Blue Sword

Chapter 359: Using words to a girl

If Asker remembers correctly, in the time node of the original game, the arrival of the second round of demon tide happened to be the end of the second expansion pack "Imperial Civil War" and the time node of the third expansion pack "Expedition to the Holy See".

Of course, according to Sheila, this would make sense.

Why did the Holy See incite the Wolf family to rebel in advance?

Why did the two families Wolf and Hohenstaufen still try to drag the Emperor's coalition forces into Franconia, even though there was no possibility of victory?

And why did the Holy See still not send troops at the critical juncture of the empire’s civil war?

Everything stems from the coming second demonic wave.

If the Wolf family does not rebel, then Emperor Otto can calmly integrate domestic forces and go south immediately after the arrival of the demonic tide. This is undoubtedly the most unfavorable situation for the Holy See.

All high-tech equipment has been scrapped, domestic industrial production has stagnated, and at the same time we have to face foreign invasion...

Therefore, the Holy See detonated the civil strife in the empire in advance. As long as these two families can hold back the emperor's coalition forces, then after the demonic tide is over, the Holy See can gather its forces and quickly move northward.

If not, then these two families will become abandoned sons and still buy enough time for the Holy See to resume production.

So, for the Cang Qing Sword mercenary group that is about to join the emperor's coalition camp, of course, the sooner the civil war ends and the southern expedition starts, the better.

It would be best if the imperial army is fully prepared. When the southern expedition begins, the demonic tide will arrive and burn all the high-tech equipment of the Holy See. In this way, the difficulty of the early battle will be reduced to a minimum. It will undoubtedly be a decisive blow to the Cang Qing Sword. The most favorable situation.

There is nothing we can do about this. Who said that Emperor Otto would mobilize all available troops for the southern expedition, but the Holy See only trusted the Templars and the Mountain Guards? Even if an ordinary mercenary team wants to join the Holy See camp, there is no way.

In addition, most of the extraordinary sects and demigods in the empire will follow Emperor Otto to join the war in the south. Therefore, in the original game world, the vast majority of players chose to serve the emperor's camp, hoping to obtain enough extraordinary resources through merit in the war.

As for the Cyan Sword people who took over the investigation mission of the Succubus Queen and Apirios, of course they had to decisively choose the emperor's camp without any hesitation at all. The only thing you have to pay attention to is to complete this task at the right time, and then you have to seize the time and run away quickly.

Since the mastermind behind the scenes can influence the emperor's mind, he must have strong control over the emperor's camp. Cang Qing Sword has found the other party here. If he is exposed, the other party will definitely kill and silence him.

Therefore, the key to this task lies in timing. If the opportunity is early, the opponent can gather the power of the emperor's camp to frame and kill everyone; if the opportunity is too late, the emperor's camp is destroyed by the Holy See, and not only do everyone still have to run away, but the task is still incomplete.

Just like the traitor in the Three Kingdoms, he has to wait until the loyal ministers and the rebels have killed both sides before he can jump out and reveal his identity. It doesn't matter whether it's early or late.

After continuing to discuss some strategic details with Sheila, Asker saw Peggy running back in a hurry.

"Master swore to me that the plan she told me today is true! She definitely had no intention of lying to harm you!"



Putting aside whether this is true or not, how did you make a demigod put down his face and swear for you?

Ask suddenly realized that he seemed to have underestimated the relationship between Peggy and Agrippina.

But it doesn't matter. Being close to a demigod is not a bad thing after all. Plus, in this case, at least this plan to assassinate the demigod should have no problem.

As for the subsequent battle, Asker also briefly talked to Peggy. Unlike Sheila, who can think deeply and draw inferences from one case to another, Paige just nodded her head, with a sweet and docile expression of "I'm listening to whatever you say."

It’s not like Hildafa doesn’t understand, it’s just that she has no idea. Anyway, I just follow Asker in everything.

Done, difficulty is 0.

After leaving these two people, Asik went to find the two youngest girls in the team - it is actually a bit inappropriate to say girls. Mia and Mi'er are both thirteen or fourteen years old, which is not the case on earth. Just like a junior high school girl.

To describe it accurately, it is called loli graduation, and the girl is not yet mature.

Of course, Aske also talks differently to different team members:

For smart and shrewd types like Medea and Sheila, the situation needs to be explained in detail and discussed and discussed on an equal footing. Not only to gain the trust of the other party, but also to get some useful suggestions from the other party, some of which may be details that you have never thought of before.

For kind and considerate people like Eleanor and Nora, just tell the situation frankly and clearly, and usually the other party will be more understanding.

For those with direct personalities like Sidrifa and Paige, the words are even simpler: The leader is going to fight demigods, will you follow? and!

Finally, the more troublesome ones are Mia and Mi'er.

One reason is that the minds of adolescent girls are unpredictable and changeable. Whether they are lively and energetic or quiet and introverted, it is not easy to figure out what is going on in their hearts.

Another reason is neck pain... After all, Mia is getting older, and it is getting more and more difficult to swing and so on.

Asik walked around the rest of Hearth Island several times, but he didn't find these two people.

Then he remembered that today it seemed to be Mi'er's turn to guard Fire Island in the real plane.

After teleporting back to the main plane, Ask saw Mi'er sitting on a chair on the balcony, staring at the Alps in the distance in a daze.

No, not in a daze, but to practice vision.

"Asker?" Her perception was still very keen, and she quickly turned her head.

"Where's Mia?" Asked.

"She went to the kitchen to steal something and will be back soon," Mi'er said.


"Stealing" food in other people's homes is really something Mia would do.

"How are you feeling lately?" Asik asked with concern as he activated the skill "Inquiry from Elders".

"It's not bad." Mi'er pinched the flesh on her face, "I've grown taller, and then I seem to have gained a little weight."

No, I'm not asking about your physical development... Asik quickly said: "What about combat strength? Have you adapted to the new ability?"

"It feels like I've reached a bottleneck," Mi'er said. "In the past, after taking the 'Intuition' and 'Visual' sequence potions, I felt that as my reaction level improved, my marksmanship also improved very quickly."

"But now it feels like progress is getting slower and slower... Is it because I rely too much on my extraordinary ability itself?"

"That's not true." Ask thought for a moment, "It should be because of your body."

"For this weapon, you are far from exerting its full power, so every increase in your own strength will bring about a significant improvement in the overall combat power."

"The reason why you feel your progress has slowed down recently is because your physical fitness has become a shortcoming. Even though you have just taken the 'Intuition II' potion, your reaction speed has been greatly improved, but your body has begun to be unable to keep up with the reaction. It’s faster, right?”

"Hmm." When Aske said this, Mi'er suddenly felt that this was the case. Every time I practice moving the muzzle and shooting, my body always seems to be half a beat slower than my mind.

"Then is there any way to promote physical development?" the half-elf girl asked seriously.

"It's not about physical growth, it's about the improvement of physical fitness." Asik corrected the ambiguity in her words rather speechlessly, "Just let nature take its course. You can eat more protein-rich foods, such as milk."

Thanks to Time and Space Messenger for his 200 coins, thank you to Alade for his 1,000 coins, and thank you to Mucha Yandong for his 100 coins~

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