Blue Sword

Chapter 234 Reshoot

"Where's Ask?" Peggy asked.

"I don't know." Nora, who was taking care of the flower garden on Fire Island, said, "It seems that she is dealing with Mi'er's affairs. Can you go find her?"

After walking around Fire Island, Peggy still couldn't find any trace of Mel and Ask. Instead, she found Mia in the woods at the foot of the mountain - this guy made a hammock between two trees with canvas. Shi Zheng narrowed his eyes and felt sleepy.

"Have you seen Mi'er and Ask?" Paige appeared in front of her like a wind.

Mia was already used to Paige's elusiveness. She lazily raised her hand and said:

"Early this morning, Ask called her away. I guess he gave her some extra training. Or maybe you go take a look at the cliff at the top of the mountain?"

So Peggy climbed to the top of the mountain again, and saw Hidrifa practicing her axe. Medea was sitting on a small stool next to her, holding her chin in her hands, watching her drink in boredom.

"Did you see Honey and Ask?" Paige asked.

"No." Hidrifa stopped and said.

"Why, the underage girl group got separated?" Medea said with a smile, "You should ask Mia, she has the best relationship with Mi'er."

"I asked, and she said Aske took Mier away early in the morning." Paige said.

"Is that so?" Medea said thoughtfully, "Are you giving her extra training?"

"If it was for extra training, they would definitely be in Hearth Island." Peggy said seriously, "However, I looked around and couldn't find them."

"It's over!" Medea straightened up and was shocked, "They must have gone on a date!"

Paige was also frightened and turned pale.

"Haha, I lied to you." Medea sat down again and played with her hair boredly with her fingers. She thought that this vampire girl was really fun. She said, "Since it's not for additional training, she probably went out to buy firearms. , anyway, that man will always only think about work..."

Before she finished speaking, Paige had already been transported to the real plane.

Today, the person in charge of keeping the artifacts and ancient books in the outside world was Sheila. She was searching for information in the large library of Weisbach Palace when she saw Peggy emerging from the ladder at her feet.

"Sheila, have you seen Asker?" Paige asked anxiously.

"He left early this morning with Mi'er." Sheila recalled, "By the way, there's also Eleanor."

And Eleanor, Paige slowly breathed a sigh of relief. She still remembered what the girls taught her before about "three monks have no water to eat". Since Eleanor and Mier were with Aske at the same time, it was not considered a date between the two, and she felt a little relieved.

"Is there any place that sells firearms in this city?" Peggy asked again.

"Firearms? You have to go to the church area in the city." Sheila finally found the book she wanted on the bookshelf, lowered her head and said, "However, if Asker wants to buy firearms, he will definitely go to Hood. That boy is now He works in the equipment design bureau of the Weisbach family."

Then she saw Paige disappear on the spot, as if she couldn't wait to rush out.

After many inquiries, Peggy finally found the location of the Weisbach family design bureau. With the phantom of the immortal sword, she attracted the attention of the guard at the door and slipped in quietly.

After sneaking all the way to the third floor at high speed, Paige saw Hood chatting with a young female colleague, laughing and joking.

"Hood!" Peggy called him.

Hood turned around and saw clearly that the person coming was the sickly girl from Cang Qing Sword, and his face turned pale with fright. The female colleague next to her glared and said in a bad tone:

"Hood, who is she?"

"Ex-colleague, ex-colleague." Hood said with a smile, but Peggy on the opposite side rushed over like the wind and forcibly dragged Hood out.

"Oh, my eldest lady!" By the time Hood realized what was happening, he was already outside the office. He couldn't help but say with a bitter look on his face, "Can't you please speak properly? You have to drag me out... That person inside is my new friend. My girlfriend! If she misunderstands me, I will die!"

"How old are you to have a girlfriend?" Peggy said disdainfully, "Have you seen Ask?"

"I'm 16 years old, okay! According to the traditional customs here, I'm already of marriageable age!" Hood puffed out his chest and said, "Asker? I don't know, I haven't seen him recently. Why, your leader is lost Already?"

"He disappeared with Mi'er and Eleanor." Paige's face was gloomy, "Then have you seen them?"

