Blue Sword

Chapter 434 Comparing with Others

"Uncle John is the elder who has taken care of me since I was a child, like my godfather."

"At that time, I wanted to learn martial arts from Henry, so he secretly taught me some skills. Later, he took me out hunting and used some wild animals to practice."

"Actually, he was originally a retired knight, and the garrison knight captain was also a pension position left to him by his father. He didn't have to participate in this war..."

Eleanor looked at the tombstone, with a kind of forcibly suppressed sadness, and whispered:

"I just... I just didn't expect him to die in a place like this."

"Ellie." Nora was also a little sentimental and silently held her hand.

"People always make their own choices." Sheila also whispered.

"Yes." Eleanor pressed the corners of her eyes and closed her eyes. "I heard that he died on the battlefield to save Henry and was slashed in the throat by a synthetic blade."

"I think even if it happens again, he won't regret his choice."

"Maybe." A hoarse voice sounded.

Eleanor turned around and saw her second brother Henry approaching, looking haggard and holding a beer bottle in his hand.

"I didn't expect you to be here." He looked at his sister and whispered.

"What are you doing here?" Eleanor said coldly, "Didn't father ground you?"

"I sneaked out and went to drink with John." Henry raised the bottle in his hand and said with a wry smile.

Eleanor nodded indifferently and looked at everyone: "Then let's go."

Apparently, this girl had a quarrel with her second brother because of the death of Knight Commander John.

After all, this was a family matter, and people who didn't know the ins and outs of the matter couldn't interfere, so they had no choice but to leave.

Asker walked at the end, and when he passed Henry, he only heard him say in a low voice:

"Protect Eleanor...thank you."

Asker nodded imperceptibly, and then left with Eleanor.

So Henry was the only one left at the scene. He raised his neck, took a sip of wine, and sat down unsteadily in front of the tombstone.

"You're right, I shouldn't have rushed in at that time." Henry whispered.

"Feel sorry."

"Killed you, John..."

He inserted his hands deeply into his hair and closed his eyes in pain.

Eleanor led everyone back to the market. At this time, everyone no longer had the interest to continue shopping, so they just said casually and went back to Hearth Island.

Asker pressed on the entrance of the ancient book, wondering if he could do the investigation mission next. He saw Eleanor turning around, her eyes seemed to be suppressing some kind of violent emotion.

"Ask, I need your help." She said slowly but firmly, "I need to master the Unyielding Holy Sword as soon as possible."


The Unyielding Holy Sword, as one of the extraordinary swordsmanships, can be imagined to be difficult to practice.

Even in the previous game world, only one e-sports player named "Thunder" had successfully cultivated his character.

Its effect is invincibility for a limited time, with full attack and defense. Initially he could only last 3 seconds, and then gradually developed to 10 seconds.

Although 10 seconds of invincibility is not enough to win the team, it is enough to break most tactics and reverse the disadvantages in various situations.

After 10 seconds, you will fall into the so-called listless state, and your reaction speed and muscle control will drop significantly.

Like the Nine Styles of the Stars, there are no prerequisites for practicing the Unyielding Holy Sword. However, if you have the "Will" sequence, the probability of success and the duration of the sword skill will increase. The e-sports player named Thunder is the main sequence of will + the main law of will. The player respectfully gave him the nickname "King of the Hill", and within ten seconds, he exploded in the small universe and was unrivaled.

Although the whole person shrank after that, it is undeniable that at least the first 10 seconds were very strong, very strong, abnormal and brainless.

Therefore, for Eleanor today, the Unyielding Holy Sword is indeed the fastest way for her to improve her strength. After all, although she has been promoted to Level 10, she does not have the Law of Condensation (not to mention that her Law Condensation task is still so obscure).

I don't know how long it will take to wait for her to condense the laws and then comprehend the skills. Therefore, Asker could only rack his brains and see if he could help her master this swordsmanship as soon as possible based on some of the skills Thunder revealed during the water group.

"We won't use swords this time." Asik broke off a branch from the grove on Hearth Island. "You try to cover it with your will first."

Eleanor did as she was told, and milky white light lit up from the palm of her hand, gradually spreading and climbing up the branches.

Different from the mist form of the Will Sequence, with the help of the Unyielding Holy Sword's cultivation method, the condensed will is in a liquid state, which is very strange.

Of course, this is not enough. It is said that the sign of successful cultivation is to become solid. Only in this way can the will have enough hardness and strength.

Seeing that Eleanor's speed of gathering her will has improved significantly, Asker thought that it was indeed true. Did the sacrifice of Knight Commander John have a certain impact on her?

Then if she had witnessed my death just like Peggy had done...ahem! Ask quickly threw this thought out of his mind.

This girl doesn't like herself, it's really shameless to think like this.

"Then try to wave it in the air." Asker continued, "Since there is no need to directly collide with the target, the will of the air wave is less likely to collapse. Now you have to try to maintain the structure of the liquid will while waving it. Be consistent and practice over and over again.”

Eleanor tried to wave the branch, and the white will wrapped around the branch fluctuated slightly under the inertia.

"I know." She concentrated her attention, continued to condense and compress her will, and waved persistently.

This girl has a strong tenacity. Counting from the time she got the text of "Song of Roland", she has been learning the Unyielding Holy Sword for almost a year.

If Peggy is the protagonist of the cheating stream where masters teach, then Eleanor is obviously a loser who started from scratch. Everything depends on her own hard work and struggle, which reminds Asik of the time when he learned extraordinary swordsmanship.

How touching.

He watched Eleanor practice from the side, and saw Peggy running over from the path in the forest holding a fish tank.

"Ask, look!" She held up the fish tank like a treasure and showed Ask the black koi inside, "I bought it at the market outside the military camp!"

"You went shopping too?" Asik turned his face.

Compared with the diligent Eleanor next to her, this Miss Peggy is simply a typical example of wasting time and wasting talent. He obviously has all kinds of incredible starting foundations, but he idles around all day without knowing how to cherish them. Thinking of this, Aske became very angry and asked angrily:

"Have you practiced the four skills of the Law of Death, the plan I assigned you? Have you finished the regular course of the Immortal Phantom Sword? The more than two hundred positioning formulas of Punic tactics, I have memorized everything I told you last time. Have you? Have you mastered the fighting style of the Bloodline of the Lord of Filth?"

"You didn't do anything and you went shopping!?" He took the fish tank and put it on the ground next to him, and then rushed the crying Peggy to Eleanor's side, "Now let's start daily classes! Where can I go next? I won’t go either, I’ll just sit here and watch you!”

"Train me!"

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