Blue Sword

Chapter 493 The Importance of Reading Instructions

After having a meal with the Pope, Asker took the reward for the chosen mission and took a helicopter back to the Licinius Building.

When issuing a mission to Asker in the Sarmatia, the Pope promised that the reward for the mission was 10,000 silver marks, or similar high-tech equipment of equivalent value.

There is no need to think about it, Asik must have chosen the latter. After all, there are many ways to make money in this world, and there are also many things that money cannot buy.

After returning to Nora's residence, Asker opened the suitcase given by the Pope and saw that the mission reward was a device in the shape of a backpack.

Oops, this is an adaptive force field shield.

The adaptive force field shield, as the name suggests, is a military individual shield. Wearing it on the body can form an invisible force field shield around the body.

When something hits the shield at high speed, such as bullets, shrapnel, etc., the impact force will be resolved by the shield.

This is what players often call extra health bars.

Of course, there is a limit to the short-term endurance of the shield. If you point a machine gun at it and shoot hard, the shield will soon be worn out, and it will take a few seconds to refill it. In addition, this thing consumes a lot of electricity, so nuclear fusion batteries are also indispensable.

Overall, it is an excellent piece of technology camp equipment.

As mentioned before, in the game world of Iron and Fire, the levels of ordinary equipment from low to high are white, green, blue, purple and orange, and then up is the category of artifacts, including red (epic), silver (growth) and black (curse). point.

Asker's dragon bone sword is the only one in the world, so it has the highest level of orange name among ordinary weapons. The adaptive stance shield produced by the Holy See is of a slightly lower level and is a purple-level equipment. Although not unique, they are extremely rare.

The reason is also very simple. Most of these things are parts carried in the body of the Templars. They have undergone special DNA rejection matching and are inserted into the body through prosthetic transformation. Even if the player kills the Templars, there will be no It cannot be transplanted into your own body for use.

However, the one given by the Pope this time is a specially designed force field shield that can be externally connected and can be easily equipped without modifying the body.

Therefore, whether considering functionality or rarity, at least judging from its overall value, the Holy See has not treated the Cangqing Sword badly.

It's not like a certain emperor who waved his hand when issuing tasks and tightened the strings when distributing rewards. He really got retribution later, right?

As for who should use this equipment, Asker came up with the answer after just a little thought.

Force field shields are mainly used to protect against bullets. Assuming that the team is attacked by a gunman, Eleanor and Sydrifa can use power armor and physical strength to hit the ground, Paige and Mia can use high mobility to avoid it, Nora and Medea can activate the psychic blind spot to avoid being targeted, Mier As a sniper, you will stay far away from the beginning.

He himself has nine forms of star protection and is not afraid of gunfire at all. In this way, it seems that only a poor former little empress of the empire who was an arcane mage did not have an effective way to deal with stray bullets - using a large-scale gravity field to deflect the bullet's impact point was already at her limit.

So Ask quickly found Sheila (she was solely responsible for staying in the main plane today to preserve the ancient books, the other girls were in Hearth Island) and placed the shield backpack in front of her.

"What is this?" Silla put down the book in her hand.

"Adaptive force field shield." Ask said.

"Oh." As the former empress of the Eastern Solomon Empire, although she was the former emperor, Sheila was naturally familiar with this type of equipment. "Is it for me?"

"Of course." Asik smiled, "You need it the most in the team, don't you?"

"Even if you say that, my favor for you will not increase easily, Captain." Sheila sighed.

"Look at what you said, as if I gave you this equipment to gain your favor." Ask was confused.

"You didn't deliberately gain favor, so why do so many girls in the team like you?" Sheila questioned.

"I also want to know why." Asik pondered, "Is it because I'm particularly handsome?"

"Captain, you only have a shameless style, which makes me particularly impressed by you." Sheila expressed her contempt, lowered her head and began to study the equipment, "How to use this?"

"Oh, I just took a look at the instruction manual." Asker said, "First you have to wear it on your back, then set the parameters and modes, and then press the button in the middle of the belt, and an invisible layer of The mass field shield causes any material that attempts to pass through the shield to encounter strong resistance and squeezing.”

The equipment in the original game world can be used by players just by picking it up, without the need for messy settings and operations. Naturally, it’s not that convenient in this world.

"Is that so?" Sheila tried to put it on her back, "Where is the button?"

"It's on the belt." Asik lowered his head to study her belt. "Look, there is a button right here."

"Is this it?" Silla pressed.

"Hey, you haven't adjusted the parameters yet..." Before Asker could finish speaking, a circle of light blue spherical shield suddenly appeared around him, with Sheila herself as the center, wrapping her and Asker in it. .

Almost at the next moment, the shield suddenly began to shrink rapidly, tightly wrapping and squeezing Asik and Sheila.

"No...what's going on?" Silla was also a little confused, but her mind quickly went blank.

Because under the squeeze of the shield, the two bodies were no longer close to each other, and the posture was even more exaggerated and ambiguous than that of lovers hugging each other tightly.

After about a few seconds of silence, Silla heard the captain's sigh coming from above her head:

"You can always come up with something new for me."

Sheila:? ? ? ………………! ! !

The overwhelmed and shy emotions that originally filled her chest quickly turned into indescribable anger and annoyance. She silently opened her mouth and bit down on the captain's chest.

"Hey, it hurts a lot." Asik said expressionlessly.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Uh!" Silla did not let go, but just mumbled incomprehensible words.

"I know that we need to release this shield quickly." Ask said, "But can you please let go first, Your Majesty?"

This majesty saved his life. Sheila, who was still angry, reluctantly let go and urged:

"Hurry up!"

"Actually, as long as you press the button again, the shield will be released." Askew said.

"Then press." Silla said.

"My hand was pressed against your leg by the shield and I couldn't move it," Aske said.

Silla's head was also pressed against Aske's chest at this time, unable to move, so she could only turn her eyes downwards, and sure enough she saw Aske's hands on her thighs.

"Pervert," Sheila said.

"Is this an accident?" Ask said helplessly, "And this position is also very uncomfortable for me. It's better to release the shield quickly. Can your hand reach the belt?"

"Can't reach." Sheila tried her best, but her hands were firmly pressed on Aske's knees, and she could not move either.

"That's it." Asik sighed, "It seems that we can only wait until the others come back, let them squeeze their hands between our bodies, and then press the belt button to release the shield."

"How is that possible!" Sheila yelled angrily, "If they see us sticking together so closely, won't I become a public enemy in the team! Those guys who are in love with you and have a crush on you won't eat me alive. Got it!"


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