Blue Sword

Chapter 406 Cang Qing Sword Master and Templar Knight

Time has entered April.

All in all, it has been nearly a full year since the time traveled.

Ask sighed, turned around and jumped down from the trench.

The battle between the Emperor and the Holy See outside the city of Verona has been going on. As time goes by, both sides continue to add pressure to the battlefield.

The empire finally conquered the server technology of power armor. A large number of power armors were continuously produced from the rear arsenal. Then, with the help of Sansovino's black hole carrying technology, they rode the dragon on the north-south shipping route at the foot of the Alps. , send these equipment to the emperor's camp.

The production line on the Holy See side has gradually resumed operation, and the equipment carried by the Templars has become more and more advanced. At first they were simple hydraulic hammers or automatic firearms, but now there are various prosthetic eyes with their own databases.

The only thing that remains unchanged is that more and more soldiers are dying on this battlefield on both sides, almost turning the north of Verona into a meat grinder. After the daytime war ended every day, both sides would send people to clean up the corpses in their own trenches. Until the corpses could no longer be cleaned up, they had to be burned and buried on the spot. The air was filled with the smell of burning.

Ask moved quickly along the trench, attracting the attention of countless soldiers along the way. Most of the imperial troops under the duke have recently become acquainted with this young man. Whenever he appears on the battlefield, the war pressure on one's own side will be quickly reduced.

The reason is also very simple. He used to kill all the Templars on the opposite side like melons and vegetables. Wouldn't the pressure be relieved?

"Cang Qing Sword Master is out again!"

"The Cangqing Sword Master is coming to our side!"

The surrounding imperial soldiers cheered, and Ask's face darkened.

Why did the nickname "Nima" spread to the empire? I don't mind if you call me Sword Master. Why do you need to put the word "Cang Qing" in front of it? This color is very unlucky for men.

In fact, this nickname came from the Templars across the street. Due to the mission of the Cohesion Ceremony of the Law of War, the Templar Knights stationed in Verona were almost frightened by this man during this period of time. Of course, they had to investigate who he was behind the scenes.

Therefore, the achievements of the Cyan Sword Mercenary Group such as the Crusade in Olympia City, the strange snow changes in Sparta City, the changes in Runfield Town, and the Imperial Civil War were all searched, as well as the program produced by Olympia TV. come out.

What does it mean to have experienced hundreds of battles? That's it. The name of Sword Master is well deserved.

Now the old Templars ran away when they saw him, and the new Templars who came from the south to support them, out of the mentality of "I bought new equipment and I am the best in the world", scorned the veterans' desertion, so they laid out The trap intends to intercept and kill this "Cang Qing Sword Master".

Asker rushed into the trench in the enemy-occupied area. As he rushed forward, he suddenly turned around and retreated. Two spider robots jumped out from the soil under his feet and rushed towards Asker.

"Hey, how did he find out?" The Templar Knights who were ambushing behind were suddenly stunned.

In fact, they buried two rows of spider booby traps in this trench, and waited for Cangqing Sword Master to rush into the middle of the booby traps, and then the machine booby traps would detonate collectively, killing the opponent on the spot.

Unexpectedly, the opponent rushed to the front of the first row of booby traps and suddenly retreated, ignoring the inertia. As a result, the spider booby traps could only break out of the ground and chase the opponent.

Several gunshots were fired, and the spider booby traps jumping on the ground were accurately shot. Seeing that the other party had already raised their guns and aimed at them, the Templars could only rush forward.

The individual force field shield is activated!

Fire control system is on!

Aiming system is on!

Smart bullet loading activated!

The guns of the Templars roared in unison, and bullets came out like a storm, shooting in all directions of the trench.

The self-aiming firearm module, which combines the automatic fire control system and the database, gives the Templars' bullets the ability to "ricochet" - bullets that are clearly not aimed at the target will collide with obstacles such as walls and the ground after 1 -You can hit the target "just right" after 2 bounces.

Such a scattered and complex ballistic trajectory makes it impossible for extraordinary people who prefer physics to react and dodge in advance based on the direction of the gun muzzle. Therefore, it has always been a sharp weapon for the Templars to deal with professions such as sword masters and assassins.

However, Aske is an exception. To be exact, the skill of ricochet is almost a must-have skill for professional gunners. He knows how to deal with it even with his eyes closed.

Even without the need for the Nine Star Styles, Asker burst into speed with an instant step, stepped on the wall wrongly, spun forward, and dodged all the ricochet shots with a spiral deflection trajectory.

Relying solely on the "accurate" shooting of the self-aiming system without any advance calculation, there is no accuracy at all for professional players.

"He dodged!" Although he had seen similar video materials and had some understanding of this man's abnormal strength, when he saw such shocking dodging skills, these Templar knights suddenly rose up from behind. A thrilling feeling.

One of the Templars just took out a shock bomb from behind... There was a gunshot, and the shock bomb exploded in his hand.

To be precise, the moment it was taken out, it was shot from a distance by Aske.

He sensed danger in advance through his "intuition" ability, and predicted the type of ammunition through his "tactics" ability. Even if Asker hadn't seen clearly that it was a shock bomb, the ability from the blood of the weapons master had already helped him make the most timely response.

In an instant, he opened his eyes to avoid the flash, and the huge noise caused by the explosion of the shock bomb had already hit him. Asik swallowed this high-decibel sound wave forcefully. Due to the impact of the balance rod in his ear, his body was a little unstable as he rushed forward, but his speed did not slow down at all.

And because it was a close-range explosion, the damage suffered by the Templars was even greater. The Templar knights whose heads had not been modified lost consciousness almost immediately, while those equipped with prosthetic eyes and electronic ears locked the signal input through the program threshold, blocking the bright light and noise in time.

The next second, Asik had rushed in front of them, and the dragon bone sword was slashing towards them.

The Templar standing closest took out a pair of folded mantis knives from his forearms. He blocked with his left knife and stabbed diagonally with his right knife. The target was Asik's abdomen.

The keel sword suddenly accelerated while thrusting forward, passing under the opponent's mantis knife, and pierced the Templar's head before another mantis knife came.

The ninth form of the stars. Zhe Rui, ignores blocking and defense.

To be precise, it is to find the optimal response solution from the tactical actions performed by the opponent.

The dragon bone sword was pulled out from the Templar's head, and sparks of electricity shot out from the metal wound. Even if his head had been sufficiently modified and reinforced with prosthetics, it could not withstand the direct penetration of a dragon bone sword, and the remains of the Templar fell into the dust.

Asker turned around while drawing the sword, completely ignoring whether the Templar was dead, and the sword edge slashed at the throat of another Templar again.

The Templar quickly retreated while raising his right arm, and the mechanical joint of his wrist opened upward, revealing the ferocious shotgun muzzle embedded in the cross-section of the forearm.


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