"No." Hood shook his head and said with a teasing smile, "But I can probably guess what happened."

"What's going on?" Peggy asked.

"If a man only has one wing, he can't fly." Hood shook his head and said, "But if he has two wings, he can fly everywhere."

Paige:? ? ?

She widened her big, beautiful ruby-like eyes, which immediately made Hood feel a little instinctively timid. However, the young man soon changed his mind: What am I afraid of? Isn't it Asik who should be afraid? Is retribution finally coming for you, the guy who rides on N boats?

"If you want to find Aske, I have a suggestion." Hood said.

"What suggestions?" Peggy asked.

"Go buy a hatchet." Hood said with a smile. "Once he dares to leave your sight, you threaten to chop him to death with a hatchet, and he will definitely not dare to run around."

...Peggy was really excited for a moment, but she quickly shook her head and said in frustration:

"I can't beat him."

Damn it! Hood was shocked. It turns out that the key to avoiding the hatchet ending is to be strong enough? No wonder Aske always said he wanted to teach me swordsmanship. If he had known it, I would have learned it!

Just when he was stunned, Peggy disappeared like the wind again, and what followed was an evil voice behind him that was as cold as a ghost:

"Hood...such a beautiful former colleague? Why haven't I heard of it? Or...are you hiding something from me?..."

At the bottom of the design bureau, a large number of engineers were busy operating mechanical machine tools. Suddenly, they heard painful screams coming from upstairs.

"Who is testing a new weapon?" Someone asked in confusion, "Did he accidentally hit himself?"


"There was something wrong with the fight scene just now," Aske said.

"Is there a problem?" the narrator asked curiously.

"Yes." Ask said, "It's simple, Eleanor's position is too close."

"In terms of weapon length, her staff is about the same length as the bandit leader's giant axe. However, the bandit leader holds the ax at the middle, while she holds the staff at the top, so when she straightens her arms, she The attack distance is longer."

"After the bandit leader is blinded by a bullet, he is likely to wave his weapons wildly and attack the surroundings. Therefore, the most rational way to deal with it is for Eleanor to stand outside the opponent's attack range and at the same time be within her own attack range. This can A safe shot to the opponent’s wrist.”

"But?" the narrator asked in confusion, "Even though she stood a little closer this time and entered the attack range of the bandit leader, her attack was so fast and accurate that the bandit leader was disarmed before he could fight back. Already?"

"That's two different things." Aske said, "Just because she didn't make a mistake this time doesn't mean she won't make a mistake next time. With this rough position, you will be hit hard if you make a mistake. So we must improve our tactical awareness. Fault tolerance, starting from positioning, we must be strict with ourselves..."

"Of course, for the audience, even if they can't appreciate the mystery, as a crew we should try our best to pursue perfection, right? Christina is a professionally trained battle mage, how could she commit such a low-level and obvious Where's the mistake? I think it's necessary to reshoot this sequence."

"Uh, yes, of course." Wilhelm said he was convinced. Although he felt that the heroine standing half a step forward was not a big problem, but the "pursuit of perfection" mentioned by Asker was indeed in line with His usual request, "Then let's do it again."

Then the scene changed, the ground damaged by the ax returned to its original state, the pool of blood disappeared, the bandit leader stood up staggeringly, and the wounds on his body were healing quickly.

Mi'er held the pistol and stared calmly at the bandit leader ahead. Eleanor took a deep breath, holding a long staff in her right hand, with the sharp bottom pointed directly at the ground, and condensing flames in her left hand.

Of course she understood what Aske meant. Her previous positioning was indeed not the best.

She held the staff tightly in her right hand, and with a high concentration of will, the length of her own weapon, the length of her opponent's weapon, and the distance between the two sides clearly emerged in her mind.

This time, we must succeed!

The bandit leader took action again. As he raised his ax high, two gunshots rang out and bullets entered his eyes.

Eleanor had already rushed forward, stopped accurately outside the opponent's attack range, and thrust her staff straight upward!

She stretched her arm straight, and the staff just penetrated the opponent's wrist. The ax fell and the flames rushed out. The bandit leader's huge body fell down in the hot smoke. There was a huge wound on his back that was burned through by the flames, which directly burned his body. heart.

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