Blue Sword

Chapter 436 Spiritual Plague

What is it like to be in the subconscious ocean?

Asker, who has truly been immersed in the ocean of subconsciousness, can tell everyone that it is a feeling similar to deep sleep, as if the dreamer can realize that he is dreaming.

The three girls did not directly enter the subconscious ocean to search, but activated their respective abilities: for Nora and Medea, it was like sliding the mouse in front of the computer screen, remotely checking area after area. For Paige, it is like a command center. Although she cannot directly see the subconscious ocean, she can receive signals from the death tadpoles.

Soon, they found the source of the undercurrent.

"over there!"

Mia took the lead and rushed out quickly, rushing towards the source of the undercurrent they were guiding.

Soon, a certain wandering warbler in the wandering warbler's nest was restrained by Mia's wrist and half pulled and half dragged over.

"Just her?" Ask was a little surprised.

"That's right." All three girls nodded. Although it seems incredible, the mental body of this wandering warbler is indeed the source of the conflict between the soldiers and the blade samurai.

"You...what do you want to do..." Surrounded by several girls holding weapons, this heavily made-up wandering warbler couldn't even stand still, and her legs were obviously trembling.

"Why would you do such a thing?" Ask asked her seriously, but almost immediately realized something was wrong, "Wait, are you an ordinary person?"

"I don't know what you are talking about..." The young Miss Liuying shook her head in fear.

"Check her mind," Ask said.

Medea walked over and looked directly at her. Soon the wandering warbler's mental body was violently invaded. She rolled her eyes and her throat roared, as if she was having an epileptic seizure.

Ten seconds later, he suddenly collapsed to the ground and fell into coma.

"Did you find anything?" Seeing Medea frowning, Ask asked.

"Same as the jailer priest last time, she was implanted with some kind of closed-loop logical idea." Medea replied, "And... this time the closed-loop is more complicated. Not only can it be lodged in her mind, It can also burst out at a fixed moment and quickly infect the surrounding mental bodies through the subconscious ocean."

"For example, you should know about computer viruses, right? This closed-loop logical idea is like a packaged computer virus program, and this Miss Liuying is just an infected chicken. She doesn't know anything. He is just spreading the spiritual plague unconsciously."

"That is to say." Asik said in a deep voice, "Can't we find the mastermind behind the scenes?"

"Not necessarily." Medea smiled coldly, "This closed-loop logical idea is located in the shallow layer of her mental body. I can confirm that she was infected today. So I just searched her memory carefully and found all the information she had today. The guests she had received finally discovered that one of them had given her a strange feeling when they came into contact with her."

"So who is it?"

"You will never guess who it is." Medea did not answer directly, but just mouthed it.


Hedwig, the Acid Dragon? That demigod of the Saxon family? !

There was a long silence.

" we have to deal with demigods, right?" Nora whispered.

"It can't be considered a deal, we are just investigating." Ask said with a smile, "Great, since the prison guard priest died, I thought the clues were cut off."

Investigating a demigod... this kind of thing is probably only what we can do. The girls secretly thought that after all, the number of demigods Cang Qingzhijian had met, whether they were friends or enemies, was extremely outrageous.

Okay, so how do you investigate?

"Look for the Dragon of Fantasy!" Ask said matter-of-factly.

Is it possible that we can still come directly to question the Acid Dragon? He will definitely be sprayed to death by his sour spittle!

Bruno, the dragon of fantasy, was currently in his own camp, talking with two other demigods.

One is the demigod of the Wetting family, "Bear of the Wasteland" Meissen, and the other is "God of War" Leopold from the Principality of Carinthia. They are both extraordinary people in the physics department.

"...Anyway, it's really not convenient for me to leave here. You might as well go to the Duke of Chaos and ask him to help you open the gap with directional blasting, or you can go to the Sealing Fire. That guy's teleportation ability is also amazing."

Bruno, the dragon of fantasy, politely declined, and the other two demigods were not discouraged and just continued to persuade him to change his mind.

"Oh, it seems that I have a few more young guests here." Bruno opened the door curtain and motioned to the apprentice to bring in the few people who were outside asking for a meeting. Then he turned around and said with a smile:

"Your Excellency Bear of the Wasteland, Your Excellency God of War, I happen to know a few children who can help solve your problems on my behalf."

"You mean, that little mercenary group called Cang Qing Sword?" Bearded Bear Meisen of the Wasteland said in surprise, "But their level is less than Lv. 15, right? Well, that little girl's rules are indeed a bit... mean……"

"It's not just about the rules. Don't forget the last time they fought..." Bruno smiled and said nothing, which made both the Bear of the Wasteland and the God of War think deeply.

The last time they went to war, the synthetic troops and drone swarms bombarded the Emperor's coalition forces in various ways, even if they did not attack the small mercenary group of Cangqing Sword, the demigods also saw it.

On the one hand, everyone wanted to take advantage of this "non-attack" feature, but on the other hand, they were worried about whether they had some secret collusion with the Holy See. Finally, after a long discussion with the emperor, they decided to abandon them for the time being, just in case. Falling into the Vatican's trick.

At this time, Bruno, the Dragon of Fantasy, mentioned the matter again, and the Bear of the Wasteland and the God of War also began to think about it. According to such a long period of isolation and observation, this mercenary group did not show anything strange.

In addition, the Dragon of Fantasy can read minds, which means that at least Cang Qing Sword themselves know nothing about this matter. So, can you consider using them...

Following the apprentice's introduction, Ask took Medea and Nora into the tent, and was surprised to find that two demigods were also here.

"You are here just in time. You have been bored in the camp recently without any tasks, right?" Bruno said with a smile, "It just so happens that I have something to ask you here..."

Before he finished speaking, he had already learned some rather unexpected news from the spiritual messages sent by Medea and Nora.

"Let's do this." Bruno turned his head and discussed with the two demigods. "I will discuss it with them and give you an answer later."

The two demigods knew that this meant seeing off guests, but after all, the Bruno people's reputation for being easy to talk to was here, so the two stopped entangled, just nodded, and left first.

"So, you didn't bring that wandering warbler here?" Bruno asked seriously after the two demigods left.

"Do you need me to go find her again?" Aske said that it's okay to go and take her now.

"No need." Bruno shook his head, "I will let someone arrange this."

"You guys." He looked at the three of them again, "It's really beyond my expectation that you were able to find out this."

"Yes, the bloody conflict that occurred in the market today should indeed have traces of human manipulation. It's just because it involves psychic abilities, and the Blade Warriors were unable to detect it, so they also came to me for help."

"In addition, the superego consciousness of the dead prison guard priest has been salvaged and searched by me from the ocean of subconsciousness. He was also secretly infected by this spiritual plague during his lifetime, and I don't know who was behind it. , but it’s definitely not the Acid Dragon.”

"You mean, Your Excellency the Acid Dragon is not the mastermind behind the scenes, but a member of the infection relay?" Nora asked in surprise. The ability to quietly plant thoughts in the mind of a demigod is too...

"That's right." Bruno, the Fantasy Dragon, frowned and put on a serious expression, "The Acid Dragon has a lot of contacts with me. If he is the mastermind behind it, there is no way he can show some flaws in front of me."

"However, to make him fall into the trap completely without knowing it, and to infect him into a carrier of plague thoughts, the mastermind behind this is probably at least level 30 or above. So, you should not pursue this matter any further. , so as not to get angry for no reason." The fantasy dragon stood up, picked up the document on the table next to him, and threw it to Asker.

"If you really have nothing to do, you can take a look at the task provided by the two demigods just now. The difficulty is not that exaggerated, and the reward is generous enough. It should be more suitable for your team."

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