Blue Sword

Chapter 300 Infiltration Raid

"Can the radio signal be received?" Alfred asked on the communication channel.

"Received." Asik replied.

"You are now in the D1 area." Alfred said, "Half of the trenches in the C3 area are occupied by the enemy, and a heavy machine gun has been set up somewhere in it. It seems to be intended to be an entry point for invading the nearby area. .You know what to do, right?"

"Okay." Asik said, "Let's go to C3 to annihilate them now."

"Oh, that's really interesting." Alfred suddenly said, "The last time I used the radio to direct tactics, I was dealing with you and the Olympia defenders."

"Everyone is his own master." Asik said calmly.

"Not bad." Alfred said, "I see you. There is a shortcut 25 meters ahead, turn right, go through it, and you will enter the enemy-occupied C3 area."

"Okay." Ask said.

"Don't die," Alfred said, "or I won't have the chance to take revenge."

"There is a chance." Ask replied.

Everyone rushed into the narrow trench, and the terrain under their feet went up all the way until there was a steep slope at the end. Jumping down the slope is the C3 area, where you can see several white wolf swordsmen stationed there.

Under Ask's command, Peggy was the first to jump down the slope, waving the melted knife in the air, and four or five phantoms suddenly appeared.

Although these white wolf swordsmen are physically powerful, they are still Level 0 after all, and most of them know nothing about extraordinary power. At this time, he saw four or five girls holding swords jumping down from above. Regardless of whether these were phantoms or something else, he subconsciously drew his sword and rushed forward.

When Paige's phantom landed, it disappeared almost instantly. After learning Ilania Shunpo from Mia, her explosive power in a single second has exceeded the point that ordinary people can see clearly.

These White Wolf Swordsmen are also well-trained soldiers. When they see the enemy in front of them disappear suddenly, they quickly retreat and cover each other's backs with their teammates. This is also stipulated in the tactical code: if the enemy is very fast, you must first beware of the enemy's high-speed bypass. Backstab.

As a result, he took a step back and without touching his teammate's back, the blade pierced through his back.

"It's not difficult." The phantom disappeared, and Peggy stood in the middle of the corpse lying on the ground, imitating Ask's tone and said calmly.

"Of course, these are ordinary people at Level 0." Asik didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Then I'm also very powerful. There are more than a dozen." Paige was still arrogant.

"Take care of the body, Mia." Ask ignored her intention to "please praise me" and made Paige jump in anger.

Mia waved her hand gently, and the shadows at the bottom of the slope twisted and deformed, dragging these corpses into the shadow world, and then slowly corroded them away.

After all, it is a shadow ability. It is not very useful in aspects such as "traveling at home" and "destroying corpses and traces".

"This way we can avoid being discovered?" Mi'er asked.

"No." Medea answered for Asik, "It can only delay our exposure."

Everyone quickly moved towards the designated target location. As soon as they walked about 20 meters away, Asik and Mier's intuitive abilities gave a strong warning at the same time:


Almost reflexively, the girls immediately fell to the ground and rolled around to find cover - all conditioned reflexes forced out of them by special training with stinking herring juice bullets.

Only Ask stood there and suddenly swung his sword in a certain direction. Glazing!

With a clang, the sword shattered into countless pieces. Asik quickly sank down and sat down with his back against the trench wall as a cover. Then he turned to Mi'er and said:

"The sniper is at 2 o'clock, on the high ground with trees. Mia, take Mier to the steep slope we just came out of, and then kill him!"

"Ask!" Mia's voice trembled because she saw a thin line of blood on Ask's face.

"It's okay." Asik touched the wound and said calmly, "It was cut by the fragments of the broken sword blade when the bullet was broken."

Before she finished speaking, Nora's healing gun was replenished. In the light green healing light wave, the blood lines on his face quickly disappeared.

"It's a small injury, no need to waste your energy." Asik nodded to Nora, then looked at Mia again, "Go ahead."

"Okay." Mia grabbed Mi'er, and her body sank in the shadow of the ditch, quickly dissolving into it.

Everyone was silent, and for a while they could only hear sporadic gunshots in the distance. Eleanor's huge power armor huddled in the shadow of the trench, and a voice came from the helmet:

"What a pity for your sword, Captain."

"It's no pity." Ask said, "It's just an ordinary long sword."

"Can't the leader also deal with snipers?" Sidrifa asked.

"If there is a sniper rifle, I can solve it." Asker said.

"Then why don't you let Mi'er give you the sniper rifle?" Hidrifa asked in confusion, "Then you directly deal with the opponent?"

"Okay." Ask said calmly, "How about you also give me the power armor? In this way, I can not only take damage, but also be responsible for output. I can also work part-time as a sniper, covering the work of everyone in the regiment. You just stay. Spend the whole day on Hearth Island doing nothing."

The girls all burst into laughter, but only Hidliefa was still confused: "Yes, why not?"

"Of course it's to train the team." Medea couldn't stand it anymore and reminded her.


"We are a team." Asker said, "The team should perform its duties and divide the work among each other. I can do all your work, but that is meaningless. You will not get the growth you deserve, and I It will also be very tiring.”

Everyone was thoughtful.

A gunshot was heard on the steep slope behind. Half a minute later, Mia reappeared from the shadows with Mi'er.

"Killed." Mi'er said.

"Let's go." Asik stood up.

In the distance, in the command camp of the Wolf family.

"Sniper No. 13 has been killed!"

"What's going on? Point 13 should be the dark point, right? What about point 15?"

"No. 15... the sniper is still alive."

The commanders suddenly realized something was wrong.

The snipers of the Wolf family adopt the two-point tactic popular in Italy and Canada. All snipers are divided into bright spots or dark spots.

The mission of the Mingpoint sniper is to assassinate, and the targets are enemy commanders, important vehicles, extraordinary people, etc. Due to frequent firing, it is also easy to expose one's position, and will frequently leave the position and move quickly after sniping.

The mission of the dark point sniper is protection, that is, protecting certain important targets or guarding certain areas. This type of sniper often stays hidden in the position for a long time, sometimes not firing a shot for a whole day, and will only snipe when the enemy meets certain conditions.

For example, when someone tries to enter a strategic artery.

Because of their concealment, the casualties of snipers in dark spots are often much smaller than those in clear spots. The dead No. 13 at this time was a dark spot, but the nearby bright spot No. 15 was sniping unharmed, which made the experienced commanders immediately realize that something was wrong.

"What is the goal on the 13th?"

"Protect the position of the A21 machine gun." A command staff member immediately said.

"Someone is trying to attack A21?" Another staff officer quickly called up a nearby map, "The 687th White Wolf Detachment should be stationed there. Can we contact him?"

"687 is silent." the correspondent replied.

Okay, something is definitely wrong. For 687 to be silent without warning, it must be the enemy's special team, maybe a transcendent.

"The opponent's target is machine gun point A21, and the nearby White Wolf unit is..."

"Don't send the White Wolf detachment." Commander-in-Chief Haimo suddenly interrupted the discussion among the staff, "Just let the Quan Angel troops go."

"But, if it is the Quan Angel Force..."

"I will report to Master Hidden String." Heimer replied.

Thank you Zuo Zuonai for the 100 coins he got trapped in the swamp, thank you for the 2,000 coins from the humble summit, and thank you for the 2,000 coins from Meow Meow Meow~

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