Blue Sword

Chapter 139 Behind the Scenes Communication

On the rooftop, Appelius had put away his smile, looked into the distance again, and once again entered a cold and rigorous state of rational calculation.

The addition of the Immortal Phantom Sword undoubtedly added a lot of certainty to his plan.

However, politicians should not be superstitious about probabilities. Even if there is a 99% chance of success, there is still a 1% risk of losing everything.

As the lord of a city, he must make good use of every trump card in his hand.

Take out your phone and dial a special number. The mobile phone signal passes upward through the atmosphere and reaches the Holy See's space-based communication base station satellite. Then, after special transcoding and encryption, it reaches down again to Solomon City in the Apennine Peninsula.

In the Sistine Chapel, a slender hand answered the phone.

"Your Excellency, Lord Appelius."

"His Majesty Pope Innocent."

"Your crusade is causing me some trouble."

"Really? The Holy See has fully predicted this, and it shouldn't hurt your Olympia city."

"Even so, the nightly bombardment is still annoying, especially when we are also preparing for the magic wave at the same time."

"My understanding is that you wish to request assistance from the Holy See."

"The Holy See is eager to negotiate, so this call came in. Mortars are just a disgusting tactic, and what we have to talk about next is the focus."

"That's right. What assistance does Olympia City need?"

"Space-based tactical nuclear bomb."

The Pope's voice on the opposite side was silent for a moment: "Leviathan?"

"Didn't the Holy See detect a huge life signal at the bottom of the Aegean Sea? I thought you were monitoring the entire world all the time."

"Of course, this is the reason for my doubts. Raphael has more than 300 processes monitoring the Leviathan, and we think there is no possibility of it waking up in the short term."

"Can the Holy See ensure 100% that it will not be awakened by the next demonic tide?"

"No, the word 100% will not appear in science. It will only be used in theological propaganda."

"Your seamless switching between science and theology is astonishing, but I am not an ignorant believer." Appilios said in a deep voice:

"I am a politician, not a scientific researcher. As long as there is a probability of more than 50%, perhaps scientific researchers will think it will happen based on mathematical expectations."

"However, even when the success rate is 99%, politicians must eliminate the remaining 1% of possible risks."

"Even if this will most likely cost you extra in the negotiation?" Innocent chuckled, "Well, after all, this is beneficial to the Holy See."

"What's your offer?"

"We demand that the city of Olympia sever all contact with Emperor Otto, including withdrawing all transcendent beings from the territory of the Holy Solomon Empire."

"You should understand that the city of Olympia is in the supernatural world and does not have the transcendent status of the Holy See in the scientific world. I can promise to do it, but please do not have unnecessary additional expectations."

"That is natural. However, the Crusaders' artillery siege will continue, which will help intensify your forces' hostility towards Emperor Otto."

"The same goes for the Holy See."

"The Holy See does not care about worldly hostility." Innocent said calmly, "The only target that the Holy See deals with with all its strength has always been the Antichrist."

"The Antichrist refers to Chaos?"

"That's the broadest sense. You can understand it that way."

"This cannot explain your precautions and fear of Otto."

"Then let me put it in a less rigorous but more understandable way." Innocent considered the words, "Emperor Otto will undoubtedly be defeated in the battle that is destined to come, just as the Crusaders will be defeated in the next battle. Defeat is inevitable."

"However, Olympia has never been worried about the Crusaders, and what the Holy See is worried about is not Emperor Otto, but the chaos lurking behind these events."

"Aren't you preaching that that super computer can calculate everything? How can there still be chaos?" Appilios said coldly.

"The original intention of Raphael's invention was never to calculate everything. Infinite information requires infinite energy to be obtained, which is considered to be unachievable in science."

"Is it difficult to achieve? I think it is impossible."

"You see, this is the difference between Western Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy." Innocent sneered. "Although we also believe in science, we firmly believe that the laws of everything in the world can be discovered, and almost all of you Orthodox believers are agnostics."

"Once you fall into the trap of agnosticism, you will waver in science and succumb to secrecy and the unknown."

"It was your Holy See who first raised the banner of theology." Appilios said lightly.

"We covered our heads to maintain order, and reality has proven that this is feasible. What about you?"

"The original definition of the so-called Antichrist is 'mortal becoming a god'. You extraordinary beings are obsessed with upgrading and advancing, but in the end there will only be one way to become a god."

"However, this road has proven to be dead. To reach the end means losing one's reason. Under the University of Hippocrates, are there many demigods who try to become gods but end up falling into madness? Why not pull them out? How about showing it to your extraordinary being?"

"They chose this path voluntarily, and everyone should have the right to choose." Appilios said.

"People can be responsible for the consequences of their own choices, but who can be responsible for the destruction of human civilization?" Innocent's tone became stern, "Constantinople has fallen, how far do you plan to wander on this dead road? ?”

"When the demonic tide is about to come, doesn't the Holy See plan to take care of Solomon City first?" Appilios did not mention the fact that "it was the Crusaders who captured Constantinople" and just changed the subject indifferently. .

"We are ready." Innocent said coldly, "As for Olympia, as a condition of exchange of interests, we will provide two space-based neutron bombs if Leviathan really wakes up."

The communication channel fell silent.

Almost every exchange between the Eastern and Western churches breaks out into quarrels related to differences in faith. The West thinks that the East is playing with fire, while the East thinks that the West is too conservative and there is no possibility for both sides to understand each other in the short term.

They can still reach an agreement in terms of interests, and this has almost become a tacit understanding between both parties.

"Where have the hands of Giotto's clock gone?" asked Appilios.

"Six o'clock." Innocent replied, "After the next demon wave arrives, it is expected to be at 6:30."

Giotto's clock, the famous bell tower located in the seat of the Holy See, has only the hour hand on the dial.

According to the Book of Revelation, once the hour hand reaches 12 o'clock, there will be a terrible punishment of annihilation. Therefore, groups of believers prostrate themselves and pray devoutly under Giotto's bell tower all year round.

However, Appilios knew that the hour hand of the clock was not moved by the invisible hand of the god, but was controlled by the super artificial intelligence "Raphael".

It is not the world that is counting down, but technological civilization.

The closer it gets to 12 o'clock, the closer technological civilization is to the edge of collapse, and the actions of the Holy See will become crazier accordingly.

"At least our goals are the same." Appilios said.

"At least for now." The other person said.

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