Blue Sword

Chapter 136 Overblown

The intensity of the official publicity quickly exceeded Aske's expectations.

Early the next morning, Ask came out of Fire Island and heard noisy sounds outside.

Although the military camp is theoretically divided between Cangqing Sword, City Guards and Spartans, the City Guards are stationed on the top floor 24 hours a day, and the Spartans seem to have their own accommodation, so that the Datong Shop outside It had been vacant, with only Hood inhabiting it.

And this kid didn’t know where he went so early in the morning.

The person responsible for guarding the books in the room today was Eleanor. She was sleeping soundly with her books in her arms, her brilliant blond hair spread out on the pillow, and she was mumbling something like "protect everyone" in her sleep.

Ask stared at her beautiful sleeping face, well, it's better not to disturb her.

He left the barracks room and came to Datongpu, where he found the noise coming from the door farther away.

Leaving the barracks again, following the sound to the stairwell, I saw a large number of strangers gathered at the stairwell below the barracks level. Hood was busy maintaining order.

Seeing Aske appearing on the stairs above, the crowd burst out with an excited shout:

"Cang Qing Sword Master!"

Asker:? ? ?


Immediately afterwards, the citizens below began to frantically pick up their mobile phones to take pictures, and the sound of snapping was heard.

"What's going on?" Ask looked at Hood with a puzzled expression.

As a professional player in his previous life, he would occasionally be recognized and mobbed by fans when he went out, so Asik was very calm about such small scenes.

In the eyes of the onlookers, it seemed that he had become a kind of "master style" again.

After some explanation from Hood, Asik finally understood.

You are on fire!

Starting from 11 o'clock last night, the Crusaders at the foot of the mountain began continuous bombardment, which caused panic among the citizens. They were unable to sleep due to the vibration and loud noise in the middle of the night.

(Most of the girls were resting on Fire Island, so they were not affected)

What to do if you have insomnia? Get up and watch TV, play on your mobile phone, and browse CM.

It just so happened that a late-night variety show in Olympus City, in conjunction with the official publicity, held an event to talk (chui) about (bi) the Blue Sword Mercenary Group, and thus successfully captured this wave of traffic, and also The reputation of Cang Qing Sword spread widely in the city.

To what extent does this variety show promote Cang Qing Sword? You can tell by the nicknames they gave everyone.

Nicknames, as a traditional repertoire of the people at the bottom of Cyrus, can be traced back to the mythical heroes of ancient Cyrus in the first century, such as the "filial son" Oedipus (who killed his father and married his mother), and the "loyal" Ea Song (this man abandoned his wife), "honest man" Odysseus (the proposer of the Trojan horse plan, known for his scheming) and so on.

In addition to satirizing mythological heroes, emperors of all dynasties also joined the list of nicknames.

For example, the short and ugly John II was nicknamed "The Beautiful Man"; another example is the defeated Leo VI, who was nicknamed "The Wise Man" and so on.

Because of this, Asker is completely insensitive to the nicknames of the people of Siris. In case these guys are like Hood, they give him nicknames such as "President" and "Producer" (sarcastic remarks about his group). There are beautiful girls here), so even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn’t be able to wash it off.

What the hell is this "Cang Qing Sword Master"?

"Probably to compliment you on your martial arts skills." Hood replied.

Ask expressed strong doubts about this. The nickname "Juggernaut" sounds like a mockery of people, okay? !

"Well, there must be some Heizi. After all, you were exaggerated on TV last night." Hood spread his hands helplessly, "However, it seems that there are many people who believe it, and it seems that they also use this nickname. Take it seriously."

So, the black man takes it as a satire, and the fans take it as an honor?

Ask was completely speechless about this. Even as a professional player, he had never encountered such a complicated fandom in his previous life, so he could only adopt the same attitude as before:

Just ignore it.

"Leave it to you." Asik patted Hood on the shoulder.

"Huh?" Hood looked confused.

Seeing Asike turning around to leave, the crowd blocking the stairs suddenly became anxious. Some young girls even forced their way to the front row and shouted at the stairs.

"Sign your name for me! Please, I've been waiting here since 5 o'clock!"

"Cangqing Sword Master! Cangqing Sword Master! Ahhh Cangqing Sword Master!!!"

"Is your group still recruiting people? I'm young and beautiful, and I like singing, dancing, and rap. Brother Aske, please consider it!"


What the hell are these... Asike was speechless and walked up without looking back, when he saw Eleanor opening the stairwell door in front of him.

"What's going on? It's noisy so early in the morning." Her blond hair was messy, her face was haggard and she seemed a little tired of getting up. She was holding a water glass in her left hand and a toothbrush in her mouth.

The crowd of onlookers below started to stir again:

"It's the Knight of the Dawn!"

"The real person is more brilliant than on TV!"

"Look, the Knight of the Dawn is brushing his teeth!"

“The toothpaste foam in your mouth looks great too!”

Eleanor:? ? ?

"Let's go back first." Seeing that the fans below were about to break through Hood's defense, Askew hurriedly pushed and pulled, pushing the confused Eleanor back.


A replay of yesterday's program was playing on the TV, and the girls of Cang Qing Sword stared at the screen in stunned silence.

"Eleanor, the Knight of the Morning." Nora reported Eleanor's new nickname seriously, "The brave and fearless Eleanor, the guardian of the righteous Eleanor."

"Stop talking." Eleanor raised her hand weakly, "It makes me so embarrassed. Don't you also have that nickname? Angel Light?"

"This nickname is not that unpleasant." Nora held her chin and said, "Blue Sword Master, Angel of Light..."

"What the hell is the God of War in the North!" Hildrifa complained excitedly, "How about a Valkyrie?"

"It's better than a rubbish nickname like 'Night Assassin'," Mia said, covering her face.

"I think the 'Night Assassin' is quite good." Mi'er said, "I am the 'Elf Gunner', and we can be partners."

"That's not the problem," Mia said. "The nickname Shadow Assassin is obviously not intentional. It's just a combination of the words 'shadow', 'dark night' and so on that are associated with 'assassin'."

"Look at the scheming girl's nickname, 'Rose Sorcerer'! The quality is completely different from our nickname! Why! Is it just because of her big breasts?"

"Do you have any objections to your sister's figure?" Medea smiled and touched her head. Mia opened her mouth to bite her in anger, but she quickly pulled her hand out of the way.

"Comrades, the question now is whether the nickname is good or not?" Ask stood up speechlessly, "The problem is that we have already been in the media!"

"It doesn't matter to me, but the identities of some people in our team are relatively sensitive, so it's not convenient for them to be exposed publicly, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Eleanor looked up to the sky with a guilty conscience, Nora silently looked down at the floor, and Medea helplessly held her forehead.

Silla breathed a sigh of relief, luckily I wore a mask from beginning to end.

"Ah, whose identity is inconvenient to be exposed?" Hidrifa asked, tilting her head before she could understand.

"Ask them yourself, I'll answer the phone." Aske said, picking up the vibrating mobile phone on the table.

"Hey, are any of you using a secret identity?" Hidrifa asked carelessly over there. Asik had already answered the phone. After saying a few words, his brows gradually furrowed.

"Sheila, Paige, you two come with me."

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