Blue Sword

Chapter 129 Artillery siege

The special siege training lasted for three days.

"That's it." Rasul put away his sword. "If we continue, this child's spirit will not be able to bear it."

"Then let's do this for now." Asik nodded, and Nora immediately stepped forward and held the bruised Paige in her arms for treatment.

"Let me tell you, why are the members of your team like monsters?" Rasul put the sheathed sword on his shoulder. "They are all determined and indomitable. They will not flinch no matter what the pain, and They are all beautiful girls..."

"It's not good for a woman to be too beautiful. Just like fine porcelain, people always worry that it will be broken accidentally. It's better to be stronger..." He stuck out his tongue and licked his upper lip. , "No more playing, I have to go."

"Thanks then." Ask nodded, "It's been hard work for these three days of advice."

"You're welcome. At first, I just wanted to see how long she could last, but I didn't expect that she could actually survive until now." Rasul waved his hand indifferently, "Anyway, let her rest well."

"After all, the time for peace is running out." He put his hands in his pockets and held the long sword crookedly in his left arm. "A more tragic war is coming soon. If she can't learn the sword skill as soon as possible, if……"

That swordsmanship? Ask stared at his back, what was this guy hinting at?

"Your people must work hard too. If they die in this war, then my training these days will be wasted." Rasul's figure disappeared around the corner.

"How is Peggy's situation?" Asik pondered for a moment, then turned around and asked Nora.

"Spiritual consumption is very strong. It's not a big problem. She may need to rest for a while." Nora replied, her voice seemed a little hesitant, "Asker, the war that person said..."

"Well, it's coming soon." Ask stood up, "You all should be ready."

Back at the military camp, all the girls had arrived, and even Hood, who had been in the workshop, was called out.

"Just received the notification." Asik hung up the phone and said solemnly to everyone, "The Latin Crusaders are here again."

"This was a real full-scale attack, about 20,000 people in total."

"The vanguard has arrived at the ruins of Olympia town, equipped with a large number of power armor, firearms, and..."


A loud sound like thunder exploded from outside, and the floor under everyone's feet seemed to tilt instantly, with some terrible aftershocks and shock waves.

Hood lost his balance and fell to the ground. Eleanor quickly pulled him up, quickly turned around and asked everyone:

"Is everyone okay?!"

Ask rushed to the window and opened the curtains.

He then saw black smoke curling up from below, as if a mortar shell had hit the Orin tree, causing a slight earthquake to occur throughout the city within the tree.

"Everyone, follow me." Asik said quickly, "Hood, you are a non-combatant. Immediately go to the training ground on this floor to take shelter. It is the closest position to the tree trunk and is not prone to frontal bombardment."

"Oh, okay!" Hood also knew that this was not the time to hesitate, so he quickly nodded and agreed.

Everyone in Cang Qing Sword hurried to the emergency elevator and quickly reached the top floor.

At the top of the Orin tree, in the center is a large arena on top of the trunk, surrounded by huge branches extending in all directions.

Since they can be easily projected downwards, all branch areas are important areas for military control. They are now occupied by the Mage Federation and Olin City guard troops, constantly projecting firepower downwards.

"The matter is serious." Seeing the arrival of the Blue Sword, Rudasius and Quintus, who had been waiting nearby, quickly came over and said.

"As you can see, Lord Asker. The Crusaders have imported a large number of 150mm mortars from the Holy Solomon Empire at some point."

"Although this mortar has poor shooting accuracy, the Olympus Tree itself is too large, so it is actually not difficult to hit."

"Considering that the Olympus Tree itself houses the city, every hit on the trunk is tantamount to setting off an earthquake within the city."

"If this kind of earthquake occurs a few more times, the city of Olympia will turn into ruins."

Quintus explained the seriousness of the current situation clearly in a few words, and then said seriously:

"Our mages have set up defenses in the branch area, and most of the force is maintaining a scaly array, trying to intercept the opponent's mortar fire."

(Scale array, that is, countless small defensive arrays are spliced ​​together to form a huge scale-like shield, which is generally used to protect large castles)

"And a small number of arcane mages are responsible for targeting the opponent's artillery for bombing attacks."

"However, the opponent's command strategy was very cunning. There were almost no organized artillery positions. All the artillery was scattered in all directions under the mountain."

Asker nodded to express his understanding and said, "That is to say, melee personnel need to go out of the city to destroy these artillery, right?"

"Yes, otherwise the Olympus Tree would not be able to withstand such a long-term bombing, because the consumption costs of both sides are simply not proportional." Rudasius added, "For them, it is just a steady stream of replenishable shells. Yes. For the mages of Olin City, this is a real spiritual loss."

"So we must try to remove as many artillery units as possible before the balance of war overturns. Of course, the Latin Crusaders will definitely arrange knight troops to intercept us who are out of the city."

"There won't be too many people in the intercepting force." Quintus added, "Because our arcane mages will shoot at fixed points to kill a large number of troops, so they will definitely have no choice but to spread their forces equally and use sharp knives against sharp knives."

"Even so, it is still very dangerous." Rudasius said seriously. "Considering that the opponent's troops are far more powerful than ours, even if we fight separately, it will be a bloody battle for us."

"But there is still a possibility of victory." Quintus said calmly. "According to the Lancaster battle equation, the personnel losses of both sides only depend on the troops invested in the frontal battle. No matter how many troops are not invested in the frontal battle, it will be nothing more. It’s just a number.”

"Oh, Lord Quintus, war cannot be calculated using mathematics." Rudasius shook his head and turned his eyes to Asker, "How is it?"

"Your Excellency Ask, are you ready to fight a war that is bound to suffer heavy casualties?"

"Of course, do we have any other choice?" Ask said with a smile.

"I knew you would say that." Rudasius smiled and patted his shoulder, throwing him a pair of glasses. "Well, this is a thing made by the Mages Union. It's called tactical glasses."

"Simply put, this is a small communicator with an electronic map attached." Quintus said, "We have a dedicated radar mage who is responsible for monitoring the artillery distribution under the mountain and modeling it into light points through the command system. , scattered in the electronic map displayed on the screen of the glasses."

"Every time you eliminate a light point representing the enemy, Olympia City will record points for you as battle merit. After the war, potions, formulas, and spiritual materials including second-level ones will be added to the battle merit exchange list as a reward for you. Reward for defending the city."

"Of course, the premise is that the war can be won." Quintus said solemnly, "If it fails, the city of Olympia itself will not be able to protect itself, and all the wealth prepared for you will naturally only be used to benefit the Crusaders."

"For the city of Olympia, for the people in the city, and for the honor, commitment, and our vital interests." He slowly turned around and looked at the gunfire-laden position below, and his voice gradually became lower.

"I can only ask you for help."

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