Blue Sword

Chapter 121 Gravity Trap

"This stairwell is too narrow." The leading knight led his companions and charged up the stairs. Due to the huge size of the power armor, the knights could only pass forward and backward one by one.

"I have a bad feeling."

"You can't take the elevator." said the companion behind him.

Not to mention whether there is electricity or not, the load limit of the elevator itself cannot bear the weight of multiple powered armors, and it is impossible for the knights to let the elevator slowly send people up one by one.

Rushing to the corner of the fifth floor, the knights saw a girl wearing a mask sitting on the handrail of the stairs above.

She was small and looked underage, with long, straight black hair hanging down her shoulders. Wearing an ordinary mage robe, his left leg was bent up and stepped on the armrest, and his right leg was hanging down boredly.

"Huh?" Her masked face looked over.

"Get away!" The leading knight drew his broadsword.

"There are no heretics up there." The girl's voice was clear and sweet, but her tone seemed to be sneering.

The knights were stunned on the spot. The solemn oath they swore to defend their faith when they first joined the Crusaders seemed to flash through their minds.

However, the remaining passion and sense of justice were quickly swallowed up by the cold reality and faint guilt.

"We are only loyal to our monarch." The leading knight pointed the broad sword at the girl, "God is above, may He witness our loyalty and honor."

"Then if God lets your king go to hell, will you go with him?" the girl said coldly.

In the power helmet, the knight's expression changed, and then he immediately chose to thrust forward with his sword.

Even if you really have to go to hell one day in the future, you must at least drag this woman to be buried with you first!

Before the sword reached her body, Sheila sat still, and a low sneer came from under the mask.


Her hands on her knees quickly turned over.


The knight's sword continued to move forward, but his figure sank strangely downwards.

wrong! The ground is sinking!

The stairs beneath your feet are collapsing!

The stairs, which were already overwhelmed, could not support the suddenly doubled weight of several power armor knights, and fell apart in an instant.

The bodies of the knights wrapped in steel frames smashed through the stairs on the fifth, fourth, third, second and first floors, and fell heavily to the ground.

The violent shock wave sent along the armor immediately made the knights spit out blood.

Silla waved her hand and suspended a large pile of stones that had been prepared from the corner of the stairs next to her.

These stones were suspended in the air and gathered into a pile, and the air pressure nearby began to decrease rapidly, so that the outside air rushed in crazily, pressing every stone tightly.

Then she suddenly erased the air pressure beneath the pile of rocks and doubled their gravity.

Under the influence of the atmospheric pressure above and the increased gravity, this "cannonball" made up of numerous stones passed through the holes in the stairs almost instantly and hit the knights' power armor.

The violent physical collision shattered the air pressure technique. The next second, the tightly compressed air between the stones suddenly expanded, pushing all the stones violently in all directions.

All the powered armors were pockmarked in an instant, as if they had been hit head-on by a super-powerful shotgun.

"Aren't you dead yet?" Looking at the knights below who could no longer get up but were still moving slightly, Sheila was a little stunned. "Is the power armor really that hard? Or is their body more resistant to beating?"

She sighed, attracting another large pile of stones - twice as many as before.

"Team One! Please reply when you receive it, Team One!"

In the distant street, the knight shouted in vain through the helmet communicator, but only an unknown noise like crackling firecrackers came from the other side.

After a while, the communication was forcibly cut off and could not be connected.

"One team is silent." The knight quickly replied.

"Go! Retreat!" Alfred was silent for a moment and could only reluctantly give the order.

Under the sniper's continuous shooting suppression, the knights quickly stood up and protected the unsuspecting knight's retinue and two commanders in the center, not giving the snipers on the opposite side any chance.

Only snipers can deal with snipers. At this time, Alfred was deeply aware of this famous saying.

However, Joel thought of another weapon: mortars.

If the long-distance sniper cannot be dealt with accurately, then it may be cheaper and more direct to deal with the entire bunker where the sniper is located.

It is said that today's Holy Solomon Empire, after Emperor Otto developed the military industry at all costs, has been able to manufacture mortars.

Instead of just building a shell and skeleton like a power armor, the internal control chips have to be smuggled in through Venetian channels, but the entire production chain and supply chain from raw material casting to finalization have been connected, and the company has full independent production capabilities. Cannon fire.

After you return, you must make suggestions to His Majesty the King to import a batch of mortars from Shinra to deal with the mages and snipers in Olympia.

Otherwise, even a power armored knight wouldn't be able to survive such a long-distance beating.

"They are retreating, are they going to chase them?" Mia in the shadow asked on the radio channel as she stared at the hurriedly escaping knight team.

"There's no need for us to take action," Aske said.

"Who is it?" Mia asked curiously.

"I saw it." Mi'er on the roof stared at the sniper rifle, looking out of the town through the eyepiece.

"The Spartans are coming," she whispered into the communicator.


The army led by the Spartans and composed of a large number of mercenaries arrived neither too early nor too late.

As soon as the team was finished and exited the tunnel, they were stunned by a violent explosion in the town below.

After observing for a few minutes and finding that there was no movement, they cautiously moved down the mountain road.

As a result, as soon as they approached the town, they saw Alfred and others, leading twenty or so knights, hastily withdrawing from the center of the town and fleeing to another Crusader stronghold not far to the northeast.

The Spartans tried to intercept these people, and a large number of Crusaders rushed out from the stronghold to try to respond.

So a chaotic battle broke out near the outskirts of the city.

To be fair, what Askew hates most is chaos.

Once the number of people reaches hundreds or thousands, even professional players have no guarantee of surviving.

Probably because the most important advantage that professional players have over ordinary players is their ability to read the battlefield.

However, once the battlefield becomes complex to a certain extent, even professional players cannot grasp the overall situation.

In an extremely chaotic battlefield, maybe a cold arrow or a stray bullet shot from the dead corner or blind spot of the field of vision can kill you.

The most typical one is the "Injustice Expedition" in the third version and expansion pack. The Shinra Empire fights against the Holy See Alliance. The scene is grand and chaotic. Wars are fought every day. Every time a battle is fought, a lot of players will die, including corpses. Pile into a hill.

Asker doesn't want the team to lose members for such inexplicable reasons before the plot develops to the "Injustice Crusade" point.

Of course, even if everyone from Cang Qing Sword didn't join the battle, the Spartans wouldn't be able to lose for a while.

I'm in a bad mood today because of work matters. It's very difficult for me to add another chapter to save my character.jpg.

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