Blue Sword

Chapter 369 Confrontation

The two of them continued forward and soon arrived at the butcher shop.

Both raw meat and cooked food are sold here, including chickens, ducks, pigs, and cows. Asik stared at the meat stall for a long time, wondering if he should just pick out fresh ones and weigh ten kilograms each and carry them back (yes, he can carry them). , Nora happily pulled him and ran to the delicatessen shop next door.

"Roast turkey legs!" She pointed to the stove opposite and said, "Asker, are you a little tired of eating pork lately? Do you want to change the taste?"

"How do you know?" Aske was completely speechless. I always eat pork. Isn't it the problem of a certain pretty cook?

"Hehe." Nora smiled stupidly, and then said to Uncle Frank behind the counter, "Here are two turkey legs, please help wrap them in thicker oil paper."

In this world, the Franks of the Shinra Empire speak basically dialectal Latin, so Nora can barely understand her when she speaks Latin.

Uncle Frank wrapped two roasted turkey legs for her and said with an apologetic expression:

"Sorry, we have to go to war with your hometown because of Your Majesty. This is not the original intention of us Franks. I just hope that God will not vent his anger on all the Franks when he sins against Your Majesty."

Nora:? ? ?

The amount of information the other party said was so overwhelming that she didn't recover for a long time. Seeing that the beautiful girl was in a daze, the uncle asked uncertainly:

"Aren't you an Italian-Canadian?"

"Ah, I am from Solomon City." Nora said frankly.

"That's it." The uncle crossed himself on his chest, "Your Majesty, he must be crazy to actually declare war on the Holy See. God bless, please forgive his fault - before that, please forgive Bavaria. "

This guy was really right. In a sense, Emperor Otto's spirit is already a little abnormal, Asik thought to himself.

However, did the news spread so quickly? Didn’t the Weisbach family exercise public opinion control?

The two left the butcher shop. Nora looked at the turkey legs in her hands in a daze, while Asik was still thinking about Emperor Otto.

"When he said it just now, I didn't realize turned out that he was talking about the subsequent Southern Expedition." Nora tore off a small strip of turkey meat with her hands, but quickly threw away the meat:

"So hot! Hot, hot, hot!"

"It must be hot right out of the oven." Asik said casually, and Nora pinched his ears.

"What?" Ask was speechless.

"If your hands get burned, pinch your earlobes." Nora said seriously.

"Why don't you pinch your own earlobes?" Ask asked.

"Because I have oil on my fingers," Nora said.

"Thank you, rub the oil on my ears." Asik was completely speechless.

"Just kidding." Nora took out her handkerchief and helped him wipe his earlobes clean. "Have you ever heard of that psychological tolerance test?"

"What psychology?" Asker asked.

"A girl wants to confess to the boy she has a crush on, but she doesn't know whether the other person will agree." Nora said with a smile, "At this time, you can deliberately tease him a little, such as accidentally spilling a drink on him."

"If the boy doesn't show any disgust, it means that the girl is at least tolerated in his heart and has a special status with a certain degree of favorability. If he expresses his love, the probability of success will be higher."

"This is not very accurate." Asik said casually, "I have seen the kind of nice gentleman, let alone young and beautiful girls. Even if a big man throws slippers in his face, he only needs to apologize. He’s not angry either.”

"Are you the kind of gentleman?" Nora asked in confusion.

"Of course not," Aske said.

"Isn't that right?" Nora said with a smile, "And you didn't feel any resentment, which shows that my confession was very successful... Oh, I forgot that I had already confessed."

"It seems that this psychological test is indeed inaccurate." She put her burned finger to her mouth and blew in the cold air in small sips.


This girl is really getting better and better. She can always find various quiet ways to subtly remind him "I like you", which makes him feel a strong sense of guilt every time.

"My turkey leg should be cold," Ask said.

"Why does your one cool down faster?" Nora asked curiously.

"Because I'm cold-blooded." Ask replied.

"Then is there any way to make you warmer?" Nora asked in a brisk tone, the smile on her face did not change.

"Yes, if you stay with warm things for a long time, you will probably warm up." Ask replied.

"Then let's exchange the turkey legs. Mine is relatively hot." Nora exchanged the turkey legs in her hand with the chicken legs in his hand, and then lowered her head and took a bite.

"How does it taste?" Aske asked.

"It's not bad. It's tender, fragrant and juicy, but the skin is a bit thick." Nora commented.

"The skin of turkey meat is relatively thick," Ask said. "If you don't like eating it, you can peel it off."

"That's not okay." Nora took another bite. "What I want to eat is all of it, including its cheeky skin."

Asker:? ? ?

"Shameless?" He was stunned for a moment and asked.

"I mean goosebumps." Nora smiled without changing her expression, "You heard wrong."

Ask sighed in his heart. This girl's scolding was indeed right. I have to admit...

"What's going on in front?" Nora stood on tiptoes and looked at the crowd in front, "What are you guys arguing about here?"

"Go and have a look." Asik suggested.

The two ran to the market center and saw a priest in robes, surrounded by the citizens of Mingxing City. He was standing on a wooden box and read a piece of news loudly to the surrounding people:

"By the decree of His Majesty the Holy See of Pope Innocent, I hereby declare to impose the highest order of excommunication on His Majesty the Holy Solomon Emperor Otto! I declare His Majesty Otto to be expelled from the Solomonic Church! I declare to depose His Majesty Otto as the Emperor. You! Announce the exile of His Majesty Otto to lands outside the empire! We will not forgive him for at least one year!"

Next to him, another man standing on the wooden box, who looked like a Bavarian official, also unfolded the document in his hand and read loudly to the crowd:

"With the edict of His Majesty Otto, the current Emperor of the Holy Solomon Empire, I hereby declare that I will not recognize the excommunication order of the Holy See of Solomon, and I will personally lead the army to the Holy See for a face-to-face confrontation and questioning with His Majesty the Holy See!"

The crowd in the audience has been divided into two distinct groups: one group supports the Pope on the side of the priests and denounces His Majesty the Emperor for betraying God; the other group supports the Weisbach family on the side of officials, claiming that since the great Duke has sent If people say this, then His Majesty the Emperor probably has his own reasons.

On the whole, far more citizens supported the pope than those on the opposite side. However, the two sides did not fight. After all, the opponent was not supporting the emperor but the Weisbach family, so the voices of scolding and cursing the emperor prevailed at the scene.

"What are they doing?" Nora asked curiously.

Although she understood what was being said on the other side, she pretended not to understand at all.

"A war of public opinion," Aske said.

"I don't understand. Please explain it to me." Nora raised her head playfully and launched the cute 45-degree upward gaze tactic, combined with the pretending attack and the coquettish move.

Thank you Heaven's Morrowind for the 10,000 coins~

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