Blue Sword

Chapter 476 Evening

"So, the mistress committed suicide due to the pressure of public opinion because she was cursed and cursed too many times?" Mi'er guessed.

"Your reason is too far-fetched," Mia said. "She can even lay off her husband, so she can't be so mentally fragile. Not to mention how does this explain the cause of her husband's death?"

"By the way, what's the name of the company they work for?"

"Tonkin Lucena Financial Firm." Mia has a good memory.

"That's it." Mi'er pulled out a newspaper that had fallen on the floor from the gap under the bed. The third page read, "Financial giant shrinks its claws, Tomkin Lucena Financial Firm lays off employees across the board." .

"It seems that the company they work for is a subsidiary of a financial giant. It was closed due to recent business adjustments, and all employees were laid off. The time was... last week."

"So..." Both little girls suddenly realized.

According to the narrative in the newspaper, the layoffs did not come suddenly, but lasted for half a year.

At the beginning, departments with high labor costs were shut down, such as the software system maintenance department where the male owner worked, and all technical aspects were outsourced.

The male owner, Mike, was laid off because of this (his wife personally handled the resignation procedures), causing the couple's finances to suddenly become tense. Mike was still looking for a job at first, but he never succeeded in getting reemployed. Three months later, the family could not even pay the rent on time.

At this most critical juncture, the company's closure caused the hostess to lose her job, and the family's income was completely cut off. If she couldn't pay the rent, she would have to move out, and she had no extra savings to find a cheaper house. In addition, This city has no place for homeless people and will evict all homeless people to the outer suburbs...

The difficult situation faced by this middle-class couple at that time was clearly displayed before the eyes of the two little girls.

"So...sigh." Mia didn't know what to say.

Just like her back then, when she learned that she had been abandoned by the Thieves Guild, her future expectations suddenly began to deteriorate sharply, which brought about unexpected loss, instability and fear. She is still frightened to this day.

Fortunately, on the day she was expelled, she was taken in by Aske's mercenary group again. However, since the husband was laid off at the end of last year, this couple has been facing the pressure of unemployment and the devastation of the family's financial deterioration, and they have been tortured for half a year.

As for the complete loss of family income caused by the hostess's unemployment, it was just the last straw that broke their psychological defense line.

"Mi'er..." Mia felt a little uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I know." Mi'er held her hand.

"It seems that you have found the answer?" The voice of the man in black robe sounded.

"Yes." Mi'er explained their reasoning.

"Hmm, the first level is actually not difficult, right?" The man in black robe said with a low smile, "So, what are your thoughts on passing the level?"

"Is this considered part of customs clearance?" Mi'er asked questioningly.

"It doesn't count, so you don't have to say it." The man in black robe replied.

"I think they are very pitiful." Mi'er was silent for a long time before saying, "Manpower is limited, and sometimes we will always encounter crises that we cannot solve by ourselves. As you know, I was lucky enough to meet someone who could Save my people, and they didn’t, so they’re pitiful.”

"That's a good answer." The man in black robe was silent for a moment and said calmly, "Then, let's move on to the next level."


Ask woke up again and looked outside.

It was almost 7 pm, and it was already dark, but the sky above Solomon City was still brightly lit. Countless neon lights, colorful lights and holographic lights emit colorful and dazzling images on the facade and top of the building.

People in this world don't seem to have the concept of light pollution and sound pollution. Even at two or three o'clock in the night, these lights stay on for a long time as if there is no electricity bill, accompanied by the sound of advertising - these sounds come from the advertising airship over Solomon City. It flies through every urban area at a speed of three hours per circle, playing the designated advertising information back and forth in the form of sound.

To a certain extent, it is similar to brainwashing people.

In this city with highly developed capital, almost all resources are commercially exploited, including all the information you see and hear when you walk on the streets, all of which have carefully designed traffic locations.

What if I don’t want to receive this information? Invest in filter glasses, soundproof earplugs, and live in a fancy home that blocks out these distractions.

However, the quality of these advertising images is very high, and most of them are presented in the form of "short videos" and "micro-stories". The carefully designed plots can be completed in a few dozen seconds, which is enough to make any casual viewer's mind wander. Attention is captured and they become addicted.

