Blue Sword

Chapter 462 Decline and Decline

"Did you lock her up?" Emperor Otto asked solemnly.

The initial expression of anger and resentment had disappeared from his face.

Because those are the irritations of a superior person arising from being offended by a small person.

However, when the other party suddenly displayed the Unyielding Holy Sword, she was completely separated from the "little people" class in Emperor Otto's heart.

It has become an "enemy that needs to be eliminated with all your strength."

In the face of weak people, the emperor can boss them around, humiliate, punish and execute them. However, the same trick used on the enemy has no effect except making the enemy laugh.

In a sense, Eleanor's soul questioning before taking action did not attract even the slightest attention from the emperor. Instead, it was the violent methods she originally wanted to avoid that won her the respect and serious regard of the emperor.

"Not yet, Your Majesty." Knowledge Key Carol replied, "We need to wait until her holy sword state ends."

"How long will it take?" Emperor Otto suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and asked eagerly.

"I don't know, but it won't take long." Carol answered, but she actually didn't know what to do.

For 43 seconds, this knight has maintained the holy sword state for more than 43 seconds, almost twice as long as Charlemagne. In a sense, he can be regarded as a "genius".

However, anyone who can learn the Indomitable Holy Sword is a genius. It can only be said that her genius is far better than Charlemagne and Roland.

The Acid Dragon Hedvig opened his hands, and the tiny water droplets suspended in the air inside the birdcage soon turned into dark green acid, which was continuously gathering as the molecules ionized.

The white light covering the opponent's body immediately made a sizzling sound like water droplets falling into a frying pan, and was immediately boiled and evaporated.


The tentative attacks achieved nothing, and the other demigods didn't say anything. In fact, if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes and tried it with their own hands, who could really believe that the Unyielding Holy Sword was an invincible existence that even demigods couldn't deal with?

In the Fifth Age, when Charlemagne and Roland were active, these demigods present were just children and had never had the opportunity to truly experience the power of the Indomitable Holy Sword - except for the Imperial Sword Master Richard Turnard, who was Born at the end of the Fourth Age, he may have been lucky enough to have seen the Holy Sword. Perhaps this is why he chose to pretend to be dead in the first place.

"Her will...has not faded." Bruno, the fantasy dragon, said. Through his spiritual vision, he could see that the luminous body was still boiling so hot that his spiritual tentacles could not even get within three meters of the opponent.

Since the strength of the Unyielding Holy Sword is related to the will, a reasonable inference is that the state of the Unyielding Holy Sword will only end when the opponent's will cannot be maintained.

In the observation of Bruno, the dragon of fantasy, the light of this luminous body and the flowing will not only did not decrease, but were also faintly expanding outwards...

...seems to be burning?

"Be careful!" Suddenly he shouted a warning, and the other demigods saw the light man in the birdcage suddenly "explode".

To be precise, it suddenly turned into tens of thousands of light streams, and then passed through the cracks in the birdcage woven by the space cracks, and rushed towards the emperor's direction.

"Damn it, it can still be like this!" The demigods were all filled with the horror of wanting to complain crazily.

Because this is not the effect of the Unyielding Holy Sword, history and legends have never mentioned that "The Unyielding Holy Sword can turn people into luminous liquid and flow freely."

In other words, this must be a law skill.

Not only did this knight use the Unyielding Holy Sword, he actually advanced and understood the law skills on the spot. Looking at the effect of this skill (also white light), it is obviously very closely related to the Unyielding Holy Sword, and it is most likely the law of "will".

Historically, neither Charlemagne nor Roland's major law was "will." Therefore, some people speculate that if someone majors in the law of will and then masters the Unyielding Holy Sword, then the law of will will add a bonus to the holy sword, and the holy sword will have a bonus to will. When the laws are added, the intensity of both will become very terrifying.

As for the terminology in player forums, this is called "mutual kidnapping".

At this moment, the demigods finally saw the mutual power of the law of will + the holy sword.

It even made them suddenly recall the fear and powerlessness they had not experienced for a long time since becoming demigods.

These streams of light are rushing towards the emperor. Its characteristics are obviously similar to water flow. Not only is it difficult to lock with anything, but it also inherits the indestructible characteristics of the Indomitable Holy Sword. You can imagine how disgusting it will be to deal with it. .

Bruno, the dragon of fantasy, could only drink lowly, and suddenly he clasped his palms together, and everyone disappeared in an instant.

In fact, he was transported to the subconscious ocean.

The stream of light rushed past their original location without touching anything, and then transformed into human form again 100 meters away from them.

"...Where did they go?" Eleanor scanned the surroundings feebly, but the fog of will found no clues.

Although the mist composed of will that spreads around the body can achieve ultra-high precision and instantaneous scanning feedback, it is powerless against another dimensional plane.

A severe headache exploded from her mind again, and she finally couldn't hold on any longer, and the light all over her body flickered on and off.

The Unyielding Holy Sword has lasted for more than a minute. It cannot be said that she did not do a good job. It can only be said that there are too many demigods on the opposite side.

In the increasingly severe headache, she had a premonition that she was about to face her final death.

It's a pity that I couldn't kill the emperor and completely relieve the worries of those soldiers.

It's a pity that before he died, he didn't get to see everyone in the Blue Sword Mercenary Group, nor his father, brother, and sister.

The suicide note she had tucked into the ancient book had clearly stated this matter. It is estimated that everyone would realize something was wrong in the afternoon at the latest, and then send it out and discover the suicide note.

The contents of the suicide note will explain the whole story of this incident, and advise everyone to go to Solomon City as soon as possible, and not to go to the Holy Solomon Empire after that, to avoid being wanted, hunted and retaliated by the emperor.

As for the Weisbach family, she didn't have to worry. Because as long as her father has a minimum political IQ, despite his grief after her death, he will definitely announce to the outside world that he will publicly sever the father-daughter relationship with her.

The demigod existence of the Weisbach family made it impossible for the emperor to attack his own family. Especially after the failure of the attack on the Holy See, when all the major families were severely weakened, the Saxon family could only choose to generously forgive the Weisbach family in exchange for their alliance and support in the imperial political arena. Otherwise, the emperor Lian Tie would lose his prestige. The position of the throne may be shaken.

She had already planned everything.

Use your own rebellion and death in exchange for the end of this war, and in exchange for the entire empire to step on the emergency brake of self-rescue in advance on the road to destruction.

From this point of view, Eleanor is a selfless person.

However, she didn't think much of it, and what she couldn't forgive was her own selfishness.

As her father's daughter, a member of the Weisbach family, and a comrade and companion of everyone in the Cang Qing Sword, she chose the path of sacrificing herself when no one knew it.


The white light around her suddenly dissipated, and she fell weakly backwards. She took out the Imperial Eagle with her right hand again and slowly moved it towards her head.

I really want to see you all again...

I really want to see you again...

The figure of the blonde female knight was about to fall to the ground. If she was extremely powerful and arrogant when she opened the Holy Sword, then when the Holy Sword ended, she was so weak and dying.

The strong contrast between before and after is almost like an allegorical drama characteristic of Siris. If she fell to the dust, and then a gunshot was heard, and a pool of blood bloomed from under her like a flower, it would be an extremely wonderful tragedy.

However, no.

Amidst the neighing of the war horses, a rider who ignored the traffic rules and drove the horse with all his strength jumped from his horse the moment he entered the camp at high speed, with a rocket in his arms.

To be precise, it was a rocket being fired forward.

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