Blue Sword

Chapter 173 Times have changed, Hidliefa

In the year 232 of the Sixth Age, Sidrifa was 11 years old.

She was holding an ax and practicing chopping on the wood on the stump.

"The ax handle and your arm should be in a straight line." Old Wilder stood beside him and said calmly, "Use the strength of your forearm, upper arm and waist to chop down with all your strength! Imagine this piece of wood It’s the enemy’s head, tear it apart with your weapons!”

Hilda Lifa stood there, stunned for a long time, and suddenly said: "But Asik said that it is unwise to hit the head directly, because the weapon is likely to get stuck in the skull and cannot be pulled out."

"Who is Aske?" Old Wilder showed a surprised expression.

"Asker?" Hidliba was also stunned.

She instinctively felt that the name was familiar, with a certain feeling of intimacy and attachment, but she really couldn't remember it.

"In short, don't be distracted!" Old Wilder said sternly, bringing her thoughts back to reality. "Cut down with all your strength! Kill him first before his ax hits you!"

Hilda Lifa struggled to lift the battle ax, and then slashed hard.

The ax embedded itself in the wood and split it cleanly in half.

"Not bad." Old Wilder said approvingly, "You have the potential to become a pirate in the future."

"But my mother doesn't want me to be a pirate." Hidrifa said honestly. "She wants me to marry a noble."

"Hahaha, innocent Lisa." Old Wilder smiled contemptuously, "How could a noble marry a wild girl like you with no family background? They would only treat you as their mistress."

"What is a mistress?" Hidrifa asked innocently.

"She is a miserable woman who is greedy for a good life, or is afraid of the authority of the aristocracy, so she sacrifices her body and dignity." Old Wilder showed a disgusted expression, "Hidliba, please remember this."

"Even in front of the king, you must hold your proud head high."

"A true Viking will never succumb to nobles and emperors. As long as he has a weapon in his hand, he dares to despise everything in this world."

"You said before," Hildrifa said, "it doesn't matter whether you are a Viking or not."

"Sidrifa." Old Wilder said seriously, "The Vikings I am talking about are not a bloodline, they are a spirit."

"The spirit of never giving in and wielding an edge against everything."

"We are the descendants of the Vikings, eager to restore the glory of our ancestors. One day, the Valkyrie will lead our heroes to Valhalla to feast all night with our ancestors. Then you will truly become A Viking.”

Hilda nodded in understanding.

She continued to practice swinging the tomahawk.

Time seems to be passing quickly around us, the sun rises and sets, and the stars in the sky shine and then go out.

Old Wilder left the village and did not know where he went.

Her mother, Sally, scolded her and told her to stop chopping firewood all day long like a fool.

The surrounding boys and girls occasionally entered the woods and laughed at her, calling her a "bastard", a "fatherless", and a "vile bloodline born of pirates and prostitutes".

Hidliefa turned a deaf ear to all of it. All she could think about was swinging the battle ax, splitting the wood in front of her, and...

Become a real Viking.

Suddenly, Hidrifa stopped and looked up at the sky.

At dusk, the white line connecting the sea and the sky is dyed red by the afterglow of the setting sun, and the fire clouds bloom like blood roses.

From the direction of the village came cries and fire.

Hildeliefa ran hard and saw from a distance that the village was full of Norman warriors wearing nose helmets. They killed the escaping villagers mercilessly, plundered their families' money, and then destroyed the entire house. Burned to the ground.

She rushed into her home and saw that a warrior had knocked her mother Sally to the ground. Hildrifa raised her battle ax high and struck forward with force from behind.

The ax struck his helmet, and the warrior turned quickly with a cruel grin on his face.

"No! Run!" Sally, who was in a pool of blood, didn't know where the strength came from, and suddenly stretched out her hands to hug the feet of the Norman warrior, "Hidrifa, run!"

Hildrifa dropped her ax, turned around and ran away.

From behind came the sound of steel hitting flesh, and the inarticulate cry of mother Sally:

"Run! Hildafa, don't look back!"


She ran with all her strength, and the Norman warriors around her discovered her, shouting one after another:

"There's a little savage there too!"

"Don't let her run away!"

"The Lord's order is to kill them all!"

Throwing axes and arrows passed by her, and she ran forward with all her concentration, rushing up to the dock and then leaping like a fish into the icy water.

I can't beat them.

I ran away.

Can I still be a Viking?

With some desperate thoughts, little Hidliba gradually sank into the sea, and the shouts outside gradually left her.


The skylight above the sea rippled overhead.

Hidliefa opened her eyes in the sea water.

She went upstream.

What emerged from the sea was the head of a 17-year-old girl.

She has a beautiful appearance, a straight nose, skin as white as milk, almost transparent blue pupils, and long hair that is bright pale gold, unfolding in graceful arcs in the sea water.

The huge ship docked next to it, and Sidrifa skillfully climbed up along the anchor chain and quickly climbed onto the deck.

The deck was already crowded with Norman pirates. Everyone had just climbed onto the ship from the sea and was all wet.

"I declare that the winner of this underwater breath-holding competition is our daughter, Sidrifa!" Captain Wilder said loudly, raising a glass filled with beer.

"Our daughter, Sidrifa!" Even though they lost the breath-holding contest, these pirates did not show the slightest regret. Instead, they all looked like proud old fathers.

After the pirates dispersed, Sidrifa walked to the helm and whispered: "Village Chief."

"What did you call me?" Old Wilder frowned.

"Father." Hidrifa was silent for a moment, "I want to learn writing."

"Why do you want to learn that stuff?" Old Wilder laughed dumbly, "You're not still holding on to your ridiculous idea of ​​becoming a noble, are you?"

"The Vikings in the past just conquered territories everywhere and then became lords..." Hidliefa tried to argue.

"That was then, and now is now." Old Wilder said impatiently, "Are there still Vikings now? From Britannia to the coast of Normandy, there are castles and armies everywhere. How can there be undefended land to give to them?" What did you conquer?"

"Times have changed, Hidliefa."

"I want to learn writing." Hidrifa said stubbornly.

Old Wilder was silent for a moment and said:

"Just in time, we need to resupply in Helsingør and get rid of the loot on the ship."

"If you want to learn Chinese characters, you can go to the municipal library there and borrow some enlightenment books. Of course, you have to pay for the cost of borrowing books and hiring teachers yourself."

"Okay." Hidrifa said.

Reminder: One update today

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