Blue Sword

Chapter 573 Containment Failure

"Your hair is getting longer and longer, Hildafa." Eleanor said with emotion.

She gently moved her fingers downwards, allowing Sidrifa's long platinum hair to slide smoothly between her fingers.

"Cut to shoulder blade length?"

"No, just cut it to the shawl." Sidrifa, who was sitting on the chair, looked at herself in the mirror and smiled, "My hair grows very fast anyway."

"Yeah." Eleanor thought it would be a pity to cut off half of such beautiful long hair. But now that Sidrifa had opened her mouth, she couldn't continue to dissuade her.

The fog of will is turned on.

Armed with will, turn on.

In her hand, there was a pair of scissors made of flowing light, flying lightly on Sidrifa's hair. With the help of mist's precise observation, Eleanor can accurately cut anywhere and know the effect of each cut.

"Have you ever been a hairdresser before?" Hidrifa suddenly asked.

For a noble lady, this kind of inquiry is undoubtedly an insult. However, Eleanor knew Hildafa's straightforward character of "speaking without thinking", and she herself did not have the self-consciousness of a noble lady, so she answered jokingly:

"Of course. In our team, in addition to fighting, everyone needs to have additional skills to ensure that if the level cannot keep up with the team, Asker will not be fired early."

Hilda Lifa opened her mouth slightly, and then asked with difficulty after a long while:

"Uh, really?"

"That's right." Eleanor continued to trim her hair, "Look, Nora is also the chef of the team, right?"

"Yes..." Hidliefa couldn't refute. Indeed, Nora has been catering for everyone for several months, and her cooking skills have become more and more sophisticated over time.

"And Paige, doesn't she hang around Aske all day long? It's obvious that she positions herself as a maid."

"Uh..." Hidliba remembered that when Asik was lying on the rocking chair, Peggy was rocking him obediently from behind, just like a maid serving her master.

"What about the others..." she asked cautiously.

"I don't know." Eleanor said in a brisk tone, "They probably all have their own plans, and they may have expressed them in front of Ask in private."


She looked at herself in the mirror absentmindedly, her beautiful long platinum hair falling down.

"Well, Eleanor." After a while, she hesitated and asked, "Do you think... is there any profession that does not require the accumulation of knowledge or skills and that anyone can be qualified for?"

"Let me think about it...for example." Eleanor thought for a while, "Pet?"

"Huh?" Hidlie was confused.

"You're kidding." Eleanor finally patted the broken hair off her head and said with a smile, "Okay, you can go take a shower."

Hilda stood up with a gloomy look.

After returning to her room, she went to the bathroom and slowly took off her clothes.

pet? How to deal with this?

Looking at herself in the mirror, Hidrifa began to think seriously.

As for pets, she actually prefers dogs. But when she was on the pirate ship, people mostly kept cats because cats would catch mice on the ship and prevent the precious food reserves from being eaten up.

Am I going to play the role of a cat in the group?

Staring at herself in the mirror, Hildrifa hesitantly raised her hand, imitating the posture of a kitten's claws, and tried to shout:



Nora opened her eyes.

Is this the script? She looked around curiously.

In the dilapidated room, the metal pieces on the walls had fallen off and the floor tiles were full of cracks. Directly in front of it is a towering device with a huge hole on the surface, showing an outward trumpet-shaped explosion opening, as if some powerful force has penetrated the inner wall from the inside.

Nora stared at the hole for a moment, and suddenly recalled in horror:

That is the containment device of the Tree of Origin!

She took half a step back in fear, subconsciously looking for Asik beside her. It took half a minute to react:

First of all, this was in the script, so there was no Askew.

Secondly, just because this is a script, it is not reality - the real Sephiroth Tree should stay well in the containment device in reality!

However, even though she knew that these were all false, Nora still couldn't help but feel her heart beat faster, and the fear spread uncontrollably from the bottom of her heart.

At this time, she missed the leader very much.

After staying in the room for a while and barely regaining her composure, Nora started walking around and found a stack of information on the shelf next to her:

Deterrence Level: R3-Keter

The Sephiroth Tree.

No one is allowed to remain in this room for more than 12 minutes, and all requests for entry must be approved by the Cardinal and above.

The Tree of Origin is the product of a certain kind of extraordinary being who mutated and fell. It possesses plant-level low-level intelligent consciousness and a very powerful evolutionary ability. It will evolve in a specific direction according to the environment it is in. Its purpose is to be immune to environmental damage and try its best to survive. Possibly move and infect others.

The Sephiroth Tree will extract the life force from the nearby environment and secrete a certain substance called "Essence", which can infect any living body as a "Esence Polluter".

The Sephiroth Defiler is a kind of extraordinary creature with only low-level intelligence, which draws spirituality from the demonic tide. They will attempt to hunt down all living creatures in sight and contaminate them as Source Defilers as well.

These polluters have strong vitality and are extremely difficult to kill. The currently proven and reliable method of elimination is to spray them with flames at a temperature of over 1,000 degrees Celsius at close range for more than 6 seconds, which can effectively prevent their bodies from self-healing and regeneration...

Nora silently put down the information and continued to look around cautiously, fearing that some greenskin would suddenly jump out with a "WAAAAAAGH" sound.

Fortunately, such a danger did not occur. After all, it is impossible for the script to arrange for a crisis to occur at the beginning.

She hesitated for a moment, then carefully hid behind the device.

Then he activated his spiritual body ability and summoned a nearby spiritual body.

Let it explore its surroundings.

The spirit slowly floated outward, and Nora observed the surroundings through its vision.

In the vision of the spirit body, everything is black, white, and gray, and the difference is only in the shade. She could barely make out the difference between the floor, walls, and ceiling, as well as a door set into the wall.

There is a long corridor leading out from the room. Varian once took Nora through here, but the doors on both sides were closed.

However, at this time, all the doors were slightly ajar, as if there was some unpredictable crisis hidden behind them.

After hesitating for a long time, Nora still controlled her spirit body, chose the nearest door and floated in.

There is still a long corridor inside, no change from the outside, except that there are no longer doors on the walls on both sides, but sealed walls made of thickened alloy plates riveted together.

At the end of the corridor is a steel gate. A large number of bolts and locks restrict the opening of the gate, revealing the Holy See's careful precautions against things inside. Under Nora's control, the spirit body slowly raised its head and saw clearly the words etched on the gate:

Deterrence Level: R3-Keter

Mobile battlefield.

Thanks to a certain FFF member who is obsessed with the second dimension for his 500 coins, thanks to Liuli Haoxi for his 1,000 coins, thanks to Yebai’s World for his 100 coins, thanks to Shangjinxiayou for his 100 coins, and thanks to Tuker for his 5,500 coins~

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