of the bullet that hits an object and becomes a ricochet, all are included.

Then, a large number of lines disappeared from her vision, leaving only those lines that passed through the distant target.

"Bang!" Accompanied by a gunshot, the bullet had penetrated the Hasko guard's lungs - the reason why it was not the heart that Mi'er originally aimed at was because he instinctively made the move at the moment the bullet collided with the ground. dodge reaction.

There was a bullet hole in his lung. The Huskar guard silently put his hand to his chest and froze the bleeding wound.

The shooting direction was...wrong, the bullet hit the ground, bounced back and hit me again! The enemy is a Templar with the ability to calculate ricochet!

The Huskar guards understood instantly and immediately responded.

Law of Frost. Slowness!

A large amount of cold air spurted out from the pores of his skin, and soon a thick, fuzzy mist formed around him, shrouding his figure in it.

There was another gunshot. The bullet hit the ground again, then bounced towards the Hasko guard, but the latter nimbly dodged to avoid it.

To be precise, the bullet's flight speed dropped.

"Try using my storm, maybe it can blow away the fog." Sheila said in the communication channel.

"No, no need." Mi'er continued to shoot a few more shots and said, "The leader has passed."

"Asker?!" Sheila was shocked. The leader, a salty fish, could actually surface for air?

The Huskar guard continued to dodge bullets while running towards the retail store. Before he had taken a few steps, he heard someone calling him from the wall next to him:


He turned his head, and what came face to face was a bright sword light!

Asker held the knife in his right hand and slashed at him, and quickly pulled him with his left hand to plunder!

His whole body also emitted white mist, which quickly mixed with the opponent's mist. The two people's movements were affected by the slow effect at the same time, and they fought like a movie in slow motion.

The dagger and the battle ax clashed again, and the icy cold air spread quickly from the ax blade. Before Asik's wrist could be touched, he lifted the summons of the conceptual arm, causing the cold air wrapped around the dagger to dissipate.

Then he made a stabbing gesture, and suddenly there was a spear in his hand!

Dragon Spear!

The spear emerged so fast that it broke through the defense of the battle ax and stabbed the Huskar guard in the abdomen. Ask was about to use more force to lift the opponent up when he saw the opponent slap the gun hard.

Law of Frost. Freeze!

A large amount of solid ice passed quickly along the body of the gun, like a ferocious snake swimming around, but before it could touch Asik, it collapsed and shattered again as the spear disappeared, and countless ice particles fell to the ground with a crackle.

This guy has such a fast reaction speed! The Huskar guard's pupils shrank suddenly, knowing that his tactics were restrained by the opponent.

The Norman knights of the Northern Horn usually have two fighting styles, one is physical attack and the other is frost attack. Among them, there are also long-range and short-range frost attacks. The former directly blasts the cold air to freeze the enemy, while the latter uses the collision of weapons to transfer the cold to the opponent's arm for killing.

However, the opponent used some means to "steal" his Law of Slowness skill. Therefore, long-range attacks will slow down as long as they enter the opponent's range. You can imagine the low hit rate; if you switch to short-range attacks, the opponent can summon A variety of weapons can be released and summoned at any time. The switching between them is almost seamless, so the cold cannot be transferred by weapon collision.

In other words, either use a wide range of frost attacks, or rely on martial arts to fight hard.

Considering that there are companions indoors not far away at the moment, it is not difficult to make the corresponding choice.

He only heard Hasko growl, and his frost-white hair immediately condensed into tiny frost particles. The surging frost power moved rapidly inside his body, and a large amount of extremely low-temperature white cold air was blown out, as if even the air was about to be frozen.

Frost. Spiked Nova!

Thanks to Loe Alma for his 2000 coins, thanks to book friend 20190708083947499 for his 100 coins, thanks to I Always Love Nan Qinli for his 10000 coins, thanks to Suppers for his 500 coins, thanks to Shumeng Wushu for his 100 coins, thanks to Wu La La Hey 076. 1000 coins~

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