Blue Sword

Chapter 195 Memory Copy

"Captain Aske, won't you explain it?" Matthews said with a sullen face and a cold voice.

"Explain what?" Asker didn't even raise his head, just checking the other corpses.

Nora's, Paige's...there are nine bodies in total, and everyone is here.

"He identified you as a pretender." Matthews said coldly.

"Do you know why the corpses lying here look similar to those of us from Cang Qing Sword, but not to those of you from Wind of Freedom?" Ask asked instead of answering.

"Why?" Matthews was stunned for a while and said.

"Because if they pour dirty water on the Wind of Freedom." Medea sneered, "We Cangqing Sword will definitely not be fooled."


Are we more likely to be deceived if we co-author? Matthews was about to retort when he suddenly realized the problem.

Everyone else had long since become corpses, but this "Asker" on the ground was still breathing, just enough to hold on until we arrived, and then he identified Cang Qingjian and others as pretenders. Isn't this a bit too coincidental?

What's more, if the people like Cang Qing Sword next to them are really disguised by the extraordinary power of this mutation, then with the ability it showed before, it can completely distort this space and prevent us from seeing it. These bodies on the ground.

Otherwise, wouldn’t he be exposing himself?

Thinking of this, Matthew suddenly broke into a cold sweat. Fortunately, I didn't fall for this evil trick. Otherwise, if Zhen and Cang Qing Sword took action, judging from their strength in killing the Templar Knight Feng Kesim last time, it would probably be a lose-lose situation for both parties.

Damn, this change is so insidious! He actually tempted us to kill each other!

Matthews thought to himself, pretending to be nonchalant, and burst into laughter:

"Don't worry, of course we, Free Wind, won't be fooled by such a clumsy trick. It was just a joke."

Behind him, the mercenaries of Freedom Wind were all stunned.

Leader! Can you speak without gasping? We all picked up our weapons and were waiting for you to give us the order to kill us. But you said you were just joking? !

The mercenaries looked at each other and could only put down their weapons, showing a fake smile that was uglier than crying.

"Haha." Ask didn't take it seriously. He just walked around in a circle and returned to "his" body, looking at it carefully.

Medea came over from the side and said with her tongue: "The leader who died tragically is so strange. You don't see this all the time."

"Hey, is it true?" The girls heard the same thing and immediately rushed over, scrambling to observe Aske's body on the ground.

"What a tragic death!" Asik coaxed everyone away angrily, "Go and claim your own body."

"Why claim the body?" Nora asked curiously.

"Observe the corpses on the ground and see how they are different from mine." Asik said calmly. "It will be easier to identify when we meet counterfeiters in the future and try to sneak into our team."

"That's it." So the girls went to pick up their own "bodies" one after another and started talking and discussing with each other.

"The pattern of her ax handle is different from mine." Hidrifa picked up the North Wind Ax from the corpse, compared it with her own weapon, and said.

"Tsk, my breasts are a little smaller." Medea poked "her" breast on the ground.

"Look!" Mia suddenly discovered something and called everyone over, "Look at Mi'er's body!"

She took off the coat of "Mi'er"'s body on the ground, revealing the white vest underneath.

Mi'er, who was squatting aside, had taken off her coat at this time, and the hem of the vest she was wearing had a pattern of a bear printed on it.

One with a pattern? One has no pattern? What does this mean? The girls were confused.

"Mi'er." Medea seemed to realize something and asked, "Before this, do you still remember what vest you were wearing today?"

Mi'er hesitated for a moment and shook her head.

"So that's it." Medea immediately came to the conclusion, "It's an impression."

"This mutation will read our collective memory and then copy the corresponding characters, just like the nightmare we encountered last time."

"When it comes to appearance details that even the parties involved are not clear about, they will be deliberately blurred when copying. If what I said is correct, everyone should check the labels on the clothes. The labels on all the corpses' clothes should be printed with text. It’s all wrong.”

The girls quickly checked the corpse's clothes. Sure enough, whether it was on the inside of the neckline or the inside of the waist, the text on the clothing label was not clear—or was missing at all.

Because no one would bother to remember what the labels on their clothes say.

"That is to say." Sheila immediately thought of it. "To identify the authenticity of teammates in the future, you only need to check whether there are tags on the other party's clothes and whether the words on them are displayed normally."

"The premise is that no one here has a photographic memory and can roughly remember the words on the label at a glance." Nora added with a smile.

Ah, so it turns out that all you need to do is look at the clothing tags? Matthews stood aside and listened calmly to the whole process. He was immediately impressed by the intelligence of these girls.

This girl's brain is really easy to use, unlike the guys in our group, whose brains are full of muscles.

"Actually, it's not just the label." Sheila said, "Any detailed and difficult-to-remember appearance characteristics will not exist in anyone's memory, which is the information that cannot be read by this mutation."

"A very simple method is to write nine numbers from 1 to 9 on 9 pieces of paper, then crumple them into paper balls and give them to everyone at random."

"In other words, no one knows what is written on their note before unfolding it. Therefore, the mutation cannot copy the numbers on the note, but displays a blur or blank."

"If you can't determine the other party's identity, just ask the other party to provide a note and see if there are clear numbers on it."

good idea! Matthews quickly ordered the mercenaries next to him to quickly write a large number of notes with random numbers from 0-9, and then distribute them to everyone under his command, so as to prevent counterfeit goods from being mixed into this mutation.

"Wait, is that also based on the fact that this mutation has no intelligence?" Medea glanced at Matthews, who was eavesdropping from behind, and objected with a sneer, "What if this mutation has self-awareness and intelligence? , although it doesn’t know what number is on the slip of paper in each person’s hand, but it knows that it must be one of 1-9.”

"Then it just needs to copy one of them at will, and then let the copy carry the corresponding note? No one can tell right from wrong anyway."

The girls fell silent. Judging from the previous performance of the impostors, the intelligence of this mutation was really not low.

"What about the labels?" Eleanor said. "Assuming that the mutations are smart enough to learn to create false information to deceive, then why are there no information on the clothing labels on these corpses? Just copy the false information in the same way. We It’s also impossible to go to a clothing manufacturer to verify it.”

"Could it be that it didn't think of it originally?" Nora had a sudden thought and said, "Originally it didn't think that we would look for its flaws through the details. Now that we say this, it knows... "


What! Doesn’t it turn out that this method doesn’t work? ! Mathews, who was eavesdropping, was immediately disappointed.

"Captain, the notes have been written." A certain Free Wind mercenary came over to report, "How about you explain the distribution and identification rules to everyone?"

"No need." Matthews said seriously, "I thought about it carefully and found that this method still has flaws. Well, I want to think about it again."

Free Wind Mercenary:? ? ?

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