Blue Sword

Chapter 538 Scientific invalidation

"On my way to the Holy See, I suddenly encountered a new kind of monster."

On the way, Nora tried to talk to her companions and said:

"The bodies of these monsters are similar to those of ectoplasm polluters, but they can fly flexibly in the air, so they are difficult to be hit by abilities."

"I saw them using the vines protruding from their bodies to pierce the surrounding extraordinary beings into pollution, and then grabbed them and headed toward the city center."

"Didn't they try to attack you?" Asker asked.

"Yes." Nora nodded and said, "But I summoned the surrounding spirits to entangle them."

"The scene was in a stalemate for a while, and the surrounding Templars came to help. Then the ectoplasmic tree suddenly grew in the city center, and these monsters immediately flew back. Then the mutation spread quickly, and the Saint The palace knights were also eroded by the mutation and became in a strange state."

Everyone came to the next block and looked along Nora's direction. They saw several Templar knights, some standing in the middle of the street, some kneeling or prostrate on the ground, and they also turned into a translucent state, murmuring. Reciting syllables of unknown meaning.

"That's it." Nora said helplessly, "I tried to check their situation."

"Their physical condition is good, but their spiritual bodies seem to be distorted, and their mental bodies have completely disappeared."

"The reason is very simple." Medea explained, "They should have entered the spiritual world."

"Spiritual world?" Nora was puzzled.

"It's a high-dimensional space." Medea said, "The Holy See on your side should have also studied the high-dimensional spiritual plane, right? A world that cannot be observed, cannot be affected, and can only be proved mathematically... They should go there Once there, the body was forcibly elevated."

"Are you saying that their material state is dispersed, so it cannot be observed?" After Medea reminded her, Nora seemed to suddenly realize, "Because it is dispersed into a higher-dimensional space, it cannot collapse, and therefore cannot be observed. arrive?"

"Yes." Medea said, "In your scientific terms, it is the so-called quantum ghost form."


"Do you understand what they are saying?" Asik lowered his head and asked Sheila next to him.

This girl was educated by the royal family of the Eastern Solomon Empire and should be able to understand their academic discussions.

"Captain, do you know the observer effect?" Sheila tried to explain. "When you are not observing, the system is in a superposition state of a and b. Once you observe it, the system will collapse to one of a or b. state."

"Observation means collapse, and conversely, dispersion prevents observation. The so-called quantum ghost state means that the system is forced to disperse into the superposition state of a and b, resulting in a state where you are completely unable to observe the system..."

"Yeah, I understand." Asik said calmly, "That's it for the explanation."

Silla didn’t say any more, just snickering in her heart. The leader will also be in such embarrassment sometimes.

"Is there any significance to what you are discussing?" After a moment, Aske interrupted their eloquent academic exchange.

"Asker, do you remember the ectoplasmic polluters from before?" Nora said worriedly, "Gunpowder weapons based on kinetic energy cannot cause damage to them."

"At first I thought this was an ability similar to transparency, but now it seems that is not the case. It seems more likely to be caused by the influence of high-dimensional space. Because low-dimensional ordinary attacks are difficult to affect high-dimensional creatures .”

"It's like a paper man on a two-dimensional plane shooting an arrow with a thickness of 0. Such a weapon cannot harm a human in a three-dimensional space. An object with a thickness of 0 will only pass through his body."

"Assuming that this creature really comes from the legendary spirit world, then most of the Holy See's technological weapons will not be able to have any impact on it. As early as the Fourth Age, the imperial academic community has demonstrated this point: no matter how weak it is, High-dimensional monsters are an unmitigated disaster for our world."

"Well, if technological weapons can't harm it, then only extraordinary abilities can harm it?" Ask asked again as if he was confirming, recalling his previous experience.

"Yes." Nora gave an affirmative answer, "The extraordinary abilities we currently know should be a simplified phenomenon of certain high-dimensional physical laws in three-dimensional space, so only extraordinary abilities can harm them."

"But don't forget, the hierarchy in the supernatural world is even more cruel." Medea reminded from the side. "If there is still the possibility of a child holding a dagger and stabbing an adult holding a rifle to death in the scientific world, then the supernatural world Low-level objects in the world are almost unable to defeat high-level objects. This is because there is a huge gap between the two sides in terms of spiritual capacity and quality."

The implication in her words was very obvious, almost saying "We should run away immediately".

"So, Nora." Ask ignored her hint and asked, "Are you still going to the Holy See to find your brother?"

"Yes." Nora said without hesitation, "I am a transcendent and can threaten these monsters, but my brother cannot."

"Because this is my private matter, and it's not good to involve everyone, Asik, you can take everyone away first. After I pick up my brother from the Lateran Palace, I will come out to meet you outside the city."

"No, we'll go with you," Ask said.

"Why?" Nora opened her eyes wide.

"Because we are a team," Askew said.

"Dang, dang, dang!" Medea said jokingly, "Nora's favorability has increased!"

"It has nothing to do with good impressions." Ask said, "I just want to see the so-called higher-dimensional creatures. If you are unwilling to go, you can say it here and let Medea take you away early."

The girls looked at each other.

"As you said." Eleanor shrugged, "We are a team after all, and of course we will obey your command."

"Okay." Asik nodded and said, "The target is Lateran Palace, let's set off."

So Cang Qing Sword and the others set off again, heading towards the direction of the Holy See's headquarters.

Asker silently estimated the composition of the team's combat strength.

As Nora and Medea said, physical attacks have no effect on high-dimensional creatures. They must be extraordinary abilities that can be actively used.

In this way, the person in the team who is least suitable for dealing with high-dimensional creatures is myself, isn't it? !

After all, Eleanor's willpower and light flow, Nora's spiritual manipulation, Sheila's storm and gravity, Sidrifa's frost and thunder, Medea's flame, Mia's shadow and Paige's law of death are all... It is a long-range extraordinary ability that can be actively displayed. In comparison, although my Nine Star Styles can also be used, the attack range of the sword is really limited, and this time the high-dimensional creatures can fly.

But fortunately, Law of War has a plundering skill. It seems that I need to "borrow" the ability from them. I don’t know what characteristics high-dimensional creatures have that can be plundered, so I will collect some information later.

Ask thought for a moment and suddenly felt something strange.

Did I miss someone?

After counting the people around him again, he suddenly realized:

It turns out to be Mi'er...

Mi'er's firearms, bullets and ability to manipulate luck are not suitable for attacking high-dimensional creatures.

In this battle, let her be responsible for conducting reconnaissance from a distance.

Thanks to Yan Mingqi for the 2,000 coins, and to wudif55.qdcn for the 500 coins~

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