Blue Sword

Chapter 508 Messiah

Rainy day.

It was raining continuously outside the window, dripping and dripping, falling on the windowsill and splashing countless water.

A little girl was lying by the window, wiping the window sill with a rag while looking at the neon lights in the distance. A graceful girl was dancing in the rain, and an advertisement for aphrodisiacs was spinning next to her.

Mia and Mi'er looked at her blankly.

Medea has disappeared, or Rasul has no intention of introducing the revolutionary army to her. Only Mia and Mi'er were teleported into this apartment room of about 30 square meters.

The air exudes a damp and musty smell, and the clothes of children and adults are dried under the air outlet of the air conditioner. It can be seen that the owner of the house does not seem to be wealthy.

Especially when you have four kids to raise.

There were four children in the room, two boys and two girls. One of the two boys has a tall nose and deep eyes, and looks like a race from Ilania. Mia is sure that he is the young Rasul; the other has dark skin and seems to have the blood of the southern continent.

The boys were sitting on the sofa watching TV boredly, while the girls were diligently doing housework.

The girl who was wiping the window sill had fair skin, and the two strands of hair on her cheeks were styled into intertwined pigtails, which was similar to Paige's hairstyle, so Mi'er guessed that she was probably Armenian as well.

The other girl wears full-cover headphones and has flaxen hair, but there is still a small amount of pink hair exposed. Mi'er observed her carefully and was sure that the little guy's flaxen hair was dyed.

Like herself, she is a half-elf and wears headphones to hide the shape of her ears.

Since the four children have different bloodlines, it can be confirmed that they were adopted by the owner of the house. As for the owner of the house who has not yet appeared - she should be a woman with a relatively strong figure, as can be seen from the clothes and sizes of adult women hanging on the clothesline.

Mia also wanted to try to talk to these children, but not only could her voice not be transmitted, she could not even touch them. The hand will pass directly through their body.

About ten minutes later, just when the two little girls were getting a little impatient, the door opened.

A fat woman walked in. She was wearing a nun's robe and looked like she should be a scientific researcher of the Holy See. There is her employee badge on her left chest, and the name written on it is:

Natalie Hillman.

"Mother Natalie." The little girl who was wiping the windowsill ran over and asked obediently, "Why did you come back so early today?"

"The demonic tide is coming, and the Holy See has completely shut down." Natalie replied with a smile, "Give us a month's holiday."

She put the things she was carrying by the door and closed the door. Suddenly the TV started to snow.

Then bang, the screen went black.

In Solomon City, the electrical appliances here have anti-spontaneous combustion devices, and spontaneous combustion is basically caused by magic tide.

In other words, the demonic tide has just risen.

Natalie looked out the window. Solomon City was quiet in the rain, and all the neon lights had been extinguished.

She closed the curtains, turned around, and looked at the four children in the room:

"Has the potion been digested?" she asked.


"Magic potion?!" Mi'er and Mia were both shocked.

Hey, aren't you a nun? Aren't you from the Holy See? Why would you give magic potion to your adopted child?

However, the scene has flashed again, this time in the basement of a bar. Natalie, with her four children, pushed open the cellar door under the guidance of her boss.

"There are no electronic or Internet-connected items in this cellar." The boss said, "No one outside will know what you are doing here. Of course, as an additional price for information insulation..."

"I know, I'll pay one month's rent in advance." Natalie smiled, "Thank you."

The boss took the money and left. Natalie turned around and said to the four children:

"From today on, you will come here every afternoon to practice your extraordinary abilities."

"Natalie." The young Rasul suddenly said, "Why do you want us to become extraordinary?"

The other children were stunned when they heard this, and looked at Natalie in unison.

"The Holy See... didn't the Holy See say that all extraordinary beings are evil?" Young Rasul continued to ask, his expression seemed a little confused and anxious, "If the Holy See discovered that we are extraordinary beings, wouldn't we? Were they arrested and shot?"

