Blue Sword

Chapter 170 Ax of the North Wind

Ask took off his mail armor and accepted Nora's treatment.

Mainly extensive burns, as well as contusions and bruises caused by the impact.

After Nora's long lecture, the injury deep under Asker's skin was finally initially healed, and then a thick bandage was applied.

In Nora's words, it is best to protect the burned skin and wait for it to grow back on its own.

If the ability of Life I is rashly used to accelerate healing, there is a certain probability that these epidermal cells will overgrow, resulting in bulges and wrinkles.

Although Ask himself doesn't care, Nora said that this kind of disgraceful thing is absolutely intolerable.

So Ask could only transform into a mysterious bandage man and continue to move forward amidst the snickers of the girls.

The young Spartan guides were basically taken away by the Iron Cross. But this time, the direction chosen by the Cangqing Sword was completely different from that of Iron Cross and others.

They did not choose to continue along the gentle mountain road, but found a steep path leading to the cliff above everyone's heads.

This is where the snow monsters appeared earlier and caused avalanches.

With many years of gaming experience, Asker sensed a potential connection between the avalanche and the subsequent increase in snowfall.

The increase in snowfall comes from the mutated influence of the Ax of the North Wind.

In other words, the avalanche itself is most likely related to the North Wind Ax.

For example, the North Wind Ax was stuck on the top of a mountain, and a certain snow monster kicked it, causing an avalanche down the mountain.

Considering that the sudden change in the snow-capped mountains was caused by the Ax of the North Wind, this causal connection is not impossible, but very likely.

The steep path at our feet was much harder to climb than the gentle mountain road. The steps in some places were not even stones, but man-made depressions. They were covered with snow and ice, making them extremely slippery.

"Everyone, be careful!" Asik walked at the front, using the long sword given by Eleanor to penetrate the ice. At the same time, he stretched out his hand to pull up the girls below one by one. "If you fall, you will be half dead!"

"It doesn't matter, even if he falls, the leader will rush to save him." Sheila walked past him and said a witty remark.

"That's me you're talking about!" Ask said angrily, "If you fall, I'll be half dead!"

Then there was a burst of cheerful laughter on the snow mountain.


After about an hour, everyone finally climbed up to a natural platform along the rugged and steep path.

The platform is not big, and there is a concrete ruin along the mountain wall. It looks like a Spartan sentry tower in the Second Age, except that the top tower cover is missing.

At the bottom of the tower sat an old troll, the wrinkles on his face almost squeezing out his eyes. It was holding a thigh bone with skin and flesh in its hand, and was biting it with its old yellow teeth.

Behind it, next to the bottom of the tower, were piles of countless human corpses, skulls, and some undecomposed corpses, including those of mercenaries and Spartans.

Seeing the Cangqing Sword people, the old troll was also stunned. Mi'er was the one who reacted the fastest, and the sniper rifle was placed flat in his hand with a swipe.

There was a gunshot, and the bullet hit the troll between the eyebrows and passed straight through its skull.

The troll's body fell to the ground. Mi'er was a little surprised when she saw this. It seemed that she didn't expect that the old troll was so fragile and his head was shot off after only one shot.

Completely different from the previous young trolls who could withstand the impact of dozens of rifle bullets head-on.

"There!" Sheila pointed to a cold light on the top of the tower, "Asker, is that the Ax of the North Wind?"

Ask borrowed Mi'er's sniper rifle and looked through the eyepiece: "Yes."

He turned his head and asked: "Hidliba?"

"I'm ready!" Hidrifa said confidently.

While waiting for Ask and Medea, Sidrifa finally digested most of Frost I and took Giant I on Hearthfire Island.

Angel's Song is simply the strongest buff in the team. Even the bloodline potion "Giant" with a high probability of losing control, its mutation was suppressed by Nora's cooperation.

When Ask arrived, Hidliba was running around holding a huge snowball in order to digest the "Giant I" potion as quickly as possible.

"Okay." Asik said solemnly, "Listen carefully to the next words."

"You don't choose the weapon, it chooses you."

"You will enter a fantasy world, temporarily forget the purpose of your trip, and just drift with the tide."

"In order to pass its test, you must find yourself as soon as possible."

"The only right thing to do is to follow your heart."

"Follow my heart, right?" Hidliba laughed loudly, patted her chest and said, "Okay, I understand everything."

The girls behind them held their foreheads and sighed.

"That's it." Asik nodded.

So Sidrifa walked over the corpse of the old troll and walked towards the ruined tower.

As soon as she entered the tower, she suddenly poked her head out again and asked in confusion:

"Ask, what did you just say?"

The girls fell down one after another.

Ask was silent for a while and shouted loudly:

"Follow your heart!"

"Okay, I remember!" Hidrifa waved and turned around.

The heartless smile disappeared from her face, replaced by a solemn and cautious expression.

"My... heart?" she murmured.

Hidliefa walked up the steps.

Every time you take a step up, the temperature in the air seems to drop by one degree.

However, she had taken "Frost I" after all, so apart from feeling that the air she breathed was getting colder, she didn't feel any discomfort.

Then, illusory words came to my ears.

The sound seemed to act directly on the spirit body, like whispering or talking in a dream, giving her the urge to fall asleep.

Sidrifa gently pinched her left hand. The slight pain kept her awake, and her mind became nervous involuntarily.

Finally, she took the last step and reached the top of the open-air tower.

The cold wind here was as biting as a knife, and it was extremely painful on her face. It was mixed with countless snow particles and hail, rolling up and down around the tomahawk embedded in the wall.

The whispering in her ears was replaced by a roar, so loud that she couldn't hear what it was saying, leaving only a buzzing sound like a bee.

Hilda tried to walk forward, but found that she was stumbling heavily.

She didn't know whether it was because of the push of the wind, or because the noise affected the balance in her brain, or because she had a mental problem.

She just moved forward arrogantly and stubbornly, walking towards the battle axe.

Even though the steps are shaky, even though the body is shaky.

Even his vision and consciousness began to blur.

She still walked forward in the wind and snow, one step, two steps, three steps, four steps, and finally came to the tomahawk.

This is a battle ax with a classic shape. Judging from the length of the handle, it is obvious that it can be held with one hand. Of course, it is not impossible to hold it with both hands.

The ax handle was made of blue-gray steel (probably steel), with weird and peculiar patterns on it, a bit like the ancient writing written by the village elders on the ground when she was young.

What's that...rune?

Sidrifa looked at the battle ax in a daze. The ax blade was a strange dark blue, as if made of ice, and the color was as deep as the cold deep sea north of Svalbard.

It is said that even the bravest Viking pirates did not dare to gaze at the blue water under the ship's side under the moonlight in the middle of the night when they sailed there.

It was a mysterious sea area, and pirates even said that if they looked directly down at night, they could see the palace of the sea god Aegir, which was filled with treasures from all the sunken ships. Just one look and humans can't help but jump into the sea and drown.

The color of this ax is very similar to the color of the legendary sea area, although Sidrifa has never been there.

The surface of the ax was polished extremely smooth, with simple lines carved along the blade line, as exquisite as an ancient work of art.

The blade is extremely thin, somewhat similar to the shape of the throwing ax commonly used by Norman pirates. Such a thin blade may be brittle, but Sidrifa believed that this blue ice must have incredible hardness.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the forger to carve patterns on such thin ice cubes.

She reached out with trembling hands and grasped the ax handle surrounded by ancient words.

Then he lost consciousness in his mind.

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