Blue Sword

Chapter 250 First Battle

Outside Mingxing City, the horse racing arena.

Although the Weisbach family did not publicize it widely, a large number of knights, nobles and citizens heard the news and spontaneously came to the game to watch.

In this era, most people will never leave their principality in their lifetime, so everyone is also very curious about the Wolf family envoy from Burgundy.

The knights carefully observed the opponent's figure and weapons to assess the opponent's possible strength and fighting style; the nobles commented on the clothing of the envoys and speculated on the opponent's family tree and bloodline.

More ordinary citizens were whispering to each other and discussing:

"Hey, is that the envoy of the Lang family? Doesn't he look no different from us?"

"What kind of guy do you think he is?"

"I thought they were all hairy like werewolves, otherwise why are they called the Wolf family?"

In the auditorium on the top floor, the Duke of Bavaria sat in the central seat, and Heinrich's chair was parallel to him. Since he represented the Wolf family on this trip, he could also sit in this position.

The remaining people sat in the stands on both sides. Eleanor looked down and then at her father's expressionless face, feeling a little uneasy.

Last night, she told Sheila and Medea their analysis and plan. After hearing this, my father did not answer, but just fell into deep thought.

"After the battle tomorrow, I want to meet your companions." The Duke finally said.

This immediately made Eleanor feel a little panicked. She didn't know if her father had some suspicion or misunderstanding, which caused her to have a bad and negative view of her companions. As a result, she was uneasy and lacked sleep all night.

In the competition venue below, Sidrifa had already walked out with a pair of axes, and immediately won the cheers of the audience.

Not because the audience knew her, but because she was representing the Weisbach family.

There was also a swordsman on the opposite side, but it was not the male swordsman she fought against last time. Instead, he was replaced by a sword and shield warrior. The large shield in his hand was made of iron, enough to protect two-thirds of his body.

Obviously, after the last test, the Wolfe Mission changed to a career type that was more specific to her. However, the equipment looks quite ordinary, and it does not carry any anti-human high-tech weapons characteristic of the Holy See.

There was no host or referee, and the two men attacked each other as soon as they came off the court. The warrior on the opposite side directly raised his shield during the charge, rhinoceros top!

Sidrifa stopped suddenly in the charge, and the North Wind Ax in her hand was thrown out, hitting the opponent's shield, and quickly covered the iron surface with a layer of frost.

The warrior felt that the handshake was extremely cold, and he couldn't help but be shocked - this guy was actually a person with extraordinary abilities! And it is the most frost sequence for melee warriors!

The North Wind Ax was bounced off the shield, turned at a strange angle, and quickly returned to Sidrifa's hand. The latter caught the battle ax skillfully and suddenly felt an almost paralyzing coldness in his palm.

"Eh? Am I not a person with the 'Frost' sequence ability? How could I be frozen by the North Wind Ax?" Hildrifa wondered in her heart, only hearing Medea's voice ringing in her mind:

"Attention, Sidrifa! The enemy opposite you is a special 'Revenge' sequence ability user! About the same as 'Revenge II' or above!"

Revenge Sequence, a special extraordinary sequence, is to bounce the damage directly caused by the enemy to you to the other party through causality to a certain extent. The level of Revenge II can already rebound about 90% of the damage.

Since the damage itself is reflected instead of the attack, even if Hidrifa is a frost sequence user, she still receives frost damage.

Sidrifa was stunned for a moment when the opponent's shield hit her. She staggered back and retreated several meters before regaining her balance, staring at the opponent in distress.

No matter how you hit him, you will suffer similar injuries, so how can you hit him?

"Seize the sword with bare hands?" Nora suggested in the channel, "There is no need to cause harm, as long as you subdue the opponent, you can win the game, right?"

"No." Medea said, "The opponent is fully armed! Dropping the weapon and dealing with it with bare hands is like a tiger pulling out its claws! You first try to focus on defense and don't fight back, so as to exhaust the opponent's physical strength. !”

"Okay!" Hidrifa replied decisively. The other party seemed to have seen through her fear at this time, and the attack with the shield and sword in his hand became more and more fierce. Hidliba was holding her battle ax and was holding her arms. She only blocked and parried without any counterattack. She soon began to make mistakes and suffered several moderate wounds on her body.

"This can't continue like this." In the audience, Eleanor suddenly said, "Hidrifa is best at attacking and suppressing. Letting her defend blindly at this time is tantamount to tying herself up, which is not conducive to her exerting her full strength. .”

As a partner who has been sparring with Sidrifa for a long time, she is undoubtedly qualified to say this, so everyone began to think anxiously, deeply worried about Sidrifa who was at a disadvantage on the field.

"There is no way." Medea frowned and said, "The opponent has the 'Revenge' sequence, which can reflect direct damage. Sidrifa does not have the ability to cause indirect damage to him."

The so-called indirect damage, such as the phantom created by Peggy using the Immortal Phantom Sword, or Sheila using gravity to throw the opponent up and then causing him to fall to injury, and Medea using the mind to manipulate the opponent to self-harm, etc., can all be avoided. The scope of the opponent's revenge ability.

However, Sidlifa does not have this kind of strange ability, so how should she fight?

"Why are you looking at me?" Ask suddenly said, and all the girls turned to stare at him.

"The leader must have a solution." Peggy said.

"You must have thought of the idea, right?" Medea sneered.

"Asker!" Nora urged, "Hurry up and use your intelligence!"

Ask was completely speechless, and after a while he said, "Didn't you already discuss the correct answer?"

Already have the correct answer? The girls looked at each other.

"You mean to focus on defense to avoid being hurt by the opponent's rebound?" Eleanor said doubtfully, "But she is not good at defense..."

"Then let's attack." Asker said, "Change the fight for physical strength to the fight for blood. Wouldn't that solve the problem?"

There was silence.

"Yes, fight for blood!" Medea slapped her forehead in annoyance, "Why didn't I think of that?"

"If you fight for blood, there will be great danger, right?" Nora said worriedly, "Any damage she causes will be done to herself; but the opponent can attack with all his strength without worrying about holding back..."

"So we must put on a posture of dying together." Ask said, "You have also analyzed that Sidrifa is best at attacking and suppressing the fighting style."

"Attack to parry, then counterattack, suppressing the opponent with a high burst of attack, thus spreading the damage evenly on both sides."

"Once both sides are seriously injured, whether their physical condition is sufficient to support the subsequent battle becomes the most critical factor in determining the outcome. At this time, the effect of the equipment has dropped to the bottom, and she can discard the weapon and grab the blade with her bare hands. Come and settle the battle.”

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