Natalie was silent for a moment, then put her hand on Rasul's head and gently touched his curls.

"Child," she said sadly, "this is fate."

Mi'er who was watching:? ? ?

Where have you heard this before?

"I won't tell you now, but when you truly accept your fate, you will understand."

"But Natalie." The young Rasul looked obviously suspicious, "You are just an ordinary person, right?"

"Since you don't have extraordinary abilities, how do you know the 'arrangement of fate'?" He questioned plausibly, "How do you determine that I will become the next one..."


"Mi'er." Mia whispered in her ear, "I discovered something."

"What's going on?" Mi'er asked.

"Master looked like you when he was young." Mia said curiously, "He was very suspicious and wary, and he especially liked to refute others."

Mi'er's eyelids twitched. Can't you just say I'm smart and prudent? Do you have to use those unpleasant words?

However, she also knew that her best friend was still young and immature, so she ignored her speech and only heard Rasul continue:

"To be honest, Natalie. I'm grateful for your care of me, but let alone the Messiah, you should at least listen to our opinions on becoming a transcendent, right? After all, not every child can Want to be a superhero."

"So Rasul." Natalie asked with a smile, "What is your dream?"

"Eating and waiting to die," Rasul said.

"What?" Natalie's smile became a little stiff.

"My dream is to marry seven or eight young and beautiful wives." Rasul said seriously, "Then let them go to work to support me and serve me comfortably, so that I can live a life of idleness and wait until death. of corrupt life.”

"Ahahahahahaha!" The surrounding boys and girls burst into laughter, especially the dark-skinned boy from the Southern Continent, who laughed so hard that he almost shed tears.

"Why are you laughing!" Rasul turned back and glared at his companions, "Are you as handsome and charming as I am? Jealousy! You are jealous!"

"Rasul..." Natalie obviously didn't know what expression to use to face this curly-haired child with ridiculous ideals. She thought seriously for a while and then said:

"Then you should be the Messiah."

"Why?" Rasul asked.

"Because the Messiah is the savior of this world." Natalie tried hard to organize her words, "He is destined to save many people who are suffering..."

"And among these people, there will definitely be young and beautiful girls. As the Messiah, you save them, and they will naturally fall madly in love with you, and even keep you, so that you can live a life of eating and waiting to die. ,Right?"


"I have to admit, what you said does make some sense." He touched his chin and said, his expression obviously shaken.

"Natalie's mother." Another girl ran over and took Natalie's hand. "Don't worry about Rasul. Let's start class quickly."

"Okay." Natalie smiled gently, and then began to explain extraordinary abilities to the children.

Mi'er and Mia listened and found that Natalie's teaching method was very unique.

If Ask is a practical person, then Natalie is an academic through and through.

Although she is an ordinary person, she knows a lot about various extraordinary sequence abilities. She can use a large amount of data and examples to help children understand the characteristics of each sequence and ability in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

"...In short, Rasul, your luck sequence is essentially the ability to guide the world line to collapse in a specific direction." Natalie explained.

"It sounds outrageous." Rasul said disdainfully, "Why do I have to dilute it with bad luck in order to activate my lucky ability? Why don't their extraordinary abilities have this side effect?"

"Because luck, as a low-level sequence, involves high-level operations such as affecting changes in the world line, so you have to pay an extra price." Natalie said with a smile, "In fact, being able to get up close and personal Destiny is not a sequence of luck.”

"It is the law of destiny condensed from the sequence of luck."

"And, among the extraordinary beings who embody the law of destiny, there will inevitably be a person chosen by destiny who will be responsible for guiding the world line we are currently in to develop into a future that is more conducive to the survival of mankind."

"This man, we call him 'Messiah.'"

Thanks to Yu Molin Ranshang for his 100 coins, thanks to Damocles52 for his 100 coins, thanks to Feng Dashanren for his 500 coins, and thanks to Blade 1866 for his 100 coins~

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