Blue Sword

Chapter 371 Ready to go

After drinking the potion, the average level of the team finally increased to around Lv.8.5.

Nora took the newly prepared "Spirit Body III" potion and was promoted to Level 8;

If Life III's ability can control the excessive growth and directional differentiation of life tissues, then Spirit III can control wandering spirits to carry out various weird attacks.

For example, the "Soul Scream" used by Terror before.

Mi'er took "Luck III" and was promoted to Level 9.

The level III luck ability gives her the ability to adjust the luck/bad luck cycle of the people around her on a large scale.

For example, if we give everyone a "lucky boost", the enemy's attacks will always fail due to accidents. Everyone can hit the enemy's vital points by hitting randomly with their eyes closed.

Of course, the backlash of misfortune after good luck still exists.

Because of this, Asker prohibited Mi'er from using this ability to adjust luck on a large scale without permission.

Mia took the "Weakness III" potion. For the main ingredient of this potion, she had even sold herself to Medea for a day.

The Weakness III ability has indeed stood up to her efforts. Now she can not only see the enemy's own weaknesses, but also force the enemy to create new weaknesses and flaws through specific combat techniques.

It can be said that her playing style is becoming more and more assassin-like, and the Shadow Dancer's career build is taking shape rapidly.

After Peggy took the "Plague II" potion, the response rate to the spread, reproduction, and outbreak of pathogens was greatly increased, from slow control to fast control, making it easier to use.

On the other hand, she can also cause some non-infectious diseases in the opponent's body through close influence, such as "allergy", "spasm", and even "myocardial infarction". The specific effect still needs to be studied and adapted.

Finally, there was Sheila, who took the "Storm III" potion given by her grandfather, and her ability to control compressed air was enhanced.

Now, she can also learn to compress and distribute air on the surface like the Hidden String, forming a layer of transparent "air armor".

It's just that the bulletproof ability of this layer of armor is far inferior to that of a demigod. Let alone a sniper rifle, even an assault rifle cannot withstand close fire within 20 meters.

However, the "Meteorite III" potion she had taken before had developed a very practical ability called "High Gravity Deflection Field" during her recent actual combat training.

Within a circular area with a radius of fifty meters around the body, there is an amplified gravity field whose direction is twisted into a circular tangent. Any bullet entering the force field will be affected by gravity and cause the trajectory to deviate.

If it is a sniper rifle bullet flying at a speed of 1,000 meters per second, the horizontal deflection distance is even less than 4 centimeters, and the bulletproof effect is relatively limited.

However, if it is a rifle bullet with a speed of 500 meters per second, the horizontal deflection distance can reach 15 centimeters, which is quite impressive.

Considering the width of Sheila's face and body, if the enemy shoots at the head, it will inevitably miss. Even the bullets fired at the body can be deflected and filter out a considerable part.

After all, she has a slender figure and a small face.

The only flaw of this ability is that it cannot distinguish objects in the force field, so it cannot distinguish between friend and foe at first, and the distance of fifty meters is not conducive to team combat at all, so it is not very versatile and can only follow Asker's command. Turn it on again.

After the preliminary digestion of the potion was completed, everyone gathered at the designated location in the outer city, preparing to participate in the difficult battle that would last for several months or even half a year.

When this group of extraordinary girls, whose lowest level was above Level 8, appeared at the horse racing arena outside the city, they immediately caused a commotion among other soldiers.

The soldiers present, who were originally male citizens of working age who had recently been forcibly recruited, already had a certain degree of resentment and uneasiness. When they saw several beautiful girls joining the queue with a man, the crowd suddenly became more excited.

We, the common people, are going to fight to the death. How come you, a noble, bring a mistress to the battlefield?

Then the commotion was quickly restrained by the knights leading the respective teams. Are you kidding me? Miss Eleanor of the Weisbach family is in this team. Do you still dare to talk nonsense because you think your life is too long?

The Duke of Bavaria stood on the stage. As the President of the Bavarian Army, he is going to lead the army in person this time.

Joining him on the expedition was Eleanor's second brother Henry, while the eldest brother Ludwig stayed behind in the Principality of Bavaria to supervise the country.

This is also the traditional way of playing in the Holy Solomon Empire today: when the emperor fully recruits troops, either the duke himself will lead the troops and the eldest son will stay at home as the heir; or the duke will stay behind, but the eldest son must be sent out.

To show respect for His Majesty the Emperor.

Henry on the stage was also fully armed and was reading aloud His Majesty the Emperor's "Declaration of Empire."

"Is your second brother following the expedition this time?" Nora asked softly.

"Didn't he come back in time to get married before the outbreak of the civil war?" Eleanor also explained in a low voice, "Last month his wife found out she was pregnant, so my father felt free to take him out this time."

"I don't understand." Nora didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Does this mean that if you have a grandson, it won't matter if something happens to your son?

But this is indeed the "heir first" thinking of feudal families in this era. Think about the Franconian Griffin Duke. He was defeated, his son was gone, and his son-in-law's family was betrayed. He was sitting on a Franconian principality but no one inherited it. He didn't know who would get an advantage in the future. It was a tragedy.

Asker and Meyer stood in the front row as knights, listening to Henry's cadence and sonorous reading of the declaration of war on the stage.

"By the way, has the marching route been determined?" Meyer asked.

"The route to Innsbruck should be taken," Asker replied, "crossing the Alps and then attacking Verona."

"The Wolf family's army will set off from Milan, cooperate with the emperor's coalition forces to attack Verona, and open the door to Italy."

"After capturing this city, we may divide our troops to go to Venis. This depends on the attitude of Governor Venis."

"If there is no division of troops, then the order will be Bologna-Florence-Solomon."

Ask explained.

"It's pretty straightforward, at least it didn't go around a lot." Meyer had obviously been in the war before. He nodded and said, "I hope everything goes well on this trip."

Ask agreed casually. Of course, according to the plot of the original game world, Verona was successfully captured. However, the battle against Bologna almost depleted morale. Before reaching Florence, the HRE army was on the verge of collapse.

The road from Bologna to Florence was littered with hanged corpses. It is said that Emperor Otto ordered the execution of a group of soldiers or knights every day on suspicion of attempting to escape or rebel.

So much so that the title of "Half-Crazy Emperor" was privately circulated in the army, and everyone was very afraid of the future of this battle.

In fact, the escape was real and the rebellion was fake. Those who assassinate the emperor all day long are all players and have nothing to do with the knights under various lords.

In the game world of "A Song of Iron and Fire", the NPC settings are quite interesting. After the player dies and is resurrected, his level abilities and so on will be there, but the social relationship with the NPC will be cleared, that is, the NPC will treat the "previous you" as dead, even if you are standing in front of him now.

Reflected on the NPC Emperor Shinra, it was found that soldiers under his command came to assassinate him every day (after all, it was rare that the NPC emperor was not hiding in the Aachen Grand Palace, which was guarded by layers of guards. Of course, everyone couldn't help but beat him. ).

Since the Emperor NPC could not recognize the difference between player soldiers and NPC soldiers, it gave him the illusion that his army was all assassins of the Holy See.

They killed them endlessly, hanged them endlessly, and came again the next day. After months of harassment, the emperor finally went half crazy.

At that time, players complained that the NPC intelligence in this game was about this... Now it seems that the emperor's semi-madness may not be due to the harassment of players.

It was more likely the result of the mysterious man's continuous influence on his mind.

As for whether it is true, just look at whether the emperor of this world is half crazy.

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