Blue Sword

Chapter 159: Attracting monsters and gathering fire

"Lucas is injured! Get out quickly, Hans, go to take over his position, and the gunmen will cover and fire!"

"Tronlo seals the left wing, don't let the snow monster break through the defense! Reinhardt, move left to provide support!"

"What's going on with the right wing! Nelson, please work harder for me, I don't want to send your pension to your blond widow!"

As the pressure on the front increased further, Andrea had to start taking frequent command, removing exhausted or injured mercenaries from the front line, and at the same time investing reserve troops to block the front line.

Hermann fought hard on the right front. His frost sequence ability is almost negligible against the snow monster that also possesses frost, so he only relies on the combat skills he has practiced since childhood to resist it.

Retreating to the cover of his companions, Heman panted slightly to regain his strength. He glanced behind him and saw the girls from the Blue Sword standing up.

Are you finally taking action? Too. If the Iron Cross Mercenary Group is destroyed here, it will not do you any good.

Andrea, who was directing the audience, naturally noticed the strange movement of the Cang Qing Sword behind him.

It's just that it's different from Herman's idea. The first thought that pops up in this guy's mind is, "Could they take advantage of the chaos to kill me, steal the materials, and then turn around and run away?"

So he quietly took a few steps forward, using the gunmen to cover himself.

Asker completely turned a blind eye to his little moves and just calmly commanded Mier:

"Pulling monsters."

Mi'er raised the sniper rifle and pulled the trigger calmly.

A bullet erupted from the flames of the gun and shot directly into the eye of a certain snow monster on the opposite side.

The snow monster was gathering momentum in the rear and did not join the battle with the Iron Cross mercenaries, so it was still considered an "ownerless thing" for the time being.

Unlike the power of an ordinary rifle, this sniper rifle bullet blew out one of its eyes almost instantly.

The injured snow monster screamed, and his reason quickly evaporated in his rage. It leaned down and charged forward, then pushed through the defense lines of its companions and human mercenaries, and charged towards the Cangqing Sword people.

"Shrink the right wing, retreat the front!" Andrea made a prompt decision, letting the right wing's front shrink back, leaving the snow monster over there to be dealt with by the Cangqing Sword, in order to reduce the pressure on his own front line.

Eleanor stepped forward first, holding a shield in her left hand to collide with the snow monster, holding a sword in her right hand and concentrating, meditating with all her strength on the deeds recorded in "The Song of Roland". For a moment, the image of a heroic knight seemed to pop up in her mind.

"...We are going to die for our country, and we don't have much time to live..."

The long words of the knight seemed to echo in his ears.

"...But the enemy has to pay a heavy price first..."

Eleanor's sword and shield gradually glowed with white light, condensing and condensing, like substance, brilliant and brilliant.

"...You all pick up the sword and kill happily..."

"...make a desperate struggle!"

Following the knight's fervent roar, Eleanor's long sword shining with white light slashed heavily on the snow monster's body.

The white light suddenly exploded.

Damn it, failed again!

Eleanor was not discouraged, she just calmly put the shield to her chest and withstood the snow monster's counterattack.

According to the "Indomitable Holy Sword" recorded in "The Song of Roland", the white light was transformed by her strong will. It would sharpen her sword and strengthen her shield, making her indestructible and invincible.

Under the slash of the long sword attached with white light, all tangible objects will be shattered.

However, in actual practice, it was the other way around: no matter what it struck, the white light exploded first.

Eleanor guessed that it was because her will was not strong enough, but she had long recognized the difficulty of learning extraordinary swordsmanship, so she just tried to practice it repeatedly.

The snow monster waved its strong arms and hammered her shield again and again, making a loud and powerful sound. Eleanor stepped back calmly, bent her knees, and tilted her shield slightly, cleverly removing the force of the opponent's blow on the shield.

Immediately afterwards, Hidrifa, who was holding a double axe, killed her from beside her, whirlwind!

The wildly swung battle ax was like a whirlwind of blades, instantly killing three or four snow monsters that couldn't help but retreat, their flesh and blood flying.

Under Asker's guidance, Sidrifa could even change the height of the tomahawk's chops while rotating. The ax blade would either scratch the relatively soft belly of the snow monsters, or send their heavy punches flying away.

Eleanor took advantage of the situation and charged forward with her shield raised. She and Hidliefa were already very skilled in cooperating with each other. The moment the opponent's Whirlwind Slash was about to be finished, she used the shield to protect its wings behind her.

"Lower your head!" Medea's voice sounded from deep in her heart.

The two of them quickly lowered their heads and the snow monster in front was about to launch an attack when their eyes suddenly met with Medea's behind.

Then it was deprived of its senses and wildly swung its arms in a circle, smashing away all the snow monsters around it.

As an extraordinary creature that places great emphasis on physical strength, Medea's "psychic" ability is almost the natural nemesis of the Yeti.

The snow monster was manipulated in a confused manner, and quickly passed Eleanor and Hilda, and rushed into the middle of the girl behind.

After ordering the snow monster to lie down on its back, Medea removed her psychic abilities, followed by Sheila's gravity increase, which made the snow monster that regained consciousness be suppressed by its own gravity and unable to get up smoothly in a short period of time.

The moment gravity fell, Mia's back stab penetrated the snow monster's eye, Peggy's melt knife cut open its neck, and Mi'er's sniper bullet penetrated the wound with great precision, almost breaking its cervical vertebrae. .

Even an extraordinary creature with strong vitality would die violently on the spot after fully receiving this round of three fatal attacks.

"Good job, come again." Ask said.

So Hilda Lifa and Eleanor on the front line immediately understood and continued to entangle the surrounding snow monsters to prevent them from breaking through to the back.

Medea seized the opportunity and once again used her "psychic" ability to control an unaware snow monster.

The snow monster leaned down and raised its shoulders, knocking away the other two snow monsters that were besieging Eleanor, and then rushed all the way into the circle surrounded by the girls of the Blue Sword.

Another round of inhumane concentrated fire, killing the snow monster neatly on the spot.

"Yes, let's try to improve efficiency this time and bring two over." Aske said.

"My ability can only control one snow monster at the same time." Medea replied.

"Pulling monsters doesn't necessarily require psychic abilities." Asik reminded her.

Medea was stunned when she heard this, and all kinds of sinister ideas immediately came to her mind.

In the middle of the snow monsters fighting Eleanor in the distance, another snow monster suddenly went crazy: it punched hard and knocked the snow monster on the left away, then sank down and rushed to the right, knocking the snow monster away. The snow monster on the right was knocked to the ground and beaten hard on the head.

After a series of internal strife, most of the attacked snow monsters angrily gave up the urge to continue attacking, and instead began to try to deal with this crazy companion.

Then the snow monster led seven or eight crazy victims and rumbled towards the center of the Blue Sword's pocket formation.

"Ah, it seems like you attracted a lot this time?" Medea covered her mouth and smiled.

"It doesn't matter." Ask said, "We will kill them by force."

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