Blue Sword

Chapter 337 Falcon Family

Falcon Castle is built on a mountain near the small town of Hechingen, about 64 kilometers away from Stuttgart.

All the castles in this world did not exist to resist war in the first place - a rocket launcher washed the ground, let alone a castle, even a large concrete block could be blown up for you.

In fact, these castles were basically built from the First to the Third Age to prevent attacks from extraordinary creatures in the surrounding wild areas.

For example, the ancient Solomon Republic in the Third Age, while expanding northward from Italy and the Peninsula, built a large number of fortresses for both military and civilian purposes, which were like nails in the territories of barbarians and extraordinary creatures.

Once there is a tide of beasts that cannot be dealt with by the conventional army, the ancient Solomon officials will organize the evacuation of the people and gather them in the nearest castle. These castles cover an extremely large area and have large internal food reserves. They can maintain self-sufficiency for a long time, allowing the people inside to hold on until the arrival of Solomon's field army.

The Falcon Family's castle was built in the early Third Age. The builder was an ancient Solomon tax collector... Let's not talk about more background. In short, the Falcon Family certainly does not intend to stick to this existing castle. In the useless castle, the battle in northern Franconia is waiting to be decided.

Although the Griffin family suddenly rebelled against the empire, it did disrupt their long-term deployment. But now that it's over, there's nothing to regret.

While the old griffon is still the monarch of the Principality of Swabia, how to use his son-in-law's official status to attack and conquer the surrounding territories as soon as possible is what the contemporary Count Frederick of Falcon is considering.

Obviously, he is not the only lord with similar ideas. For example, Count Eberhard of Württemberg in Ulm, whose family crest is three fish bones, has already led troops to station here. Stuttgart is not far away, and its intention is obvious.

If we really want to have an aristocratic classical war, there is nothing we can do. In terms of military strength, everyone is evenly matched, and there is no guarantee that anyone will win. We can still fight.

However, even if the opponent is defeated, the loss of ammunition and materials is inevitable, and subsequent expansion plans to the surrounding areas will definitely be hindered. Therefore, both sides have even drawn up the battle lines, but they have not taken action for a long time because of similar scruples.

At this moment, a young woman claiming to be from the Licinius family visited the Falcon family and said she wanted to negotiate a large arms deal.

No, not a claim. Several elders in the family who have connections in Solomon City have confirmed that the other party is indeed the daughter of the head of the arms giant Licinius Consortium, Nora Valenis Licinius, and she is not disguised with extraordinary power. Traces of face or identity.

So the Falcon family immediately held a banquet to welcome this distinguished woman from Solomon City... and her secretary and bodyguard.

Although Frederick didn't understand why a young woman of this status would hire an equally young man as her personal secretary.

However, according to elders who have been to Solomon City, the customs there are more open. Even unmarried women can blatantly bring men with them, whether in a confirmed or unconfirmed relationship, euphemistically called "free love" without worrying about ruining their reputation in the future.

In the traditional and conservative empire, if his daughter dared to do such a shameless thing, Frederick would kick her to the monastery.

In short, despite all the slander, Frederick still made an extremely solemn gesture to welcome the distinguished guests, and there was nothing suspicious about finding fault in his words and deeds.

If Nora hadn't read all his thoughts and activities, Nora would really think that this nobleman made a pretty good impression.

"Actually, as long as the price is not too outrageous, we can accept it." After three rounds of drinking, Earl Frederick began to test quietly, "You also know that there is turmoil in the Principality of Swabia now, and we have no regard for arms and equipment. The demand is also very strong, the key lies in how much your company can provide.”

"As long as the volume of goods reaches a sufficient amount, we can make further concessions on price, high rebates, purchase in installments, and mortgage part of the assets. It's all easy to negotiate."

After all, now is the stage of land grabbing. The more you invest in the early stage, the more you can earn back twice as much in the later stage. Frederick also knew that this was not the time to be stingy, and he even spoke out the rhetoric that the price didn't matter.

"I wonder how much goods your Excellency the Earl plans to ask for?" Nora asked softly.

