Blue Sword

Chapter 182 New Career Route

"Is the situation clear?"

"I don't know. It's very chaotic."

"The major principalities are waiting and watching, and are not in a hurry to take sides."

"Resist His Majesty the Emperor? Is Duke Wolfe crazy?"

"It is said to be the instruction of His Majesty the Pope. There is no way, their family's territory is too closely connected with Italy and Canada. Once the Holy See removes the clergy, half of the Wolfe family's factories may have to stop operations."

"Then Burgundy and Lombardy must have rebelled. What about Bavaria? If the Weisbach family also joins the rebellion, how are we going to get back to the Lübeck headquarters? Should we take a detour to Bohemia?"

"The Count of Saxony has not expressed his position yet. However, even if Saxony joins the rebellion, the Hanseatic League will definitely declare neutrality."

"What's the use of declaring neutrality? If Bavaria joins the war, it will only be a matter of a word from the Duke of Bavaria to force our Iron Cross mercenaries there."

"Hey, why are there so many discussions? Can you make the decision? Just wait for the commander's order."

Taking a carriage into Carinthia, the mercenaries in the regiment also talked about it along the way.

We are all mercenaries of the Iron Cross Eastern Branch. We have been running business in the Khangeli, Siris, and East Solomon areas all year round. This time, we have collected enough frost materials, so we plan to follow the Bavaria-Franconia-Saxony route. Route back to headquarters.

However, the sudden outbreak of the Imperial Civil War changed everything.

Normally, mercenaries like war because war brings more opportunities and profits - provided they are on the winning side.

Otherwise, let alone the commission negotiated in advance, he would be lucky not to be beheaded along with his defeated employer.

Choosing which side to take in a civil war is a matter that requires a high level of strategic vision. However, the Iron Cross Mercenary Group is different. As a wholly-owned security company of the Hanseatic League, they must obey the instructions of the Hanseatic League.

The Hanseatic League was a commercial alliance of cities located in the northern part of the empire, and it must be consistent with the will of the Count of Saxony.

Therefore, the Earl of Saxony's choice of camp is very subtle... Once the Earl of Saxony expresses his position, and then goes against the choice of the Duke of Bavaria or the Duke of Franconia, then everyone's journey will definitely not be too smooth.

Maybe as soon as they entered the duchy, they would be surrounded by troops sent by the duke.

Therefore, the Iron Cross mercenaries can only pray that the old Earl of Saxony will hesitate a little longer, or that the people at the headquarters will not rush to take a stand... At least they have to wait until we return to Lübeck!

Andrea and Herman, as the top leaders of the Eastern Branch, of course got more information from the headquarters, so they didn't need to be as panicked as the lower-level mercenaries.

The original route through Bavaria remained unchanged, but looking at their expressions, they seemed to have a lot of worries about it. As for what they were worried about, the Cangqing Sword people didn't know clearly.

But the girls are not worried at all. Even if it is a big thing, let the group leader worry about it.

It's better to let him worry more than to drill us.

Among everyone's current team, Askew has reached Level 6; followed by Mia, who has reached Level 5.

There are a total of 4 Lv. 4 ones, namely Eleanor, Sydrifa, Medea and Sheila.

Paige and Mier are at Level 3; Nora, the lowest level, is only at Level 2.

On average, the Blue Sword team level is probably around Lv. 4. If compared with the level of players who opened the server in the previous life, this level of training is considered to be quite satisfactory.

Of course, it is far inferior to professional players and professional guilds.

But physical level is one thing, tactical awareness is another.

As far as the girls' current "software strength" is concerned, there is no doubt that they are highly close to the peak level of players, and are worthy of entering the registration threshold for professional club youth training camps.

In other words, you can start learning some professional-level tactics and moves.

"I have designed the follow-up combat career route for you." During the team's free time to rest, everyone from the Cangqing Sword sat alone in a circle in a nearby field, and Asik announced in the center of the circle.

(In the "Iron and Fire" game world, the career route is Build, which is a classification and subdivision of the overall combat style of the character.)

"Originally I wanted to ask for your opinions, but then I considered that you don't know anything about various high-end career routes, so it would be a waste for you to choose them." Asker said calmly, "So let me teach you first. Come on, let’s talk if you don’t feel comfortable with it later. How about it, do you have any opinions?”

The girls looked at each other.

Aren't you talking nonsense? Since we don’t understand it, how can we raise objections?

Whatever you teach is what you teach.

"Okay." Asker said decisively, "Eleanor, I will teach you the 'Trinity' tactic."

"The so-called trinity of tactics is a spear, a long sword, and a shield. They are combined into three tactical schools in two groups. This is the trinity." Asik pulled out the weapons on the ground and said, "In other words, you must be proficient in these tactics at the same time. Three kinds of equipment, and then choose two of them for combat according to different tactical needs."

"The shield is usually held in the left hand. If you hold a spear in your right hand, it's the 'gun-shield style'. It's characterized by focusing on defense and conducive to field control."

"The shield held in the left hand remains unchanged, and the weapon in the right hand is replaced by a long sword, which is called the 'sword and shield style'. It is characterized by integrated attack and defense, and strong mobility."

"The last relatively rare tactical style is to hold a spear in the right hand and a long sword in the left hand." As soon as Asker said this, Mia immediately raised her hand and answered quickly:

"I know! The spear in the right hand and the sword in the left hand are, of course, called spears..."

"Yes! It's called 'Wei Mingli'." Ask interrupted her immediately.

What do you want to say, kid?

Mia:? ? ?

"Why don't you call for a gun..." Mia was still trying to give her answer, only to hear Asik interrupt again impatiently:

"Don't ask me why, the name is just a name, the essence lies in the essence of tactics!"

"What is this, what are the characteristics of celebrities?" Eleanor asked.

"Total attack, no defense." Asker said, "It is suitable for extreme disadvantages and desperate situations."

"Of course, I will teach you how to fight specifically for each school. I will teach you later."

So Eleanor nodded and stared at the spear, sword and shield on the ground in a daze.

"Hidliba." Ask turned to the second person, "Since you have obtained the Ax of the North Wind, I will teach you the 'Barbarian Tactics'."

"The characteristic of barbarian tactics is dual-wielding. You need to have a main weapon and a secondary weapon. If you use the Ax of the North Wind as the main weapon, the secondary weapon can be an ax or a sword."

"The most important thing is that all weapons can be thrown, causing huge damage. Switching quickly between melee combat and throwing damage is the essence of barbarian tactics."

"After throwing the weapon, you need to pick it up in time, or snatch a new weapon from the battlefield. Due to the return characteristics of the North Wind Ax, you have a unique advantage in this regard."

"I have a question." Hildrifa raised her hand, "Does this barbarian tactic you mentioned have something to do with the Vikings?"

"It doesn't make any difference," Aske said.

"But!" Hilda tried to argue with him, "This weapon-throwing tactic sounds very much like that of the ancient Vikings..."

"If you insist on having a relationship, if you practice this tactic to the extreme, you can easily beat seven or eight Viking warriors of the same level." Asker said expressionlessly.

Editor says: Available on Friday.

It’s so annoying to write a testimonial for the launch. I don’t know what to write, so why don’t I give you a split?

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