Otherwise, the worse the advertising quality, the more negative effects it will have under the fatigue bombardment, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

After watching the commercial film for about ten minutes, Aske felt a little bored and said:


"I'm here." A female voice sounded in the room.

"Shield," Ask said.

"Execute external shielding." As the female voice fell, the huge floor-to-ceiling window glass also changed color, transforming into a quiet forest scene under the night. The noisy advertising sounds from the outside world have also been completely filtered out.

Lying down on the rocking chair again, Askew began to plan the team's subsequent development.

Now in the team, there are three people who condense the law, namely Paige, Eleanor and himself.

Among them, Peggy was the strongest. On the night of the Law of Condensation, she was upgraded to 5 levels, reaching the upper limit of the magic tide, Lv.15. This situation is equivalent to 147 in snooker (one shot is scored from the beginning to the end), and the football goalkeeper shoots with a big kick. It is an extremely rare phenomenon - we usually use a certain word to describe it: "hanging" force".

Followed by Ask himself, with the two skills of "Conceptual Arms" and "Ambush", ranked second with a level of Lv.12. And his next skill is naturally planned and determined.

"Plunder", through attack actions, plunder the opponent's basic attributes. For example, taking away the bloodline ability or law skills of extraordinary people, or taking away the explosive power of firearms and artillery, etc. are also must-learn skills for the laws of war.

Although the effect of the ability taken away will be a little worse than the original owner's display, it is equivalent to increasing unlimited possibilities in terms of tactics.

After all, for professional players, versatility is often higher than strength, because the power of legal skills is rarely stronger than tactical nuclear bombs.

(If so, the Holy See also has super-large-yield strategic nuclear bombs)

There are many skills for erasing tactical nuclear bombs, such as black holes (removing nuclear bombs before they explode) and so on.

Of course, the plundering skill Asik is about to learn cannot take away the explosive effect of nuclear bombs for the time being, because the energy contained in it is too strong, but he can take away the detonation ability and turn the charged nuclear bomb into a useless big iron lump. This is also a solution.

The third one is Eleanor, who majors in Law of Will + Holy Sword. Law and extraordinary swordsmanship complement each other, which can be said to be the ultimate strength of the party. Although there is a time limit, it is still strong enough. On the earth, it is the ace MT that major professional teams are rushing to grab, and it can be played even better in the hands of Asker.

These three are the leaders in level in the team, while Nora and Mia are the ones lagging behind. The former is due to the lack of accessories and formulas for Life IV, and the latter is due to the lack of accessories and formulas for Shadow IV, so both are stuck at Lv.9.

It would be normal for an ordinary transcendent in this world to find the materials and formula for a level IV potion for more than ten years - otherwise, why are there so few extraordinarys above the law level?

However, Asker definitely couldn't stand this. There was nothing he could do about being stuck on the law's condensation. After all, it was better to lack than to waste. But what's the deal with being stuck on potion resources?

After going through the information that he still remembered several times, Asik decided to go find Capasilin again... No, let's ask the old butler named Maxinus first. Don’t you, the Licinius family, pride yourself on being super rich? Don’t you even have the ingredients and formula for a mere Level IV potion? Hurry up and hand it over for your eldest lady!

In addition to upgrading potions, another thing worth looking for is the Ripple Sword.

As the most mysterious space-based extraordinary swordsmanship, only Storm, the captain of the Zidian Team, learned it.

This guy is known as "Brother Dayu" and he is usually extremely taciturn (actually, he is boring). As for how to learn the Ripple Sword Technique, no matter how many people tried to test it like a joke, he never said a word.

One time I was really annoyed, so I casually said that I "learned how to escape from the escape room" in Solomon City. Even though they knew this guy was talking nonsense, the major clubs still played Solomon City in the game three or four times.

Therefore, if the difficulty of mastering the Holy Sword lies in learning, the problem with Ripple Sword Technique is that there are no clues, so where does Asik start now?

Just thinking about it makes people irritated - especially now that these two girls have no consciousness at all. One is shopping and the other is addicted to games, which makes Asik simply unable to say anything.

Nora, Mia, you are already mature extraordinary beings, can't you learn to find resources on your own?

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