Blue Sword

Chapter 312 Solomon’s Restoration Plan

The Cyris Peninsula and the city of Olympia, the mage's holy land, are currently preparing intensely for war.

Constantinople has fallen again. This time it was the short-lived Latin Empire of the Crusaders that perished. The new owner of the Queen of Cities, Emperor Suleiman of the Seljuk Empire, has begun to fiercely mobilize troops and prepare to attack. Conquer the cities of the Thracian plain.

At this moment, a call from the Holy See was placed in the study of Appilios, the Lord of Olympia.

After the destruction of the demonic tide ended, within a few weeks of restoring productivity, the Holy See sent new communication telephones to all the countries on the mainland, even the hostile Emperor Otto of the Shinra Empire was no exception. At this time, the phone rang, and Appilios knew it must be the Holy See. No one knew the number of this new phone except the Holy See.

"Cyan Sword?" Appilios pondered after hearing the question from the other side, "Yes, my granddaughter is indeed in that mercenary group."

"If I were you, I would arrange a marriage for her," Pope Innocent said, "rather than letting her run around the world."

"Fortunately, her grandfather is me." Appilios snorted coldly, "She is no longer the queen of the empire, she is just an extraordinary person with dreams."

"Even so, Theodora still retains the noble blood of the Solomon royal family!" Innocent spoke a little more fiercely, "In an era when Constantinople has fallen, just one Queen Zoe can't survive at all. You cannot afford the prestige of the royal family of the Solomon Empire. Appirios, don’t you hope that one day you can regain Constantinople?”

"If I remember correctly, the fall of Constantinople was due to someone's treachery." Appilios said coldly.

"I admit that it was a mistake to allow the Crusaders to plunder Constantinople." Innocent's tone softened slightly, "The Cardinal Church is not a place where I can make my own decisions. But what no one expected was that only tens of thousands of Franks He's just a knight, but he can actually capture Constantinople."

"So the deal is done, what's the point of mentioning the past anymore?" Appirios said impatiently, "Now there is no Eastern Solomon Empire, only the autocratic monarchy of Epirus on the Cyris Peninsula. As for the glory of ancient Solomon , whoever wants to take it, let’s take it! Whether it’s Otto or Suleiman!”

Innocent was silent for a long time, then suddenly said:

"What if the Holy See launches another Crusade?"

"Another sack of Constantinople?" Appilios sneered, "from the hands of the heretics?"

"This is the real Crusade." Innocent replied calmly, "Recover Constantinople, rebuild the Eastern Solomon Empire, and repair the strong shield of Christendom in the east."

Appilios fell silent and said after a while: "Even so, the Eastern Solomon Empire supported by the Holy See is just another enclave of the Papal State in the east."

"No." Innocent denied, "We will support Theodora as empress."

There was a long silence.

"Is it the supercomputer's decision?" Appilios asked in a deep voice.

Supporting Theodora as the queen after the restoration of the Eastern Solomon Empire was completely inconsistent with the interests of the Holy See in the East.

Theodora himself belongs to the orthodox lineage of the royal family, has natural deep political prestige, and has the support of his grandfather. As long as he seizes the power of restoring the country and enters Constantinople, subjects throughout the Orthodox Church will worship her crazily. , swear to serve to the death.

The moment she ascended the throne again, all the chains placed on her by the Holy See would automatically break.

In fact, Appelius asked himself, if he stood in the position of Pope Innocent, it would be possible to call for a crusade, but it would never be to rebuild a new, centralized Eastern Solomon Empire.

Unless that's what Raphael meant.

As a politician, a serious problem that cannot be avoided is that you can often only see short-term interests in front of you, and the more you face a crisis, the more so.

Because humans are realistic animals that have evolved over tens of millions of years, those apes who have a long-term vision and do not pay enough attention to short-term interests have been eliminated by the current cruel natural competition long before the long-term interests arrive. They compete for succession. The right to survive every minute and every second is the norm.

Raphael is different. It is a super artificial intelligence that can calculate tens of thousands of years forward and simulate thousands of years in the future. Even the most complex Eastern Go game is nothing more than a Rubik's Cube with completely solved steps for it - —It will only consider the overall market situation, which refers to the present to the infinite future.

In other words, is rebuilding the Eastern Solomon Empire more consistent with the existence and continuation of technological civilization? Even if it costs the Holy See a lot of money in recent decades without getting adequate returns?

wrong! The focus of what Innocent said was not "rebuilding the Eastern Solomon Empire" at all, but "making Theodora the queen"!

Theodora...Appirios, who had figured out the key, was extremely shocked for a moment, then quickly stabilized his mind and suddenly asked:

"What is Theodora's threat level in Raphael's monitoring queue?"

"Encluid level, R4." Innocent was silent for a moment and replied, "At first it was just the young man named Ask, and then just last night, after another round of updates from the BI warehouse."

"All members of the Blue Sword Mercenary Group have been upgraded to Encluid level, R4."

"Can you know why?"

"No, the algorithm for predicting chaos can only be chaos, wrapped at the bottom of layers of modified convolutional neural networks. It is impossible to reproduce the entire logical loop, because the observation itself will disturb the prediction. Observation is collapse "Hey, you should understand what I mean, Lord Appilios."

"I understand." Appelius's voice gradually became more majestic, "Your Majesty Innocent..."

"If your super computer is truly inexhaustible, then Theodora's return to the imperial throne in the future will probably be the inevitable end point on the future timeline. And at that time, her influence on the Holy See The attitude of friend or foe will seriously affect your survival in this world, so now she can get the R4 threat level."

"Yes." Innocent replied, "Therefore, the Holy See would rather provide help in times of need than add icing on the cake."

"When is the Crusade scheduled?"

"2-3 years later, after the war with Emperor Otto ends, the Holy See will initiate early contact with the Cang Qing Sword. After I convince the Cardinal Council, we will start a new round of crusade."

"Okay." Appirius was silent for a long time and finally said, "As long as the Crusaders cross the Adriatic Sea, the entire Cyris will join the Eastern Crusade... This is for Theodora."

"For the Christian world." Innocent said slowly, with a solemn tone, as if he was taking an oath at the knee of God, "and for...the future of human civilization."

Jingluo is ecstatic...Thanks to Meow Meow Meow for his 1,000 coins, thank you to the naive card disciple for his 100 coins, and thank you to Aoi Yue for his 1,000 coins~

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