Blue Sword

Chapter 409 Changes

"Ask Ask!"


"Look at that soldier, he keeps sneezing and sneezing. He's so stupid!"

"What are you here for?"

"Collect viruses." Peggy activated her powers with both hands and sensed the virus from a distance for a long time before saying, "That soldier suffered from a common upper respiratory tract infection. It doesn't seem to be influenza."

"What's the difference between the two?" Ask asked curiously.

"The former is a common cold, and the latter is influenza." Peggy looked at him with "you are stupid" eyes.

Doesn't saying it mean you didn't say it? Ask secretly cursed.

The two sat on wooden posts next to the military tent. This wooden stake is a bit high, and Aske can sit on it just right, but for Peggy, her feet cannot touch the ground, making her look a little small sitting on it.

But Paige didn't care, her feet were dangling lively in the air. Ask looked at her happy look and thought with some malice that you might never grow up.

Even if you activate the ability to transform flesh and blood to "grow up", once the ability is removed, you will return to the appearance of a high school girl, and you will be solidified at the age of 17 from then on.

He also recalled a post from a certain copper smelter on the forum, saying that he would find a lolita and then use his power to contaminate her, solidify her appearance, and finally wait ten years for it to become legal before he could lift her up high.

This post was naturally laughed at by everyone. Now that the entertainment industry is so developed, games may not last until ten years from now, let alone your bizarre Genji plan.

As a result, there were more and more replies to the post, and it was kept on the forum for a long time. Finally, the moderator used the hidden trick to suppress the popularity of the topic.

A few weeks later, the game company released a new patch, which fixed the bug that "regular attacks and extraordinary abilities can affect child NPCs".

Yes. The game company broke into a cold sweat after seeing the forum post. If someone really does this, and it is exposed by the media, the entire company will suffer.

So the "invincible naughty kid" meme was born later... Of course, these restrictions do not exist in this world.

Asike was thinking about it out of boredom when he saw Peggy take out a bag, take out a cheese cookie, break it in half, and then hand him half.

Ask was so moved that this was the first time a girl handed him uneaten food!

"Why are you looking like this?" Peggy noticed something strange on his face.

"It's okay, I just think you are very sensible." Ask said happily.

Paige:? ? ?

She ate the cookie in small bites and glanced at Ask secretly. The braid hanging down on her chest trembled slightly, as if to hide her inner uneasiness and shyness.

In fact, it's not a bad thing for her appearance to be fixed at around 17 years old... Asik thought to himself, noticing that the girl next door has changed a lot compared to last year.

In the impression of the original owner of the body, when she was still in Constantinople, Paige was introverted and rarely talked about. She usually wears extremely rustic big braids, wears a pair of thick black-rimmed glasses, and likes to tuck her clothes into her waistband.

Of course, the dress of an underage girl often depends on her family of origin, and Paige's parents are Armenian immigrants who believe in Solomonic Orthodoxy. They are quite strict and strict in tutoring, and she is not even allowed to go out at night.

After the vampire incident killed her parents, she seemed like a different person. The ability of flesh and blood cured her myopia, but it also filled her heart with hatred and injustice.

During the time she lived in the hotel, she just lay on the bed after training every day, staring at the ceiling blankly, without crying or speaking, as if she was in a daze.

If Ask hadn't helped her get revenge in time, perhaps under the long-term torture of negative emotions, this little girl would have turned into an extremely extreme character.

Even after killing the vampire, Paige remained silent for a long time. It was a confusing period when life suddenly lost its purpose, and the habit of obeying Aske's words was also developed at that time.

As for when did she return to the youthful and lively normal personality unique to a 17-year-old girl now? I vaguely remember that it was probably when I was in Olympia City...

"Hey, what are you thinking about? Silly." Asik was lost in thought when he saw a white palm waving in front of his eyes.

"I'm thinking of you," Ask said.

Peggy's face suddenly became hot, and the blush spread along her white neck to her cheeks. At the same time, a strange and joyful leap rose from her chest, as if a deer was meowing.

"What are you missing about me..." She shyly pinched the hem of her clothes and whispered.

"I found that you have changed a lot from last year." Asker said with a smile. "Last year, you usually didn't speak, and always maintained a cold attitude that refused to let people go thousands of miles away; but now you are much cuter."

"Yeah." Peggy thought of her deceased parents and gradually became quiet.

She didn't like to talk at that time because she had no one to talk to.

After all, there is nothing left.

And now...

She glanced at Aske quietly again, and suddenly asked in a low voice: "Captain."

"Huh?" Ask asked.

"If I can't keep up with you in level, will you expel me one day?" Paige asked.

"Level does not determine strength." Asik replied.

"What if my strength is not enough?" Paige asked.

"Lack of strength does not mean lack of potential." Asik still answered perfectly like the captain of the team.

"What if potential is not enough? I mean..." Paige began to rack her brains, "For example, what if I suffer a serious injury that will lead to lifelong disability and can no longer participate in combat?"

She held her breath nervously, waiting uneasily for Asik's answer. The latter was silent for a long time and then asked her:

"I would like to ask you, a mortal of the flesh and blood sequence, how can he be permanently disabled?"

Yes. Peggy was dumbfounded and had forgotten her special ability.

Broken limbs can definitely grow back!

Then she suddenly brought her face closer. The healthy and fair skin unique to the flesh and blood sequence, the small and delicate nose, the big eyes, and the long and curved eyelashes unique to Armenian girls all came to Asik's eyes.

"What are you doing..." Before Asik could say the second half of the sentence, Peggy slapped him on the mouth.

"You answered very well just now. This is your reward." She quickly jumped off the tree stump and turned her back to Aske, not daring to look back at his reaction. Her heartbeat was racing as if it was about to burst out of her chest.

Then she forced her voice to calm down, pretending to be nonchalant, and said delicately: "Looking at how unskilled you are, it must be your first kiss. Hum, it's mine."

After leaving these words, Peggy ran away in a hurry.

It wasn't until she ran outside the camp in one breath that Peggy stopped. Looking at the reflection of the puddle on the roadside, she reached out and touched her lips.

Hee hee, first kiss. Sure enough, opportunities belong to girls with courage.

Looking at her pretty face in the reflection, Paige finally couldn't help but smile.

Asik, who was left in place by her, continued to sit on the tree stump for a while before he realized what had happened. For a moment, he didn't know what expression to show.

But everyone ran away, and no one looked at his expression.

There seemed to be a warm aftertaste on his lips. Asik was stunned for a moment before he restrained his slightly aroused thoughts.

Be restrained, be restrained, don't wait until you meet Medea and Nora, and it will be over if your mind is read.

Hey, what did Peggy want me to come with her for in the first place?

Looking at the long queue of soldiers in front of the munitions tent, Aske fell into a long state of speechlessness.

Well, have I been fooled?

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