Blue Sword

Chapter 376 Rescue

Facing this three-dimensional flanking attack from both the ground and the air, Paige just smiled coldly and disappeared again.

After taking "Flesh II", the explosive force that her muscles can withstand has far exceeded the limit of human beings. Coupled with Ilania Shunpo's special power movement skills, even with the dynamic blessing of "Vision II" Mi'er, it hurts my eyes to capture her figure.

These little devils and three-headed dogs suddenly lost their target and had to instinctively turn their attack direction towards the girls.

However, the gravity field arrived as expected.

The amplified gravity field exerted by Sheila instantly suppressed the little devils in the air and caused them to fall like rain, naturally getting out of touch with the three-headed dogs running at high speed.

Then Mier's assault rifle fire suppressed the fire. She held the gun in front of her chest and squeezed the trigger. She fired completely blindly without aiming. A series of bullets made a clicking sound, while the heads of the three-headed dogs crackled. It exploded with a snap.

There was another gravity distortion field, which absorbed the struggling little devils on the ground into a huge ball. Then Hidrifa accurately threw the North Wind Ax and froze all the little devils into ice.

Finally, Medea's unstable fireball delivers the final explosive kill.

The knights on the opposite side were almost dumbfounded. These few strong soldiers were fully armed and could barely hold on under the attack of so many devils. Now they were covered in blood and everyone was injured.

On the contrary, how could these seemingly weak and beautiful girls use extremely gorgeous evil witchcraft to wipe out all these devils with just a wave of their hands?

"Are you okay?" Eleanor shouldered her spear and looked at these bloody knights.

"Thank you for your help." The leading knight limped out and said with the help of others, "We are the knights of Thuringia. We were accidentally surrounded by these devils just now and almost died in glory. You are From which principality?”

"Bavaria." Eleanor said simply. After all, this time the Cang Qing Sword mercenary group was indeed part of the Bavarian army.

"Knights of the Weisbach family, I understand." The knight nodded, "If you see Viscount Regens later, tell them that you saved Albrecht of the Wetting family on the battlefield, Regen Viscount Si will pay you the rewards and rewards you deserve."

Viscount Regens is my second brother... Eleanor opened her mouth, but still pressed the urge to introduce herself.

Since the other party mistakenly thought that his group was the lower-level knights of the Weisbach family, if he revealed his identity at this time, it would appear that he was deliberately pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger, and pretending to be a slap in the face, which was not in line with the moral character of a knight.

She turned back and looked at Ask inquiringly.

Ask nodded towards Nora.

So Nora stepped forward and took out the medical needle to treat these injured knights. The reason for not using extraordinary abilities is to avoid scaring them and causing unnecessary panic and hostility.

After all, even in empires that do not reject extraordinary power, the devout feudal knights are still wary of it - especially the extraordinary power that is about to fall on them.

However, when they saw the treatment needles and bandages, the knights became awe-struck again. They kept thanking Nora and crossing themselves on their chests. After all, medical needles are a gift from God and must be treated reverently and not neglected.

With one injection for each person, and proper wound treatment and bandaging, the knights' injuries quickly improved. Although some of their faces were pale and their legs were weak due to excessive blood loss, at least they were able to move without any hindrance. .

"Thank you again for the rescue." The knight named Albrecht nodded and said, "The devil is attacking this town. I don't know what your majesty's condition is at the moment. We must go to the rescue as soon as possible."

This obviously meant to invite everyone to move forward together. Considering that the leaders of the armies of each principality basically lived next to the emperor's house, Albrecht's proposal was reasonable.

So after collecting the spiritual materials, Cang Qing Sword and the others began to walk with each other towards the center of the town. Not far away, a group of three-headed hell dogs were killed again in front of them.

"Knights, charge with me!" Albrecht raised his giant sword and shield high, and was about to rush out, but a figure rushed out from beside him.

Sheila's gravity field forcibly pulled these three-headed dogs together, and Hilda Lifa's North Wind Ax froze them into sticky ice sculptures. Peggy rushed to the ice sculptures and waved her sword like the wind, with red lines of fire every time. In a flash, all three heads of a certain hell dog were chopped off.


Wait, what the hell are you this invisible invisible force, the ax that can freeze the opponent, and the knife that breathes fire?

Continuing forward, passing through a block, there is an overwhelming group of winged demons attacking from ahead. I saw Sheila throwing out another gravity field, and the little devils fell to the ground with a clatter. Then Medea fired an unstable fireball, exploding the fallen little devils in all directions, and their flesh and blood limbs flew everywhere.

So what kind of witchcraft is this thing that can breathe fire and explode? ! Albrecht wanted to speak many times, but could only barely hold back and did not ask questions.

As they continued to move forward, everyone saw a dozen knights besieging a lemure lord.

The so-called devil lords refer to elite devils who are more powerful than ordinary devils.

This lemure lord is two stories high. Every time he sweeps his arms, he can knock away the knights who are blocking with their shields. They spit out blood. Therefore, the remaining knights can only jump around hurriedly and use effective weapons. The spear with the advantage of attack range stabs the opponent randomly.

It's not possible to grind the opponent to death in this way, because the lemure also has a move called "shooting spikes", which will eject all the porcupine-like spikes around its body, and has the power to break armor, almost like a sniper rifle.

Seeing that the lemure lord was bleeding profusely, he was about to launch his ultimate move. Eleanor had already taken the lead with her spear in hand, facing the lemure lord with a dragon spear.

This dragon spear lifted the lemure lord up in the air like a toothpick, and then slammed him to the ground. The surrounding knights were almost unsteady under the violent shock wave that shook the ground, and almost fell to the ground. However, Eleanor stood firmly on the ground, and the spear quickly penetrated upwards and stabbed continuously.

The severe pain brought the lemure lord, who was beaten to pieces, back to reality from his dizziness. It hugged its body tightly in the air, and its muscles squirmed like waves, as if it was about to shoot indiscriminate spikes in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, Eleanor held back the last shot of Cloud Piercer, and smoothly pulled the spear to the left side of her body, her slender and strong waist almost tightening to the extreme.

Cut the iron!

Like a home run, the adamantine spear swung with all its strength hit the lemure lord curled up into a ball in the air, sending it flying away.

There was another series of gunshots, and Mi'er's assault rifle accurately hit the demon in the parabolic trajectory. The bullets that shot past the lemure lord in the air were riddled with holes, and at the same time pushed its body further.

Then densely packed spikes were ejected, sputtering in all directions with the lemure lord as the center. Some were driven into the street below, while others were shot into the walls and roofs of houses.

I do understand this tactic, Albrecht thought with relief. It was nothing more than the blonde female knight lifting the lemure lord into the air with a dragon spear, and then flying it away with a cutting iron. Then the little girl in the back used a firearm to push it further to avoid being hurt by its spiked projectiles. Everyone present.

Wait, the female knight can pick up such a huge lemure lord with only one pistol? And it can fly dozens of meters away? Is this arm strength human?

The subsequent gun shots hit the moving target continuously, and the moving target quickly moved away with the distance, and the effective shooting area was also rapidly shrinking. This little girl's shooting skills are not simple!

Who exactly are these people? Is he really just a lower-level knight of the Weisbach family?

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