Blue Sword

Chapter 325 God of Cooking Competition

In the main plane, in the Ahengkish Mountains, Ask is training Peggy and Mier.

The former requires moving at high speeds with frequent changes of direction, trying hard not to be shot by the opponent.

The latter has to try to see through the opponent's movement route and calculate the lead time to hit the opponent.

In a sense, the training content of these two people is exactly complementary.

The bullets were also made of special rubber anti-riot bullets, which would still cause pain and damage when hit on the body, but for Paige's abnormal recovery ability, this damage did not matter at all.

The two of them were fighting fiercely in the open space between the mountains, while Asik stood aside and looked at the whole scene, constantly reminding the two of them:

"Paige should take the initiative to choose her position and not follow the ballistic trajectory. Otherwise, she will only be forced into a blind corner by the opponent."

"Mi'er, although the firing frequency cannot be fixed, it cannot be changed randomly. The rhythm needs to be adjusted purposefully according to your tactical intention."

"The speed of reloading can be faster. Peggy, pay attention to seizing the opponent's reloading gap, but you must also be careful of the opponent's targeted deception. You must not blindly believe it. You must have your own judgment."

"A mature gunman will pretend to shoot out all the ammunition and reload it, but actually reserve ammunition in the firearm. Mier can try it, Paige, see if you can see through her method."

"Okay, let's take a rest first."

The so-called rest is just a temporary suspension of training. You still have to continue on your way.

Peggy walked in front holding a dagger, Ask was in the center, and Mier walked in the end carrying a rifle.

"Where do you plan to go to get the supporting materials for Mia's Shadow III, leader?" Mi'er asked.

"Rose Island, have you heard of it?" Ask asked.

"No." The two shook their heads.

"That's an island located in the northwest of Lake Starnberg." Asker said, "Legend has it that Eleanor's ancestor, 'Crazy Ludwig,' was deprived of power in an internal coup in the principality. It was on that island. Drowned on the island.”

"After his death, his soul turned into fear and wandered throughout Lake Starnberg, hiding from the soldiers who had tried to murder him."

"So our hunting target this time is Eleanor's ancestor?" Peggy was surprised.

"Of course not." Ask corrected her, "The real 'Crazy Ludwig' has died long ago, and Terror is a monster born from his remaining mutated spirit body."

"Because it is in a spiritual state, most physical damage is ineffective against it, and its psychic resistance is also very strong. The most difficult thing is that it has a weak desire to fight, can easily escape, and is extremely good at hiding."

"What we want is the tears of fear, not the fear of the monster itself, so there is no need to kill it. If you want to make it shed tears, you can use tricky methods."

"So it's a trick to cry?" Mi'er thought thoughtfully.

"Absolutely." Ask recalled the mission guide in his previous life. "It is said that 'Crazy Ludwig' had a crush on his cousin, and this fear was born from his dead spirit body, so it contains both part of his memory and His emotions are in it. We can find someone to pretend to be her cousin and trick her into crying."

"Then who will play the role?" Mi'er asked.

"Eleanor," Aske said, "She has Weisbach blood and experience in filming, so she should be more suitable."

Paige was a little confused. Filming? When did Eleanor film? Mi'er knew the whole story and said:

"Yes, she is quite suitable."

So Paige's expression became even more mysterious... At this moment, Mia teleported out of the main plane and appeared next to everyone.

"Ask!" she said in a panic, "They, they are making poison!"

"Poison?" The three of them were stunned. Making poison? How is it possible? Peggy is the only one in the team who has the ability to poison.

"You mean, they were in the poison making room next to the alchemy workshop?" Peggy asked suspiciously, her face clearly showing doubts, "They used my experimental table?"

"No!" Mia quickly explained, "They are in the kitchen!"

kitchen! Ask reacted and quickly teleported to Hearthfire Island.

In a sense, it is indeed creating poison...

Paige and Mi'er looked at each other and wisely chose not to pursue him.

