Blue Sword

Chapter 581 Deja Vu

The two continued their conversation in the car, and suddenly Mi'er warned:

"Wait a minute, Ask is coming."

The female driver shut up immediately. Two seconds later, Ask suddenly teleported to Mi'er.

"Mi'er, are you on duty today?" he asked pleasantly.

"Well, it's me~" Mi'er nodded, showing a beautiful smile.

The female driver's peripheral vision behind her sunglasses silently glanced at the two people talking and laughing through the rearview mirror.

At this time, Mi'er did not have the plain and calm temperament she had before. Instead, she listened to Aske's words obediently and docilely, answering or echoing a few words from time to time, like a sweet little girl in love.

Listening to the content of their turned out that it was all hard-core content related to combat, such as positioning, awareness, and prediction, which made the female driver roll her eyes.

Does this man have muscles in his head? Why does Minerva fall in love with him? Just incomprehensible.

"In short, I think you should perform better." Asik finally said, "Tomorrow morning, we will have another training session. Then you can try again according to the idea I mentioned."

"Yeah, I'll definitely work hard." The half-elf girl clenched her fists to cheer her up. The female driver in front of her was about to vomit.

I can't do it anymore... She grabbed the steering wheel weakly. This guy is acting cute! Well, although Minerva is indeed quite young in actual age, her small body does not have a silly and sweet personality at all!

Huh, man. As soon as the female driver pushed up her sunglasses, a straight man like you would sooner or later be eaten to the bone by Little Minerva.

Just as she was thinking this, she suddenly heard an explosion-like sound coming from the front.

It was almost evening, and the convoy was driving into the small town of Rotonda on the border of the Basilicata region. Logically speaking, the Norman troops should not have pushed here yet.

Before the three people in the car could react, they heard another loud explosion in front of them. Now everyone knew that something must have happened. Mi'er's eyes turned slightly and she immediately warned:

"The Northern Horn is in front! It's the Norman surprise attack force!"

At the front of the convoy, on the roofs of buildings on both sides of the road, the ambushed Norman surprise troops suddenly appeared. They collectively activated their "frost" abilities and built a huge ice wall that blocked the road.

A large number of Holy See military vehicles were forced to stop here. Many Templar knights and mercenaries quickly got out of the vehicles and tried to fire above the roof.

However, the Normans did not rush out of the building to fight them, but calmly hurled their weapons down from the roof. Many people have already turned on the "violent" state. Their eyes are bloodshot, their muscles are swollen, and they throw battle axes with the strength of a lion elephant, which can directly smash the body of a Templar knight in one blow.

So the Templars quickly retreated behind the vehicle habitually, using the military vehicle as a cover, and continued shooting above the roof.

These vehicles are made of special alloys that are hard enough to withstand most bullets. Even the ax thrown by the furious Norman knight could only leave a dent in the body of the car.

After they changed their tactics accordingly, most of the Norman knight's attacks were blocked by the car body, and the killing efficiency also dropped rapidly.

The vehicles behind were still coming continuously. When they noticed the fighting ahead, they immediately stopped on the side of the road. Then the heavily armed Templars got out of the car and joined the battlefield. Soon, the Norman knights who originally had the terrain advantage gradually fell into a numerical disadvantage.

At this time, a dozen figures in white robes lined up the ranks of senior Norman knights and came to the edge of the roof.

These law-level Huskar guards looked down, put their hands on their chests, and used cold air to pull out the shape of battle axes.

Law of Frost. Ax of Ice.

These battle axes, which were purely condensed from cold air, were thrown downwards with great force as the Huskar guards shouted violently.

When they hit military vehicles, the road, or even the Templars, they immediately exploded into thick white gas, covering all objects within a few meters of the surrounding area with thick white frost.

The Templar knight who was among them fell down in the snow almost immediately, having all the heat drained from his body and died.

At the rear of the convoy, after understanding that there was an emergency situation ahead, many vehicles had begun to try to go around and go around to the rear of the battlefield from the side; some also pulled over on the spot to let the Templars go down to support the battlefield ahead.

"What should I do?" the female driver asked, tapping the steering wheel.

"If you charge directly, you will rush into the opponent's ambush circle." Ask analyzed, looking at Mi'er, "If you try to take a roundabout way..."

"They have also set up ambushes on other roads." Mi'er observed the future line and replied, "It is difficult to break through their defense line..."

"But it's better than running into it head-on, right?" The female driver showed her white teeth under her sunglasses and smiled, "So, let's try to break through in a detour."

"Uh." As soon as Aske nodded, the female driver immediately stepped on the accelerator.

Damn it, is it so fierce? !

Before Asker could speak, the vehicle beneath him suddenly vibrated violently. The tires with the highest speed were skidding violently on the road, and the surrounding scenery began to fly backwards at lightning speed.

"Dejavu (seems familiar)." The female driver said leisurely, "I haven't driven fast for a long time... I'm sorry, let me find out how I feel."

Following her casual tone, she gave the steering wheel a sharp blow, and the entire car drifted in a big curve to the right. Ask quickly held on to the inside of the right door, while Mi'er was already thrown into his arms by the acceleration.

The vehicle made an emergency drift turn and entered the road steadily through the curve. Mi'er climbed up from his arms, her eyelashes fluttering and her face flushed.

Before the two of them had time to take a breath, they felt a strong pushing sensation on their backs again. The vehicle started buzzing and speeding up again. The female driver had stepped on the accelerator to the maximum, and the pointer on the instrument panel turned directly to the right - as if it was going to break the instrument panel.

"The quality of this car is quite good." The female driver said in surprise, "It didn't fall apart."

"Sister, can you do it?" Asik almost vomited blood when he heard this, "This is not your Qiu Mingshan driveway!"

"I mean, this car is not a modified car, but it feels pretty good to drive." The female driver obviously didn't understand Qiu Mingshan's story, and continued to control the vehicle to rush forward at full speed.

At the intersection ahead, a huge wall of ice rose again on the road. The Norman knights blocking the road had already dispersed to both sides, waiting for the crazy car to hit it directly, and then the car was destroyed and everyone was killed.

However, the female driver just turned the steering wheel sharply and drifted around the corner at a large angle, bypassing the ice wall and turning to the left lane.

Ask stared out of the car window dumbfounded. During the sharp turn just now, the rearview mirror has been rubbed off and the car door has been slightly deformed. It is obvious that this car god's skills are not 100% perfect when he drifts wildly through the corner - this car is a hard rub. Built along the roadside.

"Shirley!" Mi'er also screamed, the ice wall in front of her was growing rapidly.

"Don't worry!" The female driver shook her head, and her sunglasses slipped halfway from the bridge of her nose, revealing her light amber pupils.

Then, the whole car took off.

Flying over the top of the rapidly rising ice wall.

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