Blue Sword

Chapter 222 Sparring

"Does it have to be at your home training ground?" Ask asked with a wry smile.

"Of course." Eleanor said tactfully, "You won't be too harsh where my family can see me, right?"

"That's because of the pain..."

"I know what you want to say. Pain can promote the absorption of extraordinary power, right?" Eleanor interrupted him, "But I always feel that you just want to use the opportunity to bully others. Are you prone to domestic violence?" ?”

"I'm still in a perfect state of being single." Asik pressed the sword with one hand.

"Then Captain, you need to learn how to treat girls gently." Eleanor said with a smile.

"You know, on the battlefield..."

"There will be no distinction between whether you are a man or a woman on the battlefield." Eleanor continued, "Asker, I will memorize all the routines you said. In fact, our learning goal today is to master the gun shield style and sword style. The tactical system of shield flow and the corresponding advanced combat moves, instead of me being beaten like a shrimp by you and rolling around on the ground."

"Eleanor, you have misunderstood me..." Ask said with a sigh.

"On the contrary, I know you very well, leader." Eleanor interrupted him, "I can even guess what your next sentence will be, 'Being beaten can help me remember the moves better', right? But past facts have proven that pain does not help me at all.”


When did this girl become so sharp-tongued? Ask burst into tears in his heart.

I still remember the first time we met. We practiced for four days in the underground training ground of the Constantinople Hotel. Every time after being knocked to the ground, she would stand up again without saying a word... Where is that strong and honest girl? Got it! Why is it like this now!

"Okay." Asik pulled out his sword and sighed, "Then let's get started."


What happened at the training ground quickly reached Ludwig's ears.

"What? Sparring?!" After hearing the news that the two were sparring in the training ground, Ludwig quickly unfolded this picture in his mind:

Eleanor stretched her arms gracefully, and Asker hugged her from behind and whispered in her ear:

"That's not how a sword is meant to be used. Here, hold it gently."

"Your sword is against me." Eleanor's face turned red.

With a "bang" sound, Ludwig threw the document on the table and shouted:

"Go to the training ground immediately!"

With two knight retinues, Ludwig rushed all the way to the training ground in a furious manner. At this time, his mood was angry, disappointed, and uneasy.

He knew his sister's temper all too well. She was almost stubborn to the point of stubbornness. If she really fell in love with that man, even eight cows wouldn't be able to get her back.

But this is not a grove in the wilderness, it is the family's training ground, sister! When you show love, you should also consider the occasion, okay? My father was discussing matters with the Duke in Franconia. If he heard the news, he might lead his troops and kill him back on the spot!

After arriving at the training ground and seeing that the two were not in love, but actually sparring in actual combat, Ludwig finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then came another horrifying shock.

Because these two desperate guys were actually sparring with real weapons.

The training method for normal people, take the morning class of the knight's retinue as an example, is to practice with a heavy practice sword. Although it hurts to hit it with a sword, at least it will not break the limbs.

After being promoted to a normal knight, there will be the so-called "full armor training", which refers to the use of unopened blunt swords for actual combat while wearing armor, helmet, hand guards, shin guards and face protection.

Even so, in actual combat exercises, there will still be accidents where the opponent is accidentally smashed, causing broken muscles and fractures, or even killing the opponent.

But these two guys in front of me were actually sparring with real weapons, and they weren't even wearing armor!

For a moment, Ludwig even had some kind of illusion, thinking that the young couple were quarreling over some issues. As they quarreled, they became angry and planned to fight to the death on the training ground.

"Stop them quickly!" Ludwig quickly ordered, and the two knights' servants immediately drew their swords and stepped forward - the young master said to stop, of course, he meant to chop the man to death with random swords to prevent him from hurting the noble head of the Weisbach family. Miss.

Eleanor, who was not wearing armor, was seen moving vigorously. She held a gun in her right hand and made a fast and sharp thrust, while Asker jumped back to dodge.

When the tip of Eleanor's spear was about to reach the end, it suddenly protruded forward again - she cleverly hid half a step in her steps, and then suddenly took half a step, immediately extending the attack range. come out.

Seeing that the tip of the spear was about to pierce Asker, a cold light flashed. Asker actually drew his sword and slashed in the air like lightning, parrying and splitting the thrust with precision.

"The intention to attack is too obvious." Asik landed steadily and said calmly.

"Actually, it's not a thrust, it's a dragon spear." Eleanor strode forward, raised her spear and charged again.

The two knight guards outside the field had just drawn their swords and before they rushed out, they saw Asker in the field splitting Eleanor's spear. After landing, he said something lightly, and then Eleanor showed a thoughtful look. expression……

Now anyone with a discerning eye can see that the two are sparring rather than dueling.

"Come back!" Ludwig, suddenly enlightened, quickly ordered the two followers to stop.

If he really had an unnecessary conflict with Aske because of this misunderstanding, his sister would definitely scold him to death later. Moreover, the heir of the Weisbach family couldn't even tell the difference between ordinary sparring and a life-or-death duel. If this was spread to the ears of his knights, it would be a big loss to his reputation.

The two guards immediately sheathed their swords and hurried back to Ludwig's side, pretending that nothing had happened - guards must have this kind of discernment.

"My sister's shooting skills have really improved a lot." In order to avoid embarrassment, Ludwig abruptly changed the subject and laughed proudly.

"Miss Eleanor's spear skills, inherited from Viscount Regens's martial arts, can indeed be said to be far superior to ordinary people." The knight's servant complimented.

"Yes, the fact that Henry can serve as a Guards officer under His Majesty is a huge affirmation of His strength by His Majesty. Eleanor was brought out by Henry, and of course her marksmanship is not bad either." Ludwig nodded.

As the heir to the Weisbach family, of course he had taken war courses, but he was more focused on tactical command and troop movements, and was not proficient in actual combat with real swords and guns.

However, this does not prevent him from giving credit to his younger brother and sister.

Since my young master was interested in bragging, the two knight attendants naturally followed suit:

"Viscount Regis has been studying at the Imperial Military Academy for many years, and his strength must have improved by leaps and bounds."

"It's a pity that the Viscount is not here, otherwise why would Miss Eleanor need to spar with that man?"

"With the strength of Lord Viscount, if he were placed in Miss Eleanor's position, he would be able to easily crush his opponent."

"Haha, don't say that." Ludwig said with a smile, "Captain Asker is also a veteran mercenary who has experienced hundreds of battles outside. Don't talk about his strength in such a bad way."

Although he said this, the smile on his face was obvious. The two knight retinues hurriedly boasted about Master Henry again, until even Ludwig felt that it was too much and coughed calmly, and the two men stopped talking.

In any case, Ludwig, as the eldest brother, is quite proud to see his sister growing up to where he is today, and to think of his younger brother who has a promising future as a palace guard officer.

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