Arriving at Fire Island Manor, Asker saw thick smoke coming out of the kitchen as soon as he entered the hall.

"Fire! Medea, put out the fire!" I remembered Nora's panicked shouting.

The smoke extinguished, Aske walked in and looked at the disgraced girls in the kitchen.

"What are you doing?"

No one spoke.

"Asker, we are making something for you to eat." After a long silence, Nora showed a pure and perfect smile, but it made Asker feel a little scary for some reason.

He subconsciously turned around to run, only to hear a loud shout coming from behind:

"catch him!"


"So, even if you want to learn how to cook, at least let me be there to guide you first."

Ask looked at everyone helplessly, while the girls had different expressions.

"What is this?" He looked at the first dish on the table, which seemed to be some kind of vegetable soup.

"Kale and beetroot soup." Eleanor raised her hand and said, "I made it."

Ask picked up the spoon, took a sip, and couldn't help but wipe the corners of his eyes: "Oh my god, why am I crying..."

"It's onions." Eleanor said quickly, "I added onions."

"The onions are fine." Asik sighed and said helplessly, "If you didn't put the sugar in as salt..."

"Hey, I remember I didn't put any sugar, only salt and MSG." Eleanor went over and took a sip, held it in her mouth and frowned, then couldn't help but spit it out - revealing a look of tears. expression.

"What is this?" Ask looked at the second plate of food, which was brightly red and festive.

"Fried pork with chili peppers," Medea said with a smile, "I made it."

"Wrong." Ask said, "It should be meat stir-fried with chili."

"I admit that I added a little more chili pepper..." Medea rubbed her hands, "but it shouldn't affect the taste."

"Then take a bite first." Asik stabbed a piece of pork with his fork.

Medea frowned and ate the pork he handed over (with the chili on it).

Then suddenly sparks appeared overhead.

"Water! Water!" She gasped and stuck out her tongue, then rushed to the bathroom to wash her throat.

"Everyone, please remember." Asik looked at the remaining frightened girls and said seriously, "If you don't remove the seeds from the peppers, the chrysanthemums will rot to death...especially the spicier Britannia peppers."

The girls looked at each other, speechless.

The third dish was a ball of dark charcoal. It could be seen that it was probably some kind of meat, but now the surface was extremely burnt.

"Is this Hidliefa's?" Asik asked.

"Hey! Why did you guess it was me!" Hidrifa exclaimed.

"Obviously, the water in the pot has dried up and the fire has not been turned off, causing the temperature of the iron pot to be too high and the meat inside to burn." Asker analyzed and said, "It's hopeless, just throw it away."

Hildrifa disposed of the remnants dejectedly.

The last dish was a plate of cabbage and ham soup. Asker stared at it for a long time, as if he didn't dare to eat it directly. Nora nervously pinched the corners of her clothes with both hands and looked at him with a worried expression.

"Well, Ask... just say it." She whispered gloomily with a kind of reflective apology, "This is also my first time to cook independently. Although there are shortcomings like this, I I will definitely work hard to correct it in the future..."

"It's not bad." Asik put down the spoon, "It's surprisingly clear, so it passes the test."

Nora blinked her eyes in disbelief, her whole body seemed to have suddenly risen from hell to heaven, and her whole face was radiant.

I won! Her hands holding the corners of her clothes clenched into fists, almost crying with joy.

In the first Fire Island Chef Master Competition, I defeated everyone! I'm the champion!

From now on, the only one who can help the leader when he cooks, get along with him closely in the kitchen, and be his good wife is me!

Just when she was so excited that she couldn't contain herself, Asik had already walked over and patted her on the shoulder encouragingly:

"You are growing up very fast. From now on, everyone's food will be left to you."

"You have to shoulder the future of the team, Nora!"

He waved his hand and left gracefully.

Nora looked at his back with tears in her eyes, feeling a certain satisfaction and joy of being recognized in her heart, and she subconsciously read his mind again.

"...Great, you don't need me to cook anymore."


Thanks to Mo Ling Zhiyu for the 1000 coins~

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