"Hahaha, of course the more the merrier." Earl Frederick burst out laughing, and the surrounding guests also laughed in harmony with the atmosphere.

"Actually, I don't doubt that Lord Earl can eat this batch of goods." Nora muttered a few words with Asker in the secret spiritual communication channel, and then said with a smile, "The main reason is to consider the impact of the Holy See's export ban... …”

"That's right." Earl Frederick said "I understand 100%". "Of course we can understand your company's concerns, but our Sauron family seems not to be on the Holy See's export control ban list, right?"

He cast a questioning look at the elder next to him, and the old man in formal clothes immediately nodded in agreement:

"Miss Nora, although our Sauron family has some assets near Stuttgart, within the entire Principality of Swabia, we are just a slightly larger local aristocratic force, and I am afraid that it cannot be discerned by the Holy See."

"That's not necessarily the case," Asker said from the side. "According to the information from our marketing department, the count seems to be the son-in-law of the Duke of Franconia?"

Earl Frederick's expression remained unchanged, he raised his glass and said with a smile:

"Within our empire, marriages among nobles are of the same family, and marriages with each other are quite common and frequent. Not only with the Hohenstaufen family, but also with our family members and other nobles in Franconia and Swabia, There is also a close relationship by marriage.”

He explained a few words lightly, but he cleverly avoided all the doubts in Asik's words.

"This Earl of Sauron doesn't seem to want to talk about the civil war." Nora silently read her mind while chatting privately with Asker. "However, he is not optimistic about the future of the Griffin family, so he hopes that we can jump as soon as possible." Let’s get over this topic.”

"Keep testing," Ask said.

"Actually." Nora took the words and said with a smile, "We also have another concern, that is, after the goods are sold to you, they may be transferred to some people through the close in-law network that the Earl just mentioned. In the hands of forces that are sensitive to the Holy See."

At this time, Frederick was stopped by her question, you just said that we are all relatives, so how do I know that you will not resell the gun to your father-in-law in the north? What if your father-in-law is defeated and these firearms fall into the hands of the emperor?

After pondering for a moment while holding the wine glass, Frederick said slowly:

"To tell you the truth, I will be honest here. The subsequent development of the situation in Franconia has actually determined the outcome of the empire's civil war, and it is not something that our Sauron family can interfere with."

"Once the Hohenstaufen family is defeated and the Emperor's coalition forces move south to join the Weisbach family, the Wolf family will have no chance of winning in this civil war."

"On the other hand, if the Duke of Franconia can hold back the Emperor's coalition forces and allow the Wolf family to continue to destroy the Principality of Bavaria, then the civil war will slide into a long-term and lasting meat grinder situation."

"And this is exactly what the Holy See wants to see. Let me predict that if the civil war continues for a while, when spring comes, the Holy See's troops in Italy will go north to intervene, right?"

"Therefore, today's war in Franconia is an arena where giant beasts compete and fight with each other. Although our family is quite powerful locally, if we measure it at the level of the entire empire, it is just a matter of a few clicks by any one party. A tiny existence that can be crushed to death. Therefore, no matter how unwise we are, we will not rashly put our power into it."

"I can guarantee that the arms your company sells to us will only be used to expand our power in the Principality of Swabia and will never appear on battlefields outside the Principality."

"We have neither the motive nor the ability to do unnecessary things. After all, in-laws are in-laws, and family is family."

"He is telling the truth." Nora confirmed the credibility of this statement through mind reading.

This was troublesome, and both of them were speechless.

In other words, today's Falcon family still positions itself as a small lord in the Principality of Swabia. While the old griffon is fighting with the emperor in the north, they want to steal some meat from the surrounding area to eat.

You are still worried about taking sides, but it turns out that they never thought of taking sides from the beginning to the end... The big-tailed wolf is huddled in the hole in the ground, thinking that he is a little white rabbit!

Thanks to Night Bird zz for his 1000 coins, thank you to decimal43 for his 500 coins, and thank you to Molu Kuanghua Dao for his 1000 coins~

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