Blue Sword

Chapter 416 Revengeful Demigod

"Why, you suddenly remembered to practice with me?" Asker sealed his sword horizontally and held Eleanor's sword.

"I'm annoyed," complained the blonde knight.

"Are there any relatives here?" Ask joked.

"Shut up." Eleanor scolded, her whole body quickly glowed with white light of will, and the long sword struck Asik's weapon heavily. The white light attached to the sword shook violently like waves.

It didn't collapse, but it was very soft and couldn't increase the attack power.

"Oh, that's not bad." Ask said with a smile, "Have you made any progress in your study of the Holy Sword after your bloodline was completed?"

"That's the credit of Will IV, not mine." Eleanor stabbed three swords like lightning.

"This sounds quite confusing. The magic potion you digest is not part of your strength?" Asik parried her stabs and suddenly swung his sword quickly to deflect the bullets fired at his chest. Eleanor didn't know when she had pointed her gun at him, and the muzzle was still emitting a faint smoke.

"Sure enough, you were still on guard." Eleanor put away her pistol.

"Yes, you have mastered the essence of Wei Mingren." Ask nodded and said.

"What does this have to do with Mr. Wei?" Eleanor was confused, and then shook her head, "Asker, I sensed the ritual of the Law of Will."

"Really? When?"

"Just in the morning, at the exit of the trench, didn't I say, 'They shouldn't send ordinary people to the battlefield'?" Eleanor shrugged, "That's when I sensed it."

Asker said oh, it seems that Eleanor's clear-cut character of love and hate is conducive to her sensing and understanding the rules-simple-minded people have an advantage in this aspect.

"So, what is the specific mission content?"

"Find what you want to fight for deep down in your heart." Eleanor said with a grimace.


Are you sure this is a ritual task and not a philosophical thesis proposition?

But this is really a classic "Eleanor mission". As expected of you, Eleanor!

I really can't help you with this.

After learning Asker's reply, Eleanor was also a little disappointed, but she was not the kind of person who easily felt sorry for herself, so she quickly continued to practice swordsmanship.


Going back half a day, on the northern shore of the Adriatic Sea, among the reeds in the saltwater swamp, a pair of arms suddenly stretched out from under the water and grabbed the shore with force.

Guyot climbed onto the shore wet and lay on the ground breathing slowly. Out of the range of the anti-magic magnetic field, his almost dry spirituality is recovering quickly.

elder brother……

Thinking of his demigod brother who was officially imprisoned in the underground prison by Venis, his face twitched horribly.

I will save you, but...I want revenge on those people first.

The purpose of the Pure Blood Priory is blood for blood, tooth for tooth!

He sat up half of his body from the ground, and the flesh and blood on his body squirmed and heated up. He quickly dried the soaked clothes, and the faces of Ask and other girls appeared in his mind again.

The anti-magic magnetic field is a very power-consuming device and cannot be turned on three hundred and sixty-five days a year.

These enemies... there is always a chance for me to strike.

Bloody coldness gradually emerged from under his pupils, and suddenly he heard voices talking in the distance:

"...can you confirm?"

"You can't be wrong. Aske Lepios Achilles, a mercenary leader from Constantinople, has close ties with the Weisbach family and Licinius."

"Why are you gathering in this small mercenary group? Could it be that..."

"They may not have any connection with the devil. Rather, it is more likely that the devil has bewitched them."

"After all, she is a succubus. How about the report to the headquarters?"

"Don't mention them. We only kill devils and don't interfere in secular politics. Of course, if the young leader has an affair with a succubus..."

"First find out what tricks they are playing in Venis. If we find that there are indeed high-level officials who have been deceived by the devil, we can enlist the help of Venis and then use this to go back to warn and convince the emperor..."

The voices were discussing intermittently, and Gayo only vaguely heard a few words before he could completely confirm the identities of these people.

The Prison Guards, an organization that hates devils with extreme intensity. Due to his relationship with the Night Watch, he is not very friendly to the supernatural beings of the undead type, but...

"Maybe I have a more labor-saving way, so that you don't have to bother to seek help from Venis, or try in vain to convince the suspicious emperor, you can kill the team where the devil is in advance." He Shi Ran He walked out, stopped in front of the prison guard team, and said in an elegant tone.

"Who are you? Undead?" Faced with this guy who suddenly appeared and said he could help them, the jailer immediately showed strong vigilance.

"I am the one who can help you." Gayo smiled evilly and licked the corners of his scarlet mouth slightly.


In Hearth Island.

Asker reviewed the training situation again and found that the combat effectiveness of almost everyone in the team had improved significantly.

The frequency of the recent many battles with the Templars was no less than the original Innsbruck defense battle, and the battlefield pressure was even worse.

Pressure is indeed the best catalyst for young people's growth.

The three people who have made the most progress are Paige, Mia and Mier. Under repeated training under high pressure and chaotic situations, their reflexes and tactical awareness have been greatly improved.

According to the standards of the professional circle, if others are active substitutes and benched, then these three girls, at least in their respective positions, have the ability to leave the bench and enter the regular combat sequence.

Asker would sometimes have sexual intercourse. What would it be like if he took them back to reality to play in a team?

The club was probably going to be packed with reporters. Beautiful players are common, but there are not many first-class players who play well. As for beautiful players who play well, they are an absolute rare species!

Of course, he just thought about this.

If we really talk about the upper limit of science and technology, this world is infinitely higher than the earth. If we can really freely travel back and forth between the two worlds, then for the people on this side, the magic power of the world over there will be extremely barren (the upper limit of the level) (0), and the technology is so backward that it has not even solved nuclear fusion yet. It is really not attractive at all.

Not to mention that he is now a transcendent. Wouldn't it be nice to stay here with the demonic tide to prolong his life? If it weren't for making money, who would want to live the hard life of a professional player who trains 12 hours a day and risks sudden death at every turn?

"Hey, what are you doing!" Someone from behind patted his head, waking Aske up from his endless thoughts.

It's Paige again.

Ask discovered that Paige has been particularly lively and talkative recently, and she also likes to play tricks on the group leader. There is a tendency to change towards Mia's quirky personality. However, considering that Mia is younger than Paige, this trend seems extremely weird.

Well, could it be some kind of infantilizing infectious disease?

"I always feel like you're thinking of something malicious." Peggy said with her hands on her hips.

"Don't speculate on me. Have you finished today's training?" Ask asked with a serious face.

"It's done. It's been done a long time ago." Peggy said angrily. Don't you care whether I have finished my training?

However, she soon became a little uneasy again. She put her hands in her sleeves and wrung her fingers uneasily, and said cautiously:

"Well, Aske, I have something to tell you..."

"What's the matter? You can talk about it now." Ask said.

"Come to the alchemy workshop tonight." Peggy whispered, "I will show you something."

"Not tonight." Asik refused, "I have something to do."

"What's going on!?" Peggy's ears immediately stood up and she asked alertly, "Who do you have a date with? Who? Who beat me to it..."

Before she could bar her teeth, Aske knocked her on the head:

"I've been thinking about this all day long! I just went out to deal with some personal matters. You sleep well tonight and don't go out and wander around at night. Do you understand?"

"I know." Peggy said with a flat mouth, but her eyes moved around slyly, obviously she was planning something else.

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