Blue Sword

Chapter 540 Growing up


Today it was Ask's turn to guard the ancient books outside, while the other girls went back to Fire Island.

Moving a bench in the church, Aske sat outside the chapel, looking leisurely at the dark night sky.

The light pollution in Solomon City has always been very serious, but this time due to the rise of the demonic tide and the sudden change, most of the lights in the city stopped, revealing the unique splendid stars at night in the world of "Song of Iron and Fire".

Although the continental terrain and place names here are highly similar to those of the Earth, the planet named "Helel" is not the Earth, so the starry sky here is completely different from what is observed on the Earth.

There was no Big Dipper, no Southern Cross, no constellation that Asker recognized. Although he probably wouldn't recognize it on Earth.

There was silence all around, except for the occasional searchlight that pierced the night sky and was cast towards the edge of the Lateran Palace... Probably because there was another attack on the force field shield there. It seems that high-dimensional creatures do not need sleep and are still attacking humans with great energy.

"Asker." Nora's voice sounded from behind.

"I'm sorry to ask you to take the risk of accompanying me this time." She squatted next to Asker's chair, hugged her knees and said softly.

"It's okay." Aske said, "We haven't encountered any danger."

Nora gently smoothed the chestnut hair on the side of her face and smiled helplessly.

As for the battle we encountered when we entered the city, was there no danger? If Eleanor hadn't protected everyone with the turtle shell of will enhanced by the Holy Sword, there's no telling what would have happened.

"I told my brother," she continued, "Next, the Holy See will gradually arrange personnel, equipment and materials to evacuate along the secret passage to Castel Sant'Angelo Airport."

"We will be the first to evacuate."

"Okay." Asik didn't say anything, just nodded.

In fact, he didn't know what to say. Regarding this high-level mutation that had never happened in the original game, he couldn't think of any other way besides running away.

As an e-sports player, Aske only conducts in-depth research on game combat and character building. As for online game missions and plots, the club has a dedicated resource department in charge.

For extremely large missions such as Solomon City Mutation, professional clubs usually rudely ask the technical department to directly capture and unpack the files and clarify the local data updated by the game client: for example, what monsters are there in this mission and how strong it is? , what the rewards are and how to obtain them will be specially planned and classified.

As for professional players like him, they only need to control the character to complete the tasks according to the planning and design process, and get all the rewards.

At this point, it actually no longer feels like playing a game, but more like a boring professional job.

But now he is trapped in an unknown mission plot, with no clues and information, and his eyes are completely black. It is indeed an experience that Asik has not experienced in a long time.

For the time being, we can only take one step at a time.

After Nora left, a few minutes later, Asik heard Mi'er's voice coming from behind:

"So are we going to run away next, Ask?"

Ask is speechless, why are you taking turns looking for me again?

"It's not an escape, it's a tactical retreat." He corrected Mi'er's inappropriate choice of words, "Just like the last time we left the Imperial Alliance Forces."

"Eleanor saved those soldiers and knights last time, but what about this time?" Mi'er was silent for a moment and asked, "These innocent citizens trapped in Solomon City, the poor guys who were eroded by the mutation, no one Do you care about them?"

"Hey." Asik immediately became alert, "Don't act without permission like Eleanor!"

"I can't, Ask." Mi'er shook her head, "I'm just a little...sad."

"I don't know... can you understand this feeling? It's like watching things slide into the worst abyss, but you can't do anything because you are weak." She took a deep breath and continued Said, "Sometimes, I still dream that I am on the run in the mountains of Constantinople, with people chasing and killing me everywhere behind me."

"I squatted by the river, trying to clean the blood on the gun, but I couldn't wash it off..." She gradually couldn't continue. Ask was also silent for a moment and put his hand on her pink hair:

"Mi'er, you are a kind and good child. But you should also know that there are many things in this world that we cannot do."

"We can only do our best, but don't insist on perfect results."

"Aske..." Mi'er plucked up the courage to say what she had always wanted to say, "I was very lucky to meet you who came to save me at that time, and it changed my life from then on."

"But now, are these residents of Solomon City destined to fall into the mutation after the Holy See evacuates? There shouldn't be anyone like you who will stand up to save them, right?" She was depressed. He said, "I know you can't force this kind of thing. I'm just... a little sad about my powerlessness."

"If I can become stronger, can able to do what you did back then?"

"Yes," Asker replied, "You can look at Eleanor."

"She once faced unbearable atrocities and chose to stand up for justice - of course we must admit that this was a wrong act - but fortunately the matter was finally resolved. The empire finally admitted defeat and the soldiers no longer Being forcibly sent to the battlefield, she herself suffered no irreversible damage.”

"However, if we look at the whole thing from the beginning, you will find that the reason why this thing has a good ending is not because she is fighting for justice, but because she comprehends the Unyielding Holy Sword before the battle, and she can Stop the emperor and demigods while protecting yourself.”

"On the one hand, we need to admit that human ideals should be beautiful and full of hope; on the other hand, we must face up to the fact that this world is objective and cold, and its operation only follows its own laws and will not depend on you. If you are just and kind, I will make any accommodation to you."

"Attitude and means are two different things, and the latter is often more important than the former. Statements without the ability to execute are meaningless. Since this world says survival of the fittest, only the strong can have the right to speak. Then we must work hard to become stronger and let people We can gain the right to speak out and then influence the things we want to change for the better.”

After being brainwashed again by Ask's "becoming stronger theory", Mi'er did not immediately regain her mood and nod her head this time. Instead, she remained silent for a long time before slowly asking:

"But what if the price of becoming stronger is to choose another path and face an even more uncertain future?"

"Mi'er, everyone's path is unknown." Ask said in a relaxed tone, "It's just that you have more possibilities ahead of us than we do."

"This road is called 'growing up'."


"I don't want to care about you anymore!" She muttered a word, turned around and ran away.

Asker:? ? ?

He was stunned for a long time, his expression a little confused.

Thanks to lovemai-k for the 500 coins, and to Yetan for my infatuated 1,000 coins~

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