Blue Sword

Chapter 197 Already almost forgotten

Matthews, who felt like he had found a treasure, quickly gave the order.

"Find the stupidest person in the group! Remember, the one with the worst memory, the one who can't even remember what he ate in the morning!"

The confidants rushed out and soon brought out a mercenary with messy hair.

"It's you, Gretel." Matthews also recognized this guy. He was considered a relatively capable fighter in the Free Wind team. However, there seemed to be some issues with his IQ. Other mercenaries generally reported that it was very difficult to communicate with him.

"Hello, Captain." The mercenary named Gretel giggled.

"I'll give you some paper." Matthews put his arm around his shoulders and said, "Write passwords for me on each piece of paper. The passwords on each piece of paper must be the same. You can decide what to write, but don't Tell anyone the secret code."

"But the leader..." Gretel stammered.

"What?" Matthews asked.

"I can't write," Gretel said.

"Then draw!" Matthews said impatiently, "You can draw, right?"

"Yes." Grete said honestly, "I like to draw tabby cats."

"Then draw a tabby cat!" Matthews waved his hand in disgust, telling him to leave quickly. Talking to this idiot, he felt that his IQ was being lowered rapidly.

So everyone quickly brought him paper and pen. Gretel picked up the pen with a smile and started to smear on the paper.

The confidants formed a circle with their backs to him to prevent other curious mercenaries from coming around and seeing the code drawn by Gretel.

Grete was sometimes in a daze, sometimes biting the tip of his pen, and sometimes smiling sillyly as he drew on the paper. The mercenaries of the Free Wind were ten steps away, looking at Gretel's art over there with bewildered expressions. They had no idea what the leader Matthews wanted to do.

"Oh, Captain Matthews." Asik saw the scene here and came over to say hello, "Have you figured out a way?"

"Of course." Matthews smiled reservedly and proudly, "It's just a few tricks. I figured it out with a little effort."

The subtext means: It’s such a simple thing, but you still want to sell it to me for money? Funny you! This little mercenary group really has never seen the world and is stingy to the core.

"Oh." Asik looked towards Gretel, and several of his confidants immediately stood up, blocking Asik's view.

"Hey!" Matthews was afraid that he would suddenly rush over, so he quickly held him back. "Captain Asker, we can't reveal our team's secret code to you. Once you know it, you will also know about this change. Yes, isn't it?"

"You are quite thoughtful." Ask smiled, "The method is actually simple, but it is quite paper-consuming."

"Waste of paper?" Matthews asked.

"Yes." Ask said, "You also know that the difficulty of this mutation is: 'Everyone knows, must be known by Him'."

"In other words, once you open the note and check the password, the mutation will know the password."

"Next time, this code won't work."

"So, we have to prepare several different password schemes to prevent multiple clones from being mixed in due to mutations."

"That's right." Matthews muttered, "How many sets of codes have you prepared?"

"Three sets, from Plan 1 to Plan 3." Asker said, "Of course, I don't know what each set of codes is."

I need to prepare more sets of codes... Matthews thought to himself, and his expression soon became dull.

Oh, no, everyone must have one copy of the code, so the number of sets of codes required will multiply the amount of paper consumed.

There are only 9 people in Cangqing Sword, so preparing two more sets of codes will only use 18 more pieces of paper.

Our Free Wind brought more than 40 people with us this time! How many pieces of paper would that cost?

Matthews called his confidant: "How much paper do we have?"

"44." The confidant replied, "Just enough for each person."

"That won't work." Matthews explained the matter in this way, and his confidants were stunned.

"...So, once the password is checked, it will be invalid. You must prepare more sets of passwords. Use plan No. 1 first. After plan No. 1 is enabled and invalid, use No. 2 next time, and so on."

"But." The confidant smiled bitterly, "We don't have that much paper."

"No paper?" Matthews blew his beard and glared.

"We are a mercenary group, not a professor group!" the confidant said in defense, "Which mercenary group would bring so much paper! These 44 pieces of paper used for writing are still the straw paper we use when we go to the toilet!"

"What about the mercenaries below?" Matthews said, "Don't they bring their own toilet paper? Let them come out evenly."

"How can the mercenaries be so precious?" said the confidant, "They just burrow into the grass, pull out some leaves or grass and wipe them clean."


Then he remembered that Aske was still there, so he tentatively asked:

"Captain Aske..."

"We don't have much paper." Asik said with a smile, finally stating the purpose of his trip, "If necessary, I can sell it to you."

"Farke!" Matthews couldn't hear the word "sell" the most. He immediately said with a straight face, "It's okay, we are not short of paper. Think of other ways."

Then he turned around, smiled at his confidants and said:

"What is the solution?"

The confidants looked at each other in confusion. If they said that there was nothing they could do in front of other group leaders, Captain Matthews would definitely put him in trouble afterwards, so he had to think about it even if he couldn't think of it!

So everyone could only brainstorm and meditate hard.

"Fold each piece of paper in half and cut it into two parts to save twice as much paper." A confidant made an idea about the paper area.

"I'm going to find Gretel!" Another confidant ran over quickly.

"Just ask him, don't look at what he draws!" Matthews reminded him quickly.

After asking, I found out that Grete had finished drawing the code and all the paper had been used.

"How about using other things instead of paper?" A confidant suddenly thought, "For example, cloth strips?"

"You're a fucking genius!" Matthews exclaimed. "Go get some fabric."

Compared with paper, cloth is much easier to get. Basically no mercenary will wear armor directly, and they will wear a layer of linen underwear underneath.

So after stripping off the underwear of several mercenaries, the second and third stacks of linen strips were also made urgently.

"Ah, you still want to draw?" Gretel was also speechless.

"Draw different passwords this time. Remember, the passwords on each piece of paper must be the same, but the passwords for different plans must be different." The confidant explained.

"It's so complicated." Grete scratched his head and suddenly felt a little stupid, "Hey, what was the first set of passwords I drew?"

The confidants looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. This Gretel is indeed a fool. He can actually forget what he just drew, so this time the mutation probably won't be able to read his memory. Very good.

Matthews watched his confidants turn the back of the paper up and quickly write the number 1 representing the first set of plans. Grete had already begun to draw the second set of plans, so he raised his head proudly and thought Look at the look on Ask's face.

"Hey, where is the person?"

Ask returned to the girls, and Medea immediately came over and asked:

"How about it?"

"They decided to figure it out on their own," Askew said.

"Tch." Medea grunted, "Stingy miser."

"But I think there seems to be something wrong with their method." Asik said doubtfully, "They didn't seal it with their eyes closed, but they made the code manually drawn by someone."

"Ah? Wouldn't that code enter the memory of the person who drew it?" Sheila said in shock, "Wouldn't it mean that it is invalid?"

"I don't know either." Asik shook his head, "Forget it, leave them alone."

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