Blue Sword

Chapter 112 saber turret

"Do you know what Shunpo is?" Rasul asked calmly, holding his hands behind his back.

"It's a footwork that can explode to ultra-high speed in an instant." Mia replied.

"Wrong!" Rasul pointed at her and shouted, "Shunpo is not a footwork in itself, but a way of exerting force on the leg muscles."

"The extraordinary power you have absorbed or plundered, after being converted into physical power, can significantly enhance your physical fitness, but do you know how to use it effectively?"

"The original running method of human beings is based on normal human physical fitness and evolved after hundreds of millions of years of evolution, taking into account the balance between labor saving and efficiency."

"However, when your physical fitness has been unusually enhanced, the original running method is no longer suitable. What you need is a method that can increase your speed in a short period of time."

"So, how can we do it?" Mia asked.

"Shut up! Didn't Asik teach you not to interrupt others when they are speaking?" Rasul scolded her.

Mia curled her lips and said nothing.

"First of all, you need to change your running posture!" Rasul took out a long sword from somewhere and hit her body with the scabbard. "Lean your upper body forward! Lean your lower body forward! Land on the balls of your front feet! Give me your back heels. lift it up!"

"Lean forward and I will fall!" Mia was furious.

"The way to avoid falling is to run! Keep running forward!" Rasul pushed her to run, hitting her with the scabbard from time to time, "Quick! Faster! Lean forward a little more!"

Mia, who was running, tried to lean forward again, but she almost fell over and quickly picked up speed.

On the other side, Asik carried a long sword and rushed again to kill a dozen targets, then turned back to see Mia's progress.

I saw Mia running wildly around a certain hill, while Rasul at the top of the hill held a stopwatch in his hand and kept shouting:

"Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up! You have to rush 10 meters per second, if you go any slower you will die!"

"The training went well." Ask jumped up the hill.

"I found that this dreamland is simply a holy land for training." Rasul said, staring down. "If in reality, my newcomers were running as fast as she is, they would have fallen down due to muscle strain."

"The so-called fatigue in the dream is actually just a mental illusion and will not cause any damage to her body. And the long-term repeated practice here can not only exercise her will to resist stress, but also allow her to deeply memorize muscle strength. The method of exerting force is just like that V..."

"VR." Ask said.

"Yes, VR." Rasul said, "I have wanted to get a set of VR equipment for a long time, but it is a pity that this high-tech gadget is only available at the Holy See headquarters."

"Let's find a way to invite a friend from the Dream School." He sighed.


Olin City military camp, training ground.

In Sword of Blue, the few melee DPS who initially fought against the Spartans were almost all dragged to work as snipers in the competitive dreamland.

The remaining girls finished purchasing the spiritual materials, and as soon as they returned to the military camp, they heard that the newly recruited boy Hood had created a new equipment.

"Dang, Dang, Dang!" Hood pushed out a cubic iron box with a side length of about 1 meter, and opened the iron box like a magician lifting a curtain.

"Saber Knight King automatic shooting turret!" he introduced eagerly.

Inside the iron box was a strange machine gun.

"What's the use of this?" Sheila asked.

"It is equipped with a fully automated pattern recognition program and a minigun. When turned on, it can automatically detect and shoot enemies, isn't it good?" Hood said.

"Why is there a bunch of raised hair stuck to the top of the machine gun?" Mi'er asked.

"That's Du Mao." Hood said seriously, "Dai Mao has the combat power of the King of Knights... Hey! Don't, don't, don't!"

Before he could scream, Medea had already pulled out the sticky wig.

"Oh, it seems to be Eleanor's hair." She sneered.

"I collected it from the edge of her pillow with great difficulty..." Hood said dejectedly.

"There's no point in gluing hair on," Sheila urged, dumbfounded, "Quickly demonstrate."

"Got it." Hood adjusted the machine gun for a while, then pressed the switch.

The machine gun turned around with a rattling click, aiming at several targets in the distant shooting range and shooting, quickly smashing all the targets.

"The steering is too slow," Mi'er commented. "At this turning speed, the enemy can charge directly in front of the machine gun in an arc to destroy it. In addition, the muzzle can only move parallel and not rotate vertically?"

"What is an arc charge?" Hood was a little confused. "This turning speed is not fast enough? Is there anyone who can avoid its trajectory just by running?"

"As far as I know, Ask and Paige can definitely do it." Mi'er said thoughtfully, "Maybe Mia can do it too."

"This is a bit heavy." Nora tried to lift the turret.

"Of course, it is made of steel after all, and nearly 40% of the weight comes from the ammunition compartment." Hood said.

"Isn't it so heavy to carry?" Nora asked.

"It can be installed on the roof of the car." Hood said, "Don't you have a car?"

"Let me tell you my understanding." Sheila said, "The function of this machine gun turret should be to supplement the output of the weaker side when the team is divided."

"If it is just installed on the car, it means that the team can only stay near the car, which is too restrictive."

"Change the physical ammunition into energy ammunition." Nora made a suggestion, "It can reduce the weight."

"The main material of the frame can be replaced by military aluminum alloy, and the locations that bear the shear force can be replaced with fine gold parts."

"Where do we have to go to get these materials?" Hood said with a smile. Military aluminum alloy? Fine gold? Is that material accessible to ordinary people?

"No, we have them in the team warehouse." Nora replied. There were still a few boxes of raw materials that were delivered from the arena last time.


"After losing weight, can I take it with me everywhere?" Mi'er asked.

"I'm afraid not," Nora said.

"Then I don't need it." Mi'er said.

"Install a jet suspension engine." Nora thought for a moment, "Then there will be no weight problem."

Hood was speechless.

This is just an ordinary self-firing turret! Why do you seem to want to modify it to look like a bumblebee?

"Don't you think this name is ugly?" Medea shook her head and asked, "Saber? King of Knights? What does it mean?"

"Change the name." Sheila said, "How about Saber Turret?"

"Not bad." Nora said.

Okay, now even the name has been changed.

Hood began to curse like crazy, saying, can you women please stop making random comments and making changes?

Do you know mechanical dynamics? Do you know the law of energy dispersion? You just make random demands when you don’t understand anything. When the time comes, I will make a piece of equipment that looks very different, and you will find it ugly again!

Don’t change it! If you want to change it, you should change it yourself!

"Then that's it." Nora smiled, "Hood, the turret you made is quite useful. If it can be optimized as you just said, it will be even more perfect."

Hood stared blankly at her smiling face, and the word "angel" suddenly came to his mind.

"Okay! I will definitely change it!" He nodded hurriedly and said.

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