Blue Sword

Chapter 247 It’s useless if you can’t hit it

Weisbach Palace, the Duke's office and study on the top floor.

"There are three knight fights. Theoretically, you can win if you win two games." Ludwig said sternly, "However, according to convention, even if one party wins the first two games in advance, they will politely continue to finish the game. As a show of respect to the knights who attended the last game.”

"Of course, the victory of the knight's fighting itself only has the meaning of honor, and is actually useless. The key lies in the force deterrence brought by the fighting itself. Since the war is imminent, those participating in the battle must be the highest-ranking warriors that both families can bring out. force."

"The lowest bottom line we can accept is to win one and lose two, so even if the people below are upset, there are still ways to save it. And the Wolf family envoy's invitation to fight this time must be for the purpose of winning three matches."

"If I, Weisbach, lose all three battles, it will definitely have a pessimistic effect on the family knights, because it implies that we are far inferior to the opponent in terms of high-end combat power."

"What about the actual situation?" Ask asked, "The knights under my command may only care about the results of the competition, but they should have a deeper understanding of the strength of the Wolf family, right?"

Ludwig and Henry looked at each other and smiled bitterly:

"We're definitely a little bit behind each other."

"The Wolfe family made its fortune in the Principality of Burgundy, and indirectly controls the Lombardy Territory. Its territory is twice the size of Bavaria. It borders the Kingdom of West Francia and the territory of the Holy See. Its population and wealth are far greater than ours."

"In addition, this time they responded to the call of the Holy See, and the Holy See will definitely provide a large amount of technology and material supplies. However, the attitude of the Principality of Franconia is ambiguous, which makes Bavaria unable to establish a smooth material transportation route with His Majesty the Emperor, so..."

"So the equipment is definitely not as good as the opponent's." Asker concluded, "You can only find stronger fighters to balance your own disadvantages."

Ludwig and Henry were also speechless. That's right, otherwise why would we find Richard Turnard as a foreign aid? But why does your words sound a bit awkward? Are you really flattering yourself?

"Actually, the difference in equipment is not that big." Ludwig said bravely, "Don't you see that the other side has also hired a talented swordsman like Meyer as a foreign aid? It shows that they have doubts about whether they can win all three battles. There is no guarantee of victory, so I do everything possible to increase the stakes in this battle."

"That's true." Asker said, "As long as the opponent doesn't come with a nuclear bomb launcher, I don't think the equipment gap will have much impact."

Hello! This guy is really crazy! What he means is that the gap in strength between his opponent and him can only be made up by weapons of the level of nuclear bombs!

Henry turned his head in disbelief and cast a speechless look at his brother, asking "Is this guy really reliable?" and "Could you stop teasing me?"

"Haha, Mr. Asker is really funny. A nuclear bomb launcher is of course impossible, but weapons of the high-frequency shock sword level might appear." Ludwig signaled to his brother to be calm.

The so-called high-frequency shock sword is a high-tech weapon that uses extremely high-frequency blade vibrations to destroy defensive materials. Since this kind of weapon requires extremely high strength of its own material, currently only the Holy See in the world has mastered its manufacturing method.

"Don't worry." Ask said, "That thing is indeed powerful, but it's useless if it can't hit anyone."

"Then how do you ensure that you don't get hit?" Henry couldn't help blurting out excitedly, his eyes seemed to be looking at a retarded person, "That's a high-frequency concussion sword! You will die if you get hit by it, not to mention that you don't even have power armor." nothing!"

Unlike Ludwig, he had never seen the sparring between Asker and Eleanor with his own eyes, so he had no idea of ​​the strength of the leader of the mercenary group in front of him. He only felt that the other party was a person who did not know the heights of the sky and the heights of the sky. Tsurugi is an arrogant idiot who knows nothing.

"Dodge." Ask said.

"Of course I know it's dodge!" Henry said angrily, "The question is how do you dodge!?"

"How can I explain this to you..." Asik showed a troubled expression, "For example, if he cuts down with his sword, I will jump back..."

Henry almost vomited blood, who doesn't know how to dodge by jumping back? You think it’s just two kids sparring with wooden swords! Before he attacks, he also yells to remind you to jump back to dodge! If you don't dodge one, you'll be dead!

Countless swear words floated through his mind. Henry relied on his good quality of holding back the etiquette of aristocrats since he was a child, and he swallowed back the swear words that came to his throat.

Seeing that his face was green and white, Ludwig immediately knew that his younger brother did not trust the other party's strength at all. He quickly coughed lightly and reminded him before he questioned it again:

"Your Excellency Asker is the chief of the Richard Turner Swordsmen."

"Are you a demigod?" Henry asked tentatively.

"No." Aske said.

"Then you are the illegitimate son of a demigod?" Henry asked bluntly, "Or are you a high-level transcendent? Level 10 or above?"

"No." Asik said frankly.

"Then why are you so complacent?" Henry did not hide the disappointment on his face, "Meyer's level is at least Lv. 8 or above!"

"The level gap actually cannot directly determine the outcome of the battle." Aske said.

"Why?" Henry asked impatiently.

"Because no matter how high the level is, it's useless if the attack can't hit anyone." Ask said.


Are you starting to talk nonsense now? !

"He is your knight, I don't care." Henry said to Ludwig, "Anyway, I will win the second battle. You are responsible for other things."

He left with a livid face, fearing that if he continued to argue with Asike, he would not be able to help but start a fight with him.

Ludwig, who smiled wryly, could only apologize to Aske:

"Sir Aske, I'm sorry, my brother has such an upright temper..."

"Haha, it's okay." Ask was very generous.

"Our current arrangement is that in the first battle, Miss Sidrifa from your team will fight, and in the second battle, my brother will fight." Ludwig said, "In the third battle, the opponent will most likely send Meyer himself, then please take action."

"Okay." Ask said.

"Um...are you really sure about facing Meyer?" Ludwig couldn't help but ask again.

Ask is also speechless. How many times have you asked this question?

"If it were Meyer a few years later, I wouldn't dare to give this guarantee. It should be no problem to deal with him now." Aske said frankly.

"That's good, that's good." Ludwig couldn't help but nodded, but looking at the worried look on his face, it was clear that "I'm not worried" was written everywhere.

Asik was also very helpless